
lǎo rén
  • the old;elderly;the aged;old people;old-timer;oldie;old boy;oldster;old man or woman;golden ager;fossil;aged parents or grandparents;one's aged parents or grandparents;mzee
老人 [lǎo rén]
  • (1) [old people; the aged]∶上年纪的或较老的人

  • (2) [aged parents or grandparents]∶上了年纪的父母或祖父母

老人[lǎo rén]
  1. 结论以Alzheimer′s病为主的痴呆综合征是影响老人ADL的严重疾病之一,亟待引起全社会的关注,应加强社区康复及医疗保健措施,以改进社区老人的生活质量。

    Conclusion Dementing disorders such as Alzheimer ′ s disease may lead to severe disturbance of ADL performance in the aged , therefore , the community rehabilitative measures and health care services should be stressed by the society to improve the quality of life of the elderly .

  2. 黄大仙区老人福利服务联会

    Wong Tai Sin District Federation of Welfare Services for the Aged

  3. 她干一些照顾老人的义务工作。

    She does some voluntary work , caring for the elderly .

  4. 老人更易骨折。

    Old people 's bones are more prone to fracture .

  5. 行凶抢劫确实令许多老人心神不安。

    Mugging is a real worry for many old people .

  6. 我喜欢与老人或小孩打交道的工作。

    I 'd like a job working with old folk or kids .

  7. 老人吃饭和取暖不应吝惜。

    Older people should not skimp on food or heating .

  8. 老人靠在垫子上躺着。

    The old man lay propped up on cushions .

  9. 老人往往靠十分微薄的收入艰难度日。

    Old people often subsist on very small incomes .

  10. 尽量设想他是一位老人。

    Try to visualize him as an old man .

  11. 照顾老人仍然被确认为是家庭范围的事。

    The care of older people is being placed firmly within the domain of the family .

  12. 那个退休老人轻松赢得了2,000英镑的奖金,高兴得不得了。

    The delighted pensioner walked off with a £ 2,000 prize .

  13. 老人们彼此已不再友好相待。

    The older people had stopped being neighbourly to each other .

  14. 那个老人在教她弹弦乐器。

    The old man was tutoring her in the stringed instruments .

  15. 你要仔细听才能听见老人的呼吸声。

    You had to listen hard to hear the old man breathe

  16. 再过11年我就是个领取养老金的60岁老人了。

    In 11 years I will be 60 and an OAP .

  17. 他是一位头发花白的老人。

    He was an old man with grey , grizzled hair .

  18. 一个退休老人闯了红灯,被交警训了一顿。

    Traffic police ticked off a pensioner for jumping a red light .

  19. 老人撩起开襟毛衣挠了挠身体的一侧。

    The old man lifted his cardigan to scratch his side

  20. 老人们常常回想起1886年的酷热。

    The old-timers used to recall how hot 1886 was .

  21. 一位穿着褪色吊带工装裤的老人上了证人席。

    An elderly man dressed in faded overalls took the witness stand .

  22. 在有老人的家里,采取额外的安全防范措施是绝对必要的。

    Extra safety precautions are essential in homes where older people live .

  23. 他们这些老人将他的命运掌握在手心里。

    They held his fate in the palms of their ancient hands .

  24. 他的脸像老人一样布满皱纹。

    His lined face was that of an old man .

  25. 他几乎打记事起就认识这个老人。

    He 'd known the old man practically all his life

  26. 老人转身十分惊奇地看了她一眼。

    The old man turned to give her a look of pure surprise

  27. 英国有很多老人居住条件恶劣。

    Many old people in Britain are living in bad housing

  28. 我帮一位老人把住店门。

    I hold a shop door open for an old person

  29. 老人们生活在对袭击和谋杀的恐惧之中。

    The elderly live in fear of assault and murder .

  30. 因为是星期天,所以老人都休息。

    It being a Sunday , the old men had the day off