
  1. 这卧室布置得很雅致。

    The bedroom was tastefully furnished .

  2. 尽量把卧室布置得适宜睡眠。

    Make your bedroom as conducive to sleep as possible

  3. 卧室布置得很雅致,充满女人味。

    The bedroom has a light , feminine look .

  4. 史密斯家把他们的一间卧室布置成书房。

    The Smiths fitted up one of their bedrooms as a study .

  5. 此外,她把卧室布置得和原始岩洞没两样,拿走了所有钟表(她说,由两个小儿子来充当她的闹钟),还装上了遮光窗板。

    Next , she turned her bedroom into the equivalent of a Lascaux cave , removing all clocks ( her two young sons serve as her morning alarm , she said ) and installing blackout window inserts .

  6. 他们卧室的布置给人一种豪华的印象。

    Their bedroom has an air of luxury .

  7. 卧室的平面布置是以床为中心的。

    The layout of the bedroom is the bed as the center .