
  • 网络non-electric quantity
  1. 实现对电压、电流、电阻和温度等非电量的自动测试。

    Thus realizing automatic non-electric quantity measurements of voltage , current resistance , temperature , etc.

  2. 在以上智能检测技术的基础上,将各种电量和非电量集中在一个检测系统中,以8031单片机为下位机,PC机为上位机进行检测。

    The electric quantity and non-electric quantity are measured in an intelligent testing system in which 8031 single-chip microcomputer is lower machine and PC is upper machine based on the above measuring method .

  3. 110kV及以上变压器的非电量保护及整定原则

    Non-electric-parameter Protection for Transformers of 110 kV and Higher and Their Setting Criteria

  4. 基于PC-SCM的主从式变电所非电量监控系统

    Master-salve Non-electricity Parameter Monitoring System Based on PC-SCM

  5. 本文使用非电量电测法分别对复合材料CNG气瓶和内衬铝胆的应变进行测试,并得出其应变分布曲线。同时,用温度等效法实现了预紧力在ANSYS分析计算中的添加。

    By use of non-electricity testing method , the composite CNG cylinder and its aluminum core are tested . And their strain distributing curves are also educed . In this paper , both composite material CNG cylinder and its aluminum core are computed by finite element analysis soft ANSYS .

  6. 对于非电量的物理量经过传感器转换成电量,这类的模拟信号,其信号的输入范围在0~5伏或-2.5伏~+2.5伏,模拟信号的频率范围在0~100HZ。

    Non-electric physical quantities are transformed into electric quantities by sensors . The input ranges of voltage and frequency of this sort of analog signals are in 0 to 5 or - 2.5 to + 2.5 voltage and in 0 to 100 Hertz respectively .

  7. 变电站主变压器非电量测控系统的研究

    Research of Non-electrical Quantity Detecting System of Main Transformer in Substation

  8. 该方法在各种非电量测量检测技术中得到应用。

    These methods have found application in various measurements of non-electronic quantities .

  9. 非电量在线检测技术在状态检修中的应用

    Application of Online Detection of Non-electrical Quantities to Condition-based Maintenance

  10. 可满足一般非电量工程遥测之需要。

    This can meet the need of a common engineering telemetry system .

  11. 利用虚拟仪器技术构建非电量测量系统

    To build non-electrical quantity test system by virtual instrument technique

  12. 发电机组非电量检测中的抗干扰研究与应用

    Research and Application Against Disturbance of Monitoring and Testing Signal of Generators

  13. 变压器非电量保护误动问题分析与对策

    Analysis and countermeasures of non-electricity protection mal-operation for transformers

  14. 电路对各种非电量参数的检测设备均可通用。

    This circuit is versatile to all measuring instruments for nonelectric quantity data .

  15. 电压测量是电量和非电量检测的一个重要部分。

    Voltage measuring is very important and also generally .

  16. 微波非电量的测量技术

    Non - destructive Measurement of Resistivity by Microwave

  17. 变压器油箱振动功率流与绕组故障非电量监测方法研究

    The Research of Transformer Tank Vibration Power Flow and Windings Fault Non-Electrical Monitoring Method

  18. 微波腔体微扰方法测量非电量技术

    Study of the Technique of Non-Electrical Parameter Measurement with a Microwave Cavity by Perturbation

  19. 非电量自动控制装置

    Control unit , automatic , of non-electrical quantities

  20. 本文提出了电桥式非电量传感器源补偿的一种方法,着重研究了用低精度源实现高精度非电量测量系统的可行性及实用性。

    A method for source compensation in bridge type transducer is described in this paper .

  21. 水力机组的非电量监测

    Non-electric Quantities Monitoring of Water-turbine set

  22. 磁传感器是传感器大家族中的一个重要分支,在检测系统中有着重要作用。通过磁场的无接触特性,对非电量进行测量。

    Magnetic sensors are an important branch that can be used to detect the non-electronically characteristics through the magnetic field .

  23. 测量电流不但其本身十分重要,而且其他电磁量和非电量也可以通过变换器转换成电流,然后进行测量。

    Current measurement is not only important for itself , but also other parameter can transform to current by convertor .

  24. 实现水电厂非电量快速微机巡回检测,温度采集较其它信号更为困难。

    It is more difficult to sample temperature signals when quickly loop detecting the non-electrical quantity of a hydropower station .

  25. 主变非电量测控系统是适应电力调度自动化、变电站实现无人值班化和综合自动化的一种新型自动测控系统。

    Non-electrical quantity detecting system is a new auto-control system that adapt automation of electric scheduling , self-service and integrating automatism in substation .

  26. 文中提出一种基于A/D变换器与大规模存贮器实现的高精度非电量电子测量系统。

    In this paper , a high accuracy electronic measurement system for non - electric quantity is proposed based on ADC and LSI memory .

  27. 传感器是一种能按一定规律将感受到的非电量信号变换成电信号或其他形式信号的检测器件。

    Sensor is a kind of test device that can convert the non-electric signals into electrical signals or other signals by a certain law .

  28. 计算及实验均表明,用微波腔体微扰方法测量非电量具有高的分辨率。

    The calculated and experimental results show that the measuring method of non-electrical parameters with the microwave cavity by perturbation has a high resolution .

  29. 模数转换装置为非电量转换,光导纤维对把该信息远距离传送给数字显示仪表,它能用数字量连续显示液位的变化。

    Analog to digital converter is non electrical transform . A pair of optical fibres can transmit signal to digital instrument to a great distance away .

  30. 论文首先分析了变压器保护的要求和原理,针对配电变压器的特点,设置了三段式过电流保护、零序电流保护、非电量保护和远程控制功能。

    Aim at the feature of distribution transformer , three sections over-current protection , zero-sequence current protection , non-electric parameter protection and remote control has been configured .