
  • 网络TIGER;Tiger Beer
  1. 看,他们有百威、贝克、青岛、虎牌、三得利,还有麒麟。

    Look , they have Budweiser , Beck 's , Tsingdao , Tiger , Suntory and even Kirin .

  2. 我第一次来上海是1992年,那时我还在为虎牌啤酒工作,到上海来商谈力波啤酒的项目。

    I made my first visit to Shanghai in1992 when I was still working for Tiger Beer and coming to Shanghai for the project of Reeb .

  3. 在今后农业生产中应大力施用盘虎牌等国产磷酸二铵。

    We would more apply China made Panhu ammonium phosphate in future farming .

  4. 看见我那辆美洲虎牌新车,他非常妒忌。

    He was green with envy when he saw my new Jaguar car .

  5. 当有人要向我出售美洲虎牌的画框时。

    When I went for an eye test someone tried to sell me Jaguar frames .

  6. 老虎有着条纹皮毛。虎牌皮风衣,款式新颖,皮质细腻。

    A tiger has a striped coat . Tiger Brand leather windcheaters ( windBreakers ) in new style , made of fine leather with smooth texture .

  7. 总厂设在南京市滨江开发区,分厂设在南京高新开发区,由本厂生产的“山绿牌”“虎牌”“银虎牌”天花,在华东市场深受建筑界的青睐和好评。

    The " Green Mountain Brand "," Tiger Grand " and " Silver Tiger Brand " ceilings made by this plant obtains good evaluation in East China market by professionals in building circle .