
hēi sè xīnɡ qī wǔ
  • Black Friday
  1. 后一天被称为黑色星期五。

    The day after it has been known as Black Friday .

  2. 那么“黑色星期五”这个名字从何而来呢?

    So where does the name " Black Friday " come from ?

  3. 尽管在感恩节、黑色星期五和网络星期一,线上销售都达到历史峰值,门店销售却直线下滑。

    While   Thanksgiving ,   Black   Friday   and   Cyber   Monday all   saw   record   spending   online ,   in-store   sales   plunged   over   the   holiday   weekend .

  4. 黑色星期五是购物的好时机。

    Black Friday is a great time to go shopping .

  5. 但是大多数黑色星期五的活动是安全和有趣的。

    But most Black Friday events are safe and fun .

  6. 大多数商店在黑色星期五大减价。

    Most stores offer big sales on Black Friday .

  7. 现在全国人民都参加黑色星期五活动。

    Now people all over the country take part in Black Friday events .

  8. 有些黑色星期五的活动特别疯狂。

    Some Black Friday events have been crazy .

  9. 20世纪60年代,商店开始将这一天命名为"黑色星期五"。

    In the 1960s , stores tried to rename the day " Big Friday " .

  10. 警察将这一天称作黑色星期五,因为它会导致交通拥挤。

    The police called this day Black Friday because of the heavy traffic it caused .

  11. 它没有起作用。"黑色星期五"这个名字继续在全国传播。

    It did not stick.The name " Black Friday " continued to spread across the country .

  12. 自2012年以来,英国、澳大利亚和巴西的商店都举办了黑色星期五活动。

    Stores have held Black Friday events in the UK , Australia , and Brazil since 2012 .

  13. 每年有将近一亿三千五百万人在黑色星期五这天购物。

    Nearly 135 million people shop on Black Friday each year .

  14. 在美国,黑色星期五基本上本身就是一个节日了。

    In America , it 's basically its own holiday .

  15. 黑色星期五演变成今天这样子,因为我们不停买单。

    Black Friday became what it is today because we keep buying into it .

  16. 黑色星期五中的“黑色”指的是店家由亏转盈。

    The " black " in Black Friday refers to stores moving from a loss to a profit .

  17. “黑色星期五”的大促销会诱使消费者松开一直捂得紧紧的钱袋。

    A strong Black Friday would induce consumers to relax the spending restraint they have exercised for a long time .

  18. 感恩节后的星期五在1960年代被取名为“黑色星期五”来展开节日购物季。

    The Friday after Thanksgiving was coined " Black Friday " in the 1960s to kick off the holiday shopping season .

  19. “恐慌星期六”或“超级星期六”是圣诞节前最后一个周六,也是美国零售商大笔捞金的日子。这一天标志着,零售商和许多消费者心目中始于黑色星期五的购物季接近尾声。

    Panic Saturday or Super Saturday is the last Saturday before Christmas , a major day of revenue1 for American retailers2 , marking the end of the shopping season they and many customers believe begins on Black Friday .

  20. 比如Decide就发现,零售商们经常将知名品牌产品或质量较低的产品拿出来在黑色星期五那天大幅打折出售。

    Decide , for example , found retailers often pick popular brands or lower-quality items for deep discounts on Black Friday .

  21. 本周,在感恩节之后的“黑色星期五”(blackfriday)节日促销活动中,沃尔玛将首次出售价格低于130美元的蓝光播放器。

    Wal-Mart will sell the first sub - $ 130 Blu-ray player in " Black Friday " holiday sales this week after the Thanksgiving holiday .

  22. 在美国,微软称,在感恩节之后的第一天&黑色星期五(BlackFriday),销售同比增长25%,为历史上的最好表现。

    In the US it announced its best Black Friday , the day after Thanksgiving , with sales up 25 per cent on the year .

  23. MarinSoftwareInc.说,其广告客户在今年黑色星期五的广告支出较去年增加了一倍以上。

    Marin Software Inc. says that its advertising clients more than doubled spending on Black Friday product ads , compared with last year .

  24. 发达国家也会发生人们挤压致死的悲剧(包括2008年一名极其不幸的沃尔玛(Walmart)员工被美国一群在“黑色星期五”(BlackFriday)抢便宜货的购物者踩死)。

    People get crushed to death in developed countries too ( including a hideously unlucky Walmart employee trampled by a crowd of US Black Friday bargain hunters in 2008 ) .

  25. SEANCALLEBS(CNN记者):黑色星期五是传统的节日购物季节的开始。在沃尔玛,购物节拥有一个非常狂热的开始。许多人今天一大早就来了。大约在东部时间早上五点钟,他们就来搜寻特价商品。

    SEAN CALLEBS , CNN CORRESPONDENT ( on camera ) : Black Friday , the traditional start of the holiday shopping season .

  26. 似乎今年节日季也没有平息的可能;非工会劳工组织“我们的沃尔玛”(OURWal-Mart)表示,计划在2013年的黑色星期五进行1500场抗议活动。

    There will be no letting up this holiday season ; non-union worker group our Wal-Mart said 1,500 protests are planned for Black Friday 2013 .

  27. 每年11月11日的光棍节是阿里巴巴推出的在线购物打折日,相当于美国的“网购星期一”(CyberMonday)和“黑色星期五”(BlackFriday)。

    Single 's Day , a discount online shopping day promoted by Alibaba , is the equivalent of Cyber Monday and Black Friday in the US . It falls each year on November 11 .

  28. 问题在于,NFC广泛应用尚待时日,帮助腹背受敌的商家实现黑色星期五盈利还无从谈起。

    Unfortunately , NFC will not be widely available for some time & too late to help harried retailers through Black Friday .

  29. 价格追踪数据还显示,“网购星期一”(CyberMonday)的优惠也缺乏诚意。那是“黑色星期五”后的周一,号称有大量的网购折扣。

    Price tracking data also illustrate that the lack of real deals holds true for Cyber Monday , the Monday after Black Friday that is billed as an online shopper 's heaven with numerous digital discounts .

  30. 提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛,感谢普特众版主的辛苦整理WHITFIELD:黑色星期五,人们花费更多的时间在商店购买特价商品。

    WHITFIELD : Black Friday specials longer hours at the stores online deals .