
  • 网络iranian hostage crisis;Iran hostage crisis
  1. 今天是伊朗人质危机30周年纪念日。

    All right , today marks the30th anniversary of the Iranian hostage crisis .

  2. 当时正值伊朗人质危机期间,而这家餐馆的老板刚好是伊朗人。

    The restaurant was owned by Iranian immigrants during the Iranian hostage crisis .

  3. 在1979年伊朗人质危机事件中,东尼·曼德兹带领着6名美国外交官逃离伊朗德黑兰。

    Mendez led the rescue of six U.S. diplomats from Tehran , Iran , during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis .

  4. 当年美国由于越南战争的失败以及伊朗人质危机而蒙羞,里根重塑了这个国家的信心。基辛格认为这是他的一项伟大成就。

    At a time when the country felt humiliated by the collapse in Vietnam and the taking of American hostages in Iran , Reagan restored the nation 's confidence and Kissinger regards this as his great achievement .

  5. 星期天晚上,描述伊朗美国人质危机的影片《逃离德黑兰》(Argo)在洛杉矶击败被广泛看好的《林肯》(Lincoln),获得最佳影片奖。

    Argo , the film about the Iranian hostage crisis , won the top prize at the Academy Awards Sunday in Los Angeles , beating Lincoln , which was widely expected to win .