
  • 网络Selenium rich food;se-enriched foodstuff
  1. 综述了元素硒对人体的生理功能、硒缺乏症与硒中毒、硒的推荐摄入量及富硒食品的开发现状,并指出了膳食硒的研究方向。

    A review of biological functions of selenium , Se-deficient disease and Se poisoning , recommended nutrient intake of selenium in every day , exploitation of Se-enriched foodstuff and the trend in the field of the selenium research is presented in this paper .

  2. 硒与人体健康及富硒食品的开发建议

    Selenium and Human Health and Proposal on the Se-enriched Foods Development

  3. 硒的营养功能与富硒食品开发

    The nutrition function of selenium and the development of foods rich in selenium

  4. 富硒食品技术国内外研究动态膳食硒资源及其开发研究

    A study on food selenium resources and its development

  5. 恩施富硒食品开发策略分析

    The Analysis about the Developing Tactics of the Food with Enough Se in Brand Enshi

  6. 富硒食品对老年人血硒水平的影响

    Effect of food enriched-selenium ( Se ) on Blood Se level for the elderly people

  7. 从产值、利润的不断提高等方面评价富硒食品生产的经济效益;

    From the aspects of the ceaseless improving of value and profit , the paper estimates the financial benefit of the selenium food ;

  8. 建立了断续流动氢化物发生原子荧光法测定富硒食品中微量硒的方法。

    A method was developed for the determination of trace selenium in selenium enriched foods by intermittent flow hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry .

  9. 介绍了硒与人体健康、富硒食品中硒的检测方法和微生物富硒等方面的研究进展。

    This article introduces research advance of the selenium and human health , determinating methods of selenium at food and concentrating selenium of microbe , etc.

  10. 目的对比食用富硒食品前后老年人血硒水平的变化,为老年人硒膳食营养提供参考。

    Objective Compared the change of blood Se level in the elderly people before and after taking food enriched-selenium , and provided references of meal nutrition for the elderly people .

  11. 从提高人体免疫功能、抗癌抗衰老、调整产业结构等方面评价富硒食品生产的社会效益;

    From the aspects of improving the immune system , anticancer ability and adjusting the structure of industries etc , this paper gives the comment over the benefit of selenium food ;

  12. 本文论述了硒的生物化学功能,硒与疾病的关系,以及硒的安全摄入量范围,并提出了开发富硒食品的重要性与途径。

    This paper expounds the biochemical function of selenium , the relation between Selenium and disease and the range of safe intake amount of Selenium . This paper also proposes the importance and ways of developing foods rich in Selenium .

  13. 强调种植业发展富硒食品、林特业发展绿色保健品、畜牧业发展白山羊的调整重点,从而全面优化安康农业产业结构。

    Emphasize the focal adjustment in which to developing rich selenium food in planting , getting green healthy products in forest , developing white goat in husbandry , thus optimize the structure of AnKang agricultural industry in an all-round way .

  14. 基于GEM模型的恩施富硒绿色食品产业集群竞争力研究

    The Competitiveness of Enshi Rich-Se Green Food Industrial Cluster Based on GEM Model

  15. 硒元素对生理机能的调节作用及富硒功能性食品的开发

    The effect of selenium on physiological function and the development of Se-enriched healthy food