
  • 网络wheelchair ramp;ramp for wheelchair
  1. 希腊人是出了名的不守规矩的司机。常把汽车停在人行道、轮椅坡道、甚至医院入口处。

    Greeks are notoriously unruly drivers leaving their cars on sidewalks , wheelchair ramps and even hospital entrances .

  2. 应该给轮椅使用者提供坡道。

    Ramps should be provided for wheelchair users .

  3. 六十年代的时候,没有像现在这样的残疾人停车场或者是可以让轮椅通过的坡道,因此,即使是去杂货店也是件非常麻烦的事。

    Back in the sixties , there was no handicapped parking or wheelchair-accessible ramps like there are now , so even a trip to the grocery store was a difficult task .