
  • 网络illegal logging
  1. 5月份,ASRI组织开展了一个寻找守林人的项目。这些守林人与居民们一起合作设法防止非法采伐。

    In May ASRI started a program to identify forest " guardians . " These guardians work with the community to try to prevent illegal logging .

  2. 国际木材非法采伐与相关贸易问题研究

    Research On The Issue International Timber Illegal Logging And Associated Trade

  3. 关于非法采伐和贸易问题的思考谷物收获与反向思维

    On the Illegal Harvesting and Trading Grain Harvesting and Reverse Thinking

  4. 这些守林人与居民们一起合作设法防止非法采伐。

    These guardians work with the community to try to prevent illegal logging .

  5. 为什么英国要进行打击非法采伐的项目?

    Why does the UK have a programme ?

  6. 非法采伐、毁坏珍贵树木

    Unlawful cutting and destruction of precious trees

  7. 就木材非法采伐开展对话,探索包括签署双边协议在内的合作途径。

    Engage in dialogue on illegal logging and explore ways to cooperate including through a bilateral agreement .

  8. 非法采伐和贸易问题是国际社会关注的林业热点。

    Illegal harvesting and trading in the field of forestry is a great concern by international society .

  9. 随后,国家媒体援引一位高级政府官员的话报道称,调查发现了非法采伐的证据。

    State media subsequently quoted a senior agency official saying that the probe had found evidence of illegal logging .

  10. 这使得美国成为世界上第一个完全禁止非法采伐林产品贸易的国家。

    This act makes the U.S. the first country in the world forbidding trade of illegal logging related product in total .

  11. 未参与非法采伐的居民比其他人少掏40%的医疗费。

    Communities that do not take part in illegal logging pay about forty percent less for health care than those that do .

  12. 中国官方媒体说,中国计划与缅甸进一步合作,遏制两国共同边境附近的非法采伐。

    China 's state-run news agency says the country plans to work more with Burma to control illegal logging near their shared border .

  13. 但这仍不足以保护古城免受附近12英里范围的非法采伐和放牧的侵害。

    However , that will not shield " White City " from illegal deforestation by cattle ranchers who are within twelve miles of the ancient civilization .

  14. 采取适当措施,禁止非法采伐森林产品的贸易,亚太经合组织将采取其他措施,打击非法采伐和相关贸易。

    Work to implement appropriate measures to prohibit trade in illegally harvested forest products and undertake additional activities in APEC to combat illegal logging and associated trade .

  15. 韦伯医生表示,多数居民珍惜当地的森林,但非法采伐通常是他们赚取医疗费用的唯一途径。

    Dr. Webb says most communities value the local forests , but illegal logging is often their only way to earn money to pay for health care .

  16. 另一个挑战是确保重建工作对木材的巨大需求不会导致受灾国家森林的过度开采和非法采伐。

    Another challenge is to ensure that the huge demand for wood for reconstruction does not trigger over-harvesting and illegal logging of forests in the affected countries .

  17. 自21世纪以来,木材非法采伐及相关贸易问题成为世界可持续发展面临的一个热点、敏感问题。

    Since the beginning of 21st century , the issue on timber illegal-logging and related trade has become one of the hotpots in the field of sustainable development .

  18. 不到三个月前,联邦的人在政府打击非法采伐的行动中关闭了这里的锯木厂,没收了木头并且捣毁了烧炭用的熔炉。

    Less than three months ago , federal agents swooped in to close sawmills , confiscate wood and smash charcoal furnaces in a government crackdown on illegal logging .

  19. 如果向水电公司和其他靠河流运营的企业收费,然后将所得付给本地家庭以保护森林不被非法采伐,会有什么结果?

    What happens if you collect money from hydropower companies and other river-based businesses and use the proceeds to pay local families to protect the forest from illegal logging ?

  20. 贸易增长带来的收入增长使全球受益,但是其中也有一些不和谐的声音,如非法采伐和相关贸易,这种以破坏资源、损害环境为代价的行为,遭到国际社会的共同抵制。

    But there are some unpleasant sound , such as illegal logging and related trade which damaged resources and environment . Such acts are resisted by the international community .

  21. 第四十条违反本法规定,非法采伐、毁坏珍贵树木的,依法追究刑事责任。

    Article 40 In case of unlawful cutting and destruction of precious trees in violation of the provisions of this law , legal responsibilities shall be investigated and dealt with .

  22. 因此,打击非法采伐的措施确实给世界的森林可持续利用以有力保障,但在一定程度上又成为发达国家筑起的绿色贸易壁垒。

    Therefore , measures of combat illegal logging effectively safeguard the sustainable use of forests in the world , but to a certain extent , has become a developed country green trade barriers .

  23. 论述了森林认证在中国的发展,从林产品贸易、木材非法采伐与贸易、林业产业结构调整、林业产业管理体制与经营机制改革等方面分析了森林认证对我国林业产业发展可能产生的影响。

    Here mainly introduce the forest certification 's development in China , and analyse the impact on the trade of forest products , illegal logging and trade , the change of the industry framework and the reform of management mechanism .

  24. 在此次气候变化谈判中,森林问题是争议最少的问题之一。不过,在如何给穷国以经济激励,鼓励它们遏止非法采伐和其它形式的开采,大力保护自己的森林资源方面,各方仍然存在分歧。

    Forestry is one of the least contentious issues at the talks but there has been disagreement over how to give financial incentives to poor countries to retain their trees in the face of illegal logging and other forms of exploitation .

  25. 通过使用该跟踪工具监测和评估全球34个国家、近200个森林类型保护地区的管理水平,得出偷猎、农业开垦、非法采伐、非木材林产品的过度采集目前仍是这些保护地区面临的主要威胁。

    According to monitoring and evaluating results on management effectiveness of almost 200 forest protection areas , 34 countries in the world , poaching , agricultural reclamation , illegal logging and excessive collection of non-forest products are still main threat factors on these protected areas .

  26. 美国、欧盟等国家打着保护森林资源、打击非法采伐的名义对我国日益强大的木材贸易,尤其是家具行业设置了技术性贸易壁垒,使我国家具企业遭受重大的损失。

    USA , EU and some other countries have set TBT against the increasingly developed wood trade of China , especially the furnishing industry , in the name of forest resource conservation and combating illegal logging , which has caused heavy losses for Chinese furnishing businesses .

  27. 韦伯:“即使他们知道保护森林有利于长期福祉。但当遇到必须要掏钱看病这类短期福祉,他们还是会去非法采伐。”

    KINARI WEBB : " Even if you know that if you protect the forest that 's good for your long-term well-being , if you 're short-term well-being , like you have to get health care and you have to be able to pay for it , you 're willing to do illegal logging to do that . "

  28. 对非法的相似概念进行界定,提出需要打击的非法采伐的行为。

    Defined the concepts of similar illegal , and then raised up the need to combat illegal logging .