
  • package;exe;install
  1. NET智能安装包的构想与实现

    Design and Realization of an Intelligent . NET Release Package

  2. 嵌入式的UI处理程序允许安装包制作者在分派安装包到标准UI处理程序之前,处理和过滤消息。

    Embedded UI handlers allow package developers to still handle and filter messages before they are dispatched to the standard UI handler .

  3. 大多数Linux发行版将这些依赖项同主安装包分开包装。

    Most Linux distributions package these dependencies separately from the main packages .

  4. 进入解压安装包的文件夹并运行以下命令以安装CommonAgent

    To install the Common Agent , change to the folder where the installation package was unzipped and run the following command

  5. 此外,为VisualStudio扩展创建安装包更困难。

    Furthermore , it was even harder to create setup packages for Visual Studio extensions .

  6. 您现在可以创建InstallationFactory集成安装包以及脚本功能来配置生产环境。

    You can now create an Installation Factory Integrated Install Package along with scripting capabilities to configure production environments .

  7. gem工具应该会随着你的Ruby安装包一起分发。

    The gem utility should be distributed along with your Ruby installation .

  8. LotusSymphony允许管理员在安装包的时候设置一些关键的参数。

    Lotus Symphony lets an administrator set key preferences when installing the package .

  9. 对InstallationFactory进行了增强以支持更节省时间的跨平台安装包。

    For V6.1 , the Installation Factory has been enhanced to support cross-platform install packages that can save you even more time .

  10. 要安装包,您可以使用pkgadd(1)实用工具。

    To install packages , you use the pkg_add ( 1 ) utility .

  11. 有一个针对Windows用户的简单的安装包,因此安装Python应该不会很难。

    A simple installation package is available for Windows users , so installing Python couldn 't be much easier .

  12. G2的最小化及典型安装包不包括此模块。

    The minimal and typical package of G2 don 't include this module .

  13. 如果您是在Windows上运行程序,下载并运行Graphviz安装包。

    If you are running on Windows , download and run the Graphviz installation package .

  14. 下一个选择就是提供一个MSI安装包。

    The next option is to offer a MSI package .

  15. 同样,从IBM网站(见参考资料)下载安装包,并按照文档安装这个驱动程序。

    Again , download the installation package from the IBM Web site ( see Resources for a link ) and follow the documentation to install the driver .

  16. 如果你下载了不对的OSS安装包,你将得到它的提示。

    You will be informed if you should download another installation package of OSS .

  17. 这一特性非常适合于ClickOnce风格的部署方式,这种情况下,用户是通过Internet来下载框架安装包的。

    This feature is most suited to ClickOnce style deployments where the user is expected to download the framework over the Internet .

  18. yum命令将从一个存储库安装包。

    The yum command installs packages from a repository .

  19. 我们已经有了针对苹果的OSX的安装包和图形化界面,目前还是开发版,很快就会有标准的版本推出。

    We finally have an installer and GUI for Mac OS X ! It is available as a development version , and will become the standard version soon .

  20. 可以对此安装包进行提取操作,其中包含安装程序二进制文件以及Readme文件和安装与故障诊断指南(InstallationandTroubleshootingGuide)。

    The install package can be extracted to show the installer binary , along with a Readme file and an Installation and Troubleshooting Guide .

  21. Google近日宣布在Android市场中支持为同一应用按照不同分辨率或不同细分市场提供多个APK安装包。

    Google announced recently support for Multiple APKs in the Android market to support different resolutions or market segments .

  22. 这个安装包并没有没解压到这个有两个子目录的地址/images/CQ7Install/linuxx86中:clearquest和common

    The installation package was not unpacked into the / images / CQ7Install / linux_x86 location , where there are two subdirectories : clearquest and common

  23. 微软还发布了Web平台安装包(Web-PI),它包含了web开发相关的最新工具、服务器、数据库和框架,而且是完全免费的。

    Microsoft has also released the Web Platform Installer ( Web-PI ) . Web-PI includes the latest versions of tools , server , database and framework .

  24. 获取QEMU安装包和支持软件

    Obtaining QEMU packages and support software

  25. 为了进一步简化应用的部署,RPC应用已经将客户端和服务器端打包在同一个安装包中。

    To further simplify the deployment of their applications RPC has structured both the client and server to be included as the same installation .

  26. 使用rpm命令安装包,用标记表示详细输出和()表示进度的井号。

    Use the rpm command to install the package with flags for verbose output and hashes ( # ) to show progress .

  27. 要测试Kerberos设置,我们推荐运行示例客户机和服务器程序,它们通常是Kerberos安装包的一部分。

    To test Kerberos setup , we recommend running the sample client and server program which is generally part of Kerberos installation package .

  28. 为了进一步提高诊断准确率,文中运用Libsvm安装包中的交叉验证功能选取SVM的最佳参数c和g,并利用最佳参数来优化模型。

    In addition , in order to further improve the diagnostic accuracy , the cross-validation function in the installation package is used to select the best paraments c and g , which can optimize the model .

  29. 当其他用户下载您的RPM时,rpm实用程序读取spec文件并根据预先编写的指令安装包。

    When another user downloads your RPM , the rpm utility reads the spec file and installs the package per your prewritten instructions .

  30. Mingle是基于Web的应用程序,它可以作为外部托管应用程序(ASP模式)使用,但是它同样也将以商业形式许可,并作为可安装包分发。

    Mingle is a web-based application that will be available as an external hosted application ( ASP model ), but it will also be licensed commercially and distributed as an installable package .