
tiān shēnɡ qiáo
  • natural bridge/arch
  1. 天生桥一级水电站C3标工程结算支付分析

    Analysis of Settlement Payment of Lot C_3 for TSQ - ⅰ Hydropower Station

  2. 利用VISUALBASIC强大的图形处理功能及数据库连接和数据处理功能,采用面向对象的编程技术,开发了天生桥一级水电站工程安全监测信息管理系统。

    The safety monitoring information management system is developed adopting the object oriented programming technique by using the strong drawing processing function of Visual Basic and its database connection and database processing function .

  3. 选取水电站工程(天生桥一级水电站工程)和天然气开发工程(孝新合气田开发工程)两类建设项目作为分析对象,利用TM遥感影像进行项目区域土地覆被变化分析。

    Two kinds of construction project-hydropower reservoir project ( Tianshengqiao No.1 hydropower reservoir ) and natural gas field exploitation project ( Xiaoxinhe natural gas field ) were discussed , and the land cover changes in the project areas were analyzed through interpretation of the Landsat-TM data .

  4. 由于制造原因,天生桥二级电站5、6号机组中心补气系统的补气管顶部被抬高了60mm,造成密封室无法安装。

    The sealing rooms of the central air admission systems of the No. 5 and No. 6 turbines cannot be installed because the top parts of vents were lifted 60 mm while manufacturing .

  5. 天生桥二级水电站巨型压力钢管的HD值达1540m2,这是国内第一个采用进口高强钢自主设计和自行制作、安装内径为57m的巨型压力钢管。

    HD value of the penstock of Tianshenqiao ⅱ Hydropower Station reaches 1540 m 2 , and its internal diameter is 5 7 m , it is a giant one that is designed first using import high strength steel , made and installed by oneself .

  6. 天生桥一级水电站面板堆石坝筑坝材料性质研究

    Study of Construction Material Properties for TSQ-I Concrete Faced Rockfill Dam

  7. 天生桥二级水电站调压井岩质高边坡炮孔错位的力学机制

    Dislocation Mechanism of Rock High Slope Borehole of a Surge Tank

  8. 天生桥一级水电站大坝和溢洪道工程合同管理

    Contract Management for the Dam and Spillway of TSQ-1 Hydropower Project

  9. 天生桥一级水电站溢洪道挑流鼻坎固结灌浆施工

    Consolidation Grouting Construction of Spillway Flip-bucket for TSQ - 1 Hydropower Station

  10. 天生桥一级水电站4号机组振摆超标的处理

    Treatment of Over Vibration in 4 # Unit of TSQ-1 Hydropower Station

  11. 天生桥一级水电站工程建设一步上一个新台阶

    The Construction of TSQ-1 Hydropower Project is Stepping on a New Stage

  12. 天生桥一级水电站大坝安全管理经验

    Experience in dam safety management of Tianshengqiao ⅰ Hydropower Station

  13. 天生桥水电站调压井群应力分析

    Stress analysis of pressure regulating wells of hydraulic power station

  14. 咨询活动在天生桥一级水电站建设中发挥的作用

    The Role of Consulting Services in the Construction of TSQ - 1 Project

  15. 天生桥一级水电站厂区高边坡设计

    High slope design in the power house area of TSQ ──ⅰ Hydropower Project

  16. 天生桥一级水电站建设八年的回顾

    Reminiscences of Construction for TSQ - 1 Hydropower Project

  17. 天生桥一级水电站中长期径流预报系统的应用及效益

    Application Of Long-middle-range Runoff Forecast System Of Tianshengqiao ⅰ Hydropower Station & Its Benefit

  18. 关于天生桥一级水电站计算机监控系统网络拥塞问题的讨论

    Discuss about Network Congest Problem of Computer Supervision System of Tianshengqiao ⅰ Hydropower Station

  19. 天生桥一级大坝面板挠度分析

    Analysis on slab deflection of Tianshengqiao ⅰ dam

  20. 天生桥二级水电站压力钢管设计

    Design of penstock of Tianshengqiao ⅱ Hydropower Station

  21. 天生桥水库枢纽防渗帷幕设计与施工若干问题探讨

    Discuss on design and construction of curtain grouting for seepage prevention of Tian-sheng-qiao Reservoir

  22. 天生桥隧洞掌子面附近的应力关系。

    The relations between rockburst and the stresses around the stope in the tian-shen-qiao tunnels .

  23. 天生桥换流站直流滤波电容器故障原因分析及改进建议

    The Fault Analysis and Improvement Suggestion on DC Filter Capacitor at Converter Station of TSQ

  24. 天生桥一级水电站招标设计阶段电工一次设计介绍

    Presentation on the primary circuit design in the bidding design stage for TSQ - ⅰ Hydropower Project

  25. 天生桥一级水电站4号引水隧洞下半洞开挖爆破设计

    Design on Excavation and Explosion for the Lower Half of No.4 Power Tunnel in TSQ-1 Hydropower Project

  26. 天生桥Ⅱ级水电站引水隧洞安全监测系统防雷改造

    Reformation of Protection against Lightning for the Safety Monitoring Automation System for Diversion Tunnel in TSQ ⅱ Hydropower Station

  27. 天生桥二级水电站Ⅲ号引水隧洞不良地质段处理技术

    Treatment technique for bad geological sections in No.3 diversion tunnel of grade 2 hydropower station in Tian Sheng Bridge

  28. 天生桥一级水电站大孔径梯段爆破开采石料及爆破震动观测

    Stone extraction using ladder blasting with large bore diameter and vibration observation of blasting in Tianshengqiao ⅰ Hydropower Station

  29. 证明天生桥一级水电站土石过水围堰设计是成功的。

    It shows that the design of earth rock overflow cofferdam for Tianshengqiao First cascade Hydropower Station is successful .

  30. 天生桥一级水电站河道水流控制与面板堆石坝施工程序规划

    River water flow control and construction program planning of concrete-face rock fill dam for TSQ - ⅰ Hydropower Project