
  • 网络Bars;energy bar;energy stick;Power Bar
  1. 彭文窗(supandi)打开了从布袋中取出来的芭蕉叶包裹,里面露出了两个奇怪的5英寸长的棕色圆柱体,看上去像界于冷杉球果和花生能量棒之间的一种东西。

    Supandi unwrapped the parcel of banana leaves he had removed from his cloth bag to reveal two curious 5in-long Brown cylinders that looked like a cross between a fir cone and a peanut energy bar .

  2. 一年后,他们推出第一款使用蟋蟀粉制作的能量棒——Chapul蟋蟀棒。

    A year later , they unveiled Chapul cricket bars , the first-ever energy bar made from cricket flour .

  3. 它还有几盒水果味能量棒和果仁长条饼的存货,于是就请Facebook上的粉丝抓紧争取这些数量有限的小吃。

    It had just a few dozen boxes of the fruit and nut bars left and invited fans on Facebook to vie for the limited supply .

  4. 当时这家食品公司刚刚宣布正式弃用能量棒(Larabar)的可可摩尔(CocoaMole)口味。

    The food company had just announced that it officially had retired its cocoa mole larabar flavor .

  5. 为什么我就不能撕开几个克利夫能量棒(Clifbar)充饥,然后继续跟孩子们玩呢?

    And why can 't I just crack open a half-dozen Clif bars and keep playing with my children ?

  6. 布鲁克林的EXO公司正在制作蛋白质能量棒。波士顿SixFoods公司打算销售用蟋蟀粉制作的墨西哥炸玉米片。总部位于佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔,由一位昆虫学家创建的AllThingsBugs公司也计划向这个新兴市场销售自己的蟋蟀粉。

    Brooklyn-based Exo is making protein bars , Boston-based-Six Foods is planning to sell tortilla chips made from cricket flour , and All Things Bugs , a Gainesville , FL-based firm founded by an entomologist , is looking to sell its own cricket flour to this burgeoning market .

  7. 她不喜欢吃能量棒。

    She didn 't like the energy bars .

  8. •职位:能量棒社区主管

    • role : Community host , larabar

  9. 但是这些书,不像克利夫能量棒,不能帮我省去任何步骤。

    But the books , unlike Clif bars , didn 't help me skip any steps .

  10. 进入通用磨坊工作前,帕森斯就已经每周都要吃上几根能量棒了。

    Before she worked at General Mills , Parson was already eating several Larabars a week .

  11. 这家公司是应该创立新的品牌,还是把能量棒的品牌拓展到新领域呢?

    Should the company create new brands or try to extend the PowerBar brand into new territory ?

  12. 很遗憾多数人在选择的时候都没有去注意能量棒的营养信息。

    Unfortunately a lot of people don 't read the nutritional information on these bars in the first place .

  13. 这一市场迅速增长,但其走向与能量棒的超级运动型食品定位几乎没有相关性。

    The market was growing fast , but in directions that had little relevance for PowerBar 's ultra-athletic positioning .

  14. 她在歌中写道,可可摩尔口味是“我所吃过的最好的能量棒。”

    Cocoa mole , Parsons wrote in the song , is the " best larabar I ever tasted . "

  15. 到了2011年年底,通用磨坊就请她去工作了,职位是担任能量棒社区的主管。

    A job offer followed in late 2011 . General Mills wanted Parsons to work as the Larabar community host .

  16. 包含这类碳水化合物的食物包括糖果、水果、牛奶、运动饮料和能量棒。

    Examples of foods containing this type of carbohydrate include candy , fruit , milk , sports drinks and energy gels .

  17. 卡西亚在2011年7月开始执行剑桥体重计划,把之前吃的高热量食物都换成了汤、奶昔和能量棒。

    Cacia began the Cambridge Weight Plan in June 2011 , swapping her high-calorie diet for soups , shakes and bars .

  18. 多数能量棒都掺加了大量糖分和脂肪,就连高蛋白的也不例外。

    Many of them are made with a lot of sugar and fat , even though they are high in protein .

  19. 派对开始前30-60分钟,可以再多吃一个减肥能量棒,富含纤维和蛋白质那种。

    Then nosh on a nutritious snack about 30 to 60 minutes before your party & a combo of fiber and protein .

  20. 中国的社交媒体用户一拥而上,嘲笑那些咬了“能量棒”的人。

    Chinese social media users piled in to mock those who had taken a bite out of their " energy bars . "

  21. 不要扔水瓶、凝胶或能量棒包装袋或者其他任何垃圾。如果你是一个公里竞赛菜鸟,你可能不熟悉一些成文或不成文的规则。

    If you 're new to running in road races , you may not be familiar with some of the rules – both stated and unwritten .

  22. 他们以为是能量棒,一口咬下,结果嘴里全是水果香皂的味道。

    Hoping to bite into what they thought was an energy bar , athletes instead got a mouthful of what turned out to be fruit-perfumed moisturising soap .

  23. 但是去通用磨坊就能担当能量棒品牌直接面对消费者的代言人&比如可以去多米尼加共和国的公平交易可可农场出差,这让她真正动了心。

    But the opportunities associated with being the consumer-facing voice of the larabar brand like traveling to a fair trade cocoa farm in the Dominican Republican won her over .

  24. 不料几个月后,通用磨坊突然邀请帕森斯再写几首关于能量棒的歌,还请她在加州举行的天然食品展销会上自弹自唱这些歌。

    But a few months later General Mills asked Parsons to write several more songs about its larabars and perform them at a natural foods trade show in California .

  25. 但是去通用磨坊就能担当能量棒品牌直接面对消费者的代言人——比如可以去多米尼加共和国的公平交易可可农场出差,这让她真正动了心。

    But the opportunities associated with being the consumer-facing voice of the Larabar brand - like traveling to a fair trade cocoa farm in the Dominican Republican - won her over .

  26. 马拉松参赛者把免费发的香皂当成了能量棒,一口咬下满嘴“酸爽”,而造成此次事件的原因被归咎为语言障碍。

    Runners in a marathon were left with a bad taste in their mouths when they mistook free bars of soap for energy bars in an incident that 's been put down to the language barrier .

  27. 根据能量法求出线棒各股线分布的电流与交流损耗及电阻增加系数。

    The current , ac losses and the resistance increasing coefficient in the stator conductor strands are derived by using Energy Method .

  28. 通过运动饮料或易消化的固体食物,比如,长距离跑专用的能量凝胶,能量棒,甚至运动啫喱豆,您可以获得碳水化合物。

    You can get carbs on the run through sports drinks or solid foods they are easily digested , such as as energy gels , bars , and even sports jelly beans designed for long-distance runners .