
  1. 再走两个街去你就可以躺下了。

    Just a couple more blocks and you get to lie down .

  2. 鲍威尔太太每隔两天上街一次。鲍威尔12日与沙龙举行了会谈。

    Miss Powel went to town every third day . Powell held a meeting with Sharon on the 12th .

  3. 3月30日:两名华尔街分析师警告客户说,今夏不会有新iPhone问世;苹果股票将遭受重创。

    • March 30 : Two Wall Street analysts warn clients that summer may come and go without a new iPhone ; Apple shares takes a hit .

  4. 两条“街”是交接的,街道一向如此。

    The two streets meet . That is what streets do .

  5. 然而,真实发生的两起华尔街跳楼事件,确实具有戏剧性以维持谣言。

    The two Wall Street leaps that did take place , however , were dramatic enough to sustain the myth .

  6. 在试图向麦当劳员工索要剪刀失败后,两人从街对面的一元店买来剪刀。

    When attempts to procure a pair of scissors from McDonald 's staff members were unsuccessful , the pair purchased some from the dollar store across the street .

  7. 根据上述的两大类街旁绿地,提出了以下解决对策:⑴入口与边界的设计⑵景观植物配置⑶公共设施⑷空间结构处理。

    Roadside green spaces design is based on the two categories , proposing following countermeasures : ( 1 ) the design of the entrance and boundary ( 2 ) landscape plant configuration ( 3 ) public facilities ( 4 ) The the processing of spatial structure .

  8. 两个男孩在街上来来回回地投接棒球。

    Two boys were in the street , tossing a baseball back and forth .

  9. 有两个男人在街上打架。

    Two man are fighting with each other in the street .

  10. n.群众;大群有两个妇人在街上争吵,被一大群人围住。

    horde Two women were quarrelling on the street , surrounded by a horde of people .

  11. 街角两条路或街相连场地的地方。

    The place where two roads or streets join or intersect .

  12. 这两家住在两条相邻的街上。

    Next to ; adjoining The two families live on adjacent streets .

  13. 两个邻居在街上闲聊。

    Two neighbours having a gossip in the street .

  14. 两个朋友在街上见面后说了下面这段话。

    Two friends meet in the street when the following conversation takes place .

  15. 我发现我和大人物两个人单独在街上漫步。

    I found myself alone on the street with Mr.

  16. 有两个妇人在街上争吵,被一大群人围住了。

    Two women were quarrelling on the street , surrounded by a horde of people .

  17. 这是自两周前华尔街陷入混乱后,来自欧洲高层官员最直率的言论。

    His were the most outspoken comments by a senior European government figure since Wall Street fell into chaos two weeks ago .

  18. 一个著名的老笑话对有效市场假说进行了亲切地嘲讽:两位经济学家在街上走,看到地上有张100美元的钞票。

    The hypothesis is affectionately lampooned by a famous old joke about two economists who pass a $ 100 bill on the street .

  19. 后者走过他们的车子;这夫妇两个借着街上的灯光把他的脸色看得清清楚楚。

    The latter came walking past their cab ; both husband and wife had an admirable view of his face in the light of a street lamp .

  20. 因为从昨晚开始,这两排麻厂街的房屋已变成两堵墙,两堵不让人接近的墙,门窗紧闭,百叶窗也关着。

    For , since the preceding evening , the two rows of houses in the Rue de la Chanvrerie had become two walls ; ferocious walls , doors closed , windows closed , shutters closed .