
tiān é hú
  • swan lake
  1. 《天鹅湖》是一部伟大的古典芭蕾舞剧。

    ' Swan Lake ' is one of the great classical ballets .

  2. 她首次在职业舞台上亮相是出演《天鹅湖》。

    She makes her professional stage debut in Swan lake .

  3. 上周三下午,米丝蒂·科普兰(MistyCopeland)首次在纽约表演芭蕾舞剧中最经典的角色——《天鹅湖》(SwanLake)中的奥杰塔(Odette)/奥杰莉亚(Odile)。有两点能证明她的表演十分精彩。

    When Misty Copeland made her New York debut in the double role of Odette / Odile in " Swan Lake , " the most epic role in world ballet , two aspects of the performance on Wednesday afternoon proved marvelous .

  4. 这个星期六基蒂和彼得决定去看天鹅湖。

    Kitty and Peter have decided to see Swan Lake'this saturday .

  5. 她充满感情地跳了一段布莱克的《天鹅湖》。

    She danced the part of the Black Swan very lyrically .

  6. 天鹅湖是一出著名的芭蕾舞剧。

    Swan Lake is the name of a famous ballet .

  7. “天鹅湖”要持续上映多长时间?

    How long will " Swan Lake " last for ?

  8. 第二部分是柴可夫斯基的天鹅湖,还有

    The second part is Swan Lake , written by Tchaikovsky , and

  9. 最为人们喜爱的芭蕾舞剧是天鹅湖。

    One of the most beloved ballets is Swan Lake .

  10. 著名的天鹅湖就位于此处。

    It is also home to the famous Swan Lake .

  11. 安妮:到天鹅湖游一下泳怎么样?

    Anne : how about dropping by Swan Lake for a swim ?

  12. 《天鹅湖》是柴可夫斯基最著名的作品之一。

    ` Swan Lake ' is one of Tchaikovsky 's best-known compositions .

  13. 这个地方在中国被称为天鹅湖

    This place is known in China as Swan Lake

  14. 柴可夫斯基写过几部著名芭蕾舞曲。其中之一是天鹅湖。

    Tchaikovsky wrote several famous ballets . One of them is Swan Lake .

  15. 论三门峡天鹅湖国家级湿地公园生态旅游保护性开发

    Analysis on the Protective Exploitation of Eco-tourism in Sanmenxia Swan Lake National Wetland Park

  16. 我想买两张星期六晚上《天鹅湖》的票了。

    I 'd like to book two seats for Swan Lake on Saturday evening .

  17. 《天鹅湖》和《睡美人》已经通过电视直播的方式走进了千家万户。

    Through television , live broadcasts of'Swan Lake '

  18. 荣成天鹅湖湿地沉积物对磷的吸附特征及影响因子分析

    Phosphorus Adsorption Characteristics of Sediments and Its Influencing Factors in Rongcheng Swan Lake Wetland

  19. 《天鹅湖》的主旨得以体现,但仍有改进空间。

    The substance of " Swan Lake " is there , but in potential .

  20. 要是我们能去天鹅湖游一下泳,那可就太有意思了。

    It 'd be fun if we could drop by Swan Lake for a swim .

  21. 我们非常开心,在天鹅湖的期间非常愉快。

    We have been very happy to stay here and we enjoyed our stay very much .

  22. 深圳野生动物园天鹅湖大型水体禽流感疫点现场消毒

    On-the-spot disinfection of large water body avian influenza focus in Swan Lake of Shenzhen wild animal zoo

  23. 夏天,自然要去天鹅湖,在沙滩上垒城堡、看天鹅戏水;

    The summer , of course , going to the Swan Lake , making castles at the .

  24. 这些表演“天鹅湖”的芭蕾舞演员来自一所顶尖大学,哈尔滨工业大学。

    These ballerinas performing " Swan Lake " are from a top-ranked university , Harbin Institute of Technology .

  25. 四体会公开水域游泳比赛23号在美丽的天鹅湖开赛。

    The open water swimming competition of the4th All-China Games started in the beautiful Swan Lake on May23 .

  26. 白鹅潭周边地区城市设计论舞剧《天鹅湖》中白天鹅主题的戏剧主导性

    URBAN DESIGN OF THE WHITE SWAN WATERFRONT On the Dramatic Dominance of the White Swan Theme in the Ballet

  27. 而且通过欣赏芭蕾舞《天鹅湖》,我们有了这个一个概念,天鹅的形象是典雅高贵的。

    And from the ballet Swan Lake , we can bear a conception in mind that swan is elegant .

  28. 近200年来黑河下游天鹅湖湖泊沉积记录的环境变迁

    Environmental changes recorded by lacustrine sediment from Lake Swan , lower reaches of Heihe River during recent 200 years

  29. 下个月在国王剧院会有天鹅湖的表演,我想要去看。

    I want to see swan lake the ballet , its showing at the king 's theatre next month .

  30. 月湖,又称天鹅湖,位于山东半岛最东端荣成湾顶的西南侧。

    Yuehu , known also as Swan Lake , lies in the southwestern part of RongchengBay , eastern Shandong Peninsula .