
wò jù
  • bedding
卧具 [wò jù]
  • [bedding] 睡觉时用的被褥、枕头等

卧具[wò jù]
  1. 中国传统卧具造型特点的现代审美意义

    Modern Aesthetic Significance of Chinese Traditional Bedding Furniture in Designing Characteristics

  2. 卧具、淋浴费、洗衣费、网络使用费由留学生自费购买。

    Bedding , shower fees , laundry fees and internet fees will be paid by the students .

  3. 旅店业卧具污染及清洗消毒效果调查

    Survey of contamination and efficacy of washing and disinfection of bedding in hotels

  4. 客车卧具消毒工艺及装置的研究

    Research of Process and Equipment for Disinfection of Beddings Used in Passenger Trains

  5. 进沪旅客列车卧具更换监督结果分析

    Analysis of the Supervision Results of Bedding-change in the Sleeping Berths of Trains to Shanghai

  6. 只有狗狗的衣服和卧具做到同样干净才能保证狗狗皮肤的清洁。

    Keeping you pups skin clean only works if your pups bedding and clothes are just as clean .

  7. 枕头有着悠久的历史,它出现以后成为人们日常生活的卧具之一。

    Pillows have a long history . After have appeared , it has become one of beddings for daily life .

  8. 疥疮是由疥虫引起的,通过人与人相传染,也可借卧具相互传播。

    Fishskin disease Scabies is caused by a mite and transmitted from person to person . It can be transmitted by sharing linens .

  9. 艾滋病也不会经马桶圈、电话机、餐饮具、卧具、游泳池或公共浴池等公共设施传播。

    AIDS will not ring through the toilet , telephone , tableware , bedding , swimming pools or public baths , and other public facilities spread .

  10. 笔者通过对床这个概念在古代所表示的不同事物比较及对全诗意境的分析,认定床当为卧具。

    The writer thinks that bed is something for sleeping by comparing its different definitions in ancient times and analyzing the meaning and situation of the whole poem .

  11. 在当今卧具的发展中,睡床已不仅仅满足睡眠这一基本需求,它更向着人性化和多功能化的方向发展。

    In the current development of bedding , bed can not only meet the basic needs of sleep , but also develop towards the humanized and multi-function direction more .

  12. 本文主要从道教睡眠术中的呼吸控制、睡功,睡眠中的环境、卧具、姿势,心理调节,以及道士对睡眠的认识等方面对道教睡眠术作了初步探讨。

    This thesis mainly from the breath control , sleep technique , and the sleep environment , the apparatus , the posture , the psychological adjustment , as well as the theories studied by Taoists and so on carries on the research .

  13. 论文通过讲述中国传统坐卧具的发展历程,传统卧具的装饰技法、装饰纹样文化以及造型美学等将古代、现代的卧具联系起来让人们对我国的卧具文化了解认知。

    Through describing the development of traditional Chinese history , the decorative techniques as well as the decorative patterns culture and the design aesthetic of traditional bedding furniture , combine ancient bedding with modern bedding in order to make people understand Chinese bedding furniture culture .

  14. 研究中国传统卧具的课题更是为人们耳熟能详的了,但是以中国传统卧具的发展历程,以及现代卧具与传统卧具相互融合创新的研究,应该是并不多见的。

    People are familiar with the subject of study on Chinese traditional bedding furniture , but they may be strange to subject of the development process of Chinese traditional bedding furniture as well as of the innovational research on integration of modern bedding and traditional bedding furniture .

  15. 当我坐在路边,疲乏喘息,当我在尘土中铺设卧具,让我永远记着前面还有悠悠的长路--让我念念不忘,让我在醒时梦中都怀带着悲哀的苦痛。

    When I sit by the roadside , tired and panting , when I spread my bed low in the dust , let me ever feel that the long journey is still before me --- let me not forget a moment , let me carry the pangs of this sorrow in my dreams and in my wakeful hours .