
cháng tǒng xuē
  • kneeboot;hip boot;boot;jackboot;Russian boot
长统靴 [cháng tǒng xuē]
  • [Russian boot] 脚和腿的覆盖物,通常用皮革或橡胶制成,高度从脚踝到臀部不等

长统靴[cháng tǒng xuē]
  1. 橡胶做的一种长统靴。

    A high boot made of rubber .

  2. 但约翰脱下长统靴跳入河流。

    But John took off his boots and dived into the river .

  3. 修制造或修理(长统靴或鞋)

    To make or mend ( boots or shoes ) .

  4. 伊丽莎白和太后喜欢骑马、打猎和穿长统靴;

    Elizabeth and the queen mum loved horses , hunting and Wellington boots ;

  5. 牛仔裤、长统靴和毛线衣。

    Jeans , boots and a sweater .

  6. 我的长统靴上粘满了泥巴。

    My boots are plastered with mud .

  7. 我是说,有个女孩穿毛皮迷你裙和高跟长统靴来上班。

    I mean , one girl showed up wearing a fur miniskirt and high-heeled boots .

  8. 她穿着紧的长统靴感到不舒适。

    She feels uncomfortable in tight boots .

  9. 他把长统靴擦亮了。

    He blacked his riding boots .

  10. 有一群人特别叫我注意,她们穿着醒目的红衬衫以及沉重的长统靴。

    One group especially caught my eye . They wore bright red shirts and heavy boots .

  11. 他踮起长统靴的脚尖朝着马吕斯拐弯的那个墙角走去。

    And he advanced on the tips of his boots towards the corner which Marius had turned .

  12. 牛仔裤、长统靴和毛线衣。于是轮流抬起脚来,用靴子的贴边灵巧地往袜筒上蹭。

    Jeans , boots and a sweater . Rubbing smartly in turn each welt against her stocking calf .

  13. 他的鞋子、拖鞋和长统靴都太大,但光着脚在甲板上走她倒不在乎。

    His shoes , sandals and sea-boots were hopelessly big but she did not mind going barefoot on board ship .

  14. 大红和金色的绶带前后摆动,亮闪闪的军刀碰撞着雪亮的长统靴,马刺丁丁当当地响着。

    Scarlet and gold sashes swung to and fro , sabers glittered and banged against shining boots , spurs rattled and jingled .

  15. 穿着棕色长统靴、白色紧身裤和蓝色上衣的马车夫,巴结地等候着在店里买东西的女主人。

    Coachmen in tan boots , white tights , and blue jackets waited obsequiously for the mistresses of carriages who were shopping inside .

  16. 在“愤怒的新娘”这个游戏中,玩家以拥有多个手臂的印度教女神手上拿着的细高跟鞋和长统靴等物品为武器追打几位新郎。

    The player assumes the role of a Hindu goddess whose many arms can throw projectiles like stiletto-heeled shoes and construction boots at potential husbands .

  17. 达拉:嗯,气氛是挺宽松的。我是说,有个女孩穿毛皮迷你裙和高跟长统靴来上班。

    Darla : Well , the atmosphere is pretty lax . 1 I mean , one girl showed up wearing a fur miniskirt and high-heeled boots .

  18. 目的:足癣呈世界性分布,一些需长时间穿不透气胶鞋和长统靴的职业中,患病率高达80%以上。

    Objective : The distribution of tinea pedis is worldwide . In professions on hermetic rubber shoes , the prevalence of tinea pedis arrives higher than 80 % .

  19. 大尺寸(宽松)高领毛衣:如果你的毛衣是大尺寸的,而且能当作长袍穿,那为什么不穿出60年代的味儿,配上一双紧身的长统靴呢?

    The Oversized Turtleneck sweater : If the piece you own is oversized and could be worn as a tunic , why not do it the 60 's way and wear a pair of tight over the knee boots with it ?

  20. 一双阿拉伯式的鹿皮长统靴和一顶拖着五色丝带的帽子。一种男式的毡帽(通常为红色);形状像一个平顶的圆锥体,帽顶上垂着一条丝带。

    Garters of deerskin , worked with a thousand arabesques , and a hat whereon hung ribbons of all colors ; a felt cap ( usually red ) for a man ; shaped like a flat-topped cone with a tassel that hangs from the crown .