
ān quán mào
  • safety helmet;hard hat;crash hat
安全帽 [ān quán mào]
  • [safety hat;safety helmet] [矿工和地下工程人员等] 用来保护头顶而戴的钢制或类似原料制的浅圆顶帽子

  1. 戴上安全帽再下去,不要冒险。

    Wear your safety helmet when you go down . Don 't take any chances ;

  2. 戴上安全帽再下去。

    Wear your safety helmet when you go down .

  3. 提供安全帽和护耳。

    Hard hats and ear protectors are provided .

  4. 建筑工人不戴安全帽便有受伤的危险。

    Building workers risk injury by not wearing helmets .

  5. 高强度abs安全帽,多用于工地管理领导佩带。

    ABS safety helmet of high strength , usually for administers on construction sites .

  6. 介绍了几种国产HDPE、LDPE注塑料的性能及其在塑料安全帽上的应用。

    This article introduced the properties of several HDPE , LDPE injection materials made in China and their application in plastic safety helmet .

  7. 他组建了一支叫做CrayonPop的乐队。2013年,CrayonPop以出道单曲“BarBarBar”一炮而红,MV中的女孩子戴着一样的安全帽,编舞动作像活塞式发动机一样,吸引了人们的眼球。

    The resultant band - Crayon Pop - shot to fame in 2013 with its debut single " Bar Bar Bar , " catching attention with their matching crash helmets and dance routine modelled on a piston engine .

  8. 我也买了安全帽和自行车运动短裤。

    I also had to buy a helmet and bike shorts .

  9. 你最好戴上这个安全帽,以防万一。

    You 'd better put on this crash helmet-just in case .

  10. 两人都戴着安全帽和护耳垫。

    Both men were wearing hard hats and protective ear pads .

  11. 有两个穿着工装裤、带着安全帽的工人坐在厕所外面。

    There are two workmen sitting outside in overalls and hardhats .

  12. 我有时候骑机车没有戴安全帽。

    Sometimes I ride my motorcycle without my helmet on .

  13. 当你骑摩托车时记得戴安全帽。

    Remember to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle .

  14. 玻璃钢安全帽的研制聚丙烯复合材料防护罩研制

    DEVELOPING OF GRP SAFETY HELMET Preparation of Engine Shield from Polypropylene Composites

  15. 骑摩托车不戴安全帽很危险。

    It is not safe to ride a bike without a helmet .

  16. 进入工地现场,必须佩带安全帽。

    Staffs who want to enter the project site should wear helmets ;

  17. 贾斯汀:麻烦你了!去拿你的安全帽,我们就走吧!

    Justin : please ! Grab your helmet and let 's go !

  18. 骑脚踏车时,你最好戴上安全帽和护垫。

    You 'd better ride while wearing helmet and pads .

  19. (许多机车骑士故意不戴安全帽表示藐视法令。)

    Many motorcyclists flout the law by not wearing helmets .

  20. 不戴安全帽在工地上走来走去是危险的

    It is dangerous to go about on the construction site without a

  21. 另一个人的安全帽掉我头上了。

    Another guy 's hard hat fell on my head .

  22. 到工地的所有参观者必须带上安全帽。

    All visitors to the site must wear safety helmets .

  23. 给鞋跟带上安全帽,再也不用担心会陷进草地里了。

    Never sink into the grass again with this heel protector cap .

  24. 对不起,我们不卖安全帽。

    Sorry , we don 't run motorcycle helmets .

  25. 现在你知道为什麽你每次都该戴安全帽了吧?

    Now do you know you wear a helmet ?

  26. 谁的演唱会那麽危险要带安全帽啊!

    The concert so dangerous who take a helmet !

  27. 在舞会上,鲍威尔头戴安全帽,俨然一副建筑工人的打扮。

    Powell took to the stage , dressed as a construction worker Friday .

  28. 洞穴探险需要安全帽?我们哪来的安全帽呀?

    We need safety helmet in spelunking , how could we get it ?

  29. 别作冒失鬼,请戴安全帽。

    Don 't be rash , wear the helmet .

  30. 听起来很有男人味,你戴安全帽吗?

    Well , it sounds very manly . Do you wear a hardhat ?