
pá xíng
  • crawl;creep;slither;trail;serpent
爬行 [pá xíng]
  • (1) [creep]∶爬着向前行走

  • 海龟在沙滩上爬行

  • (2) [trail]∶比喻因循守旧,慢腾腾地做

  • 跟在别人后面一步一步地爬行

爬行[pá xíng]
  1. 结论:B、D药剂可以用于防制家庭爬行昆虫。

    Conclusion : B and D formulations would be used to control the crawl insect in house .

  2. 由于目前Web的规模和它的动态性,通用搜索引擎仅能爬行和索引Web的一部分。因此,通用搜索引擎已经很难再为用户提供一个全面的并且更新及时的信息搜索服务。

    Due to the current large size and dynamic of the Web , universal search engines can only crawl and index a portion of the Web .

  3. 无论什么方向,都能看到它们在丛林的地面上摇摇摆摆地爬行。

    In either direction they wobble over the jungle floor as far as the eye can see .

  4. 此外,他们的手臂不一定用于爬行,从而将手解放出来,用于其它目的,比如扔石头或发信号。

    In addition , their arms that are unnecessary for moving around are freed for other purposes , like throwing stones or signaling .

  5. 攀岩Rockclimbing参加攀岩活动的人在自然岩石或者人工岩墙上上下爬行或者横着爬行。

    Rock climbing is a sport in which participants climb up , down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls .

  6. 蛇在羊肠小道上爬行。

    The snake slithered through a convoluted path .

  7. 这正是我需要知道的一切。伊斯莱尔·汉兹能够爬行而且他现在有了武器,

    This was all I needed to know Israel Hands could move about and now had a weapon ,

  8. 没有回头路,安迪钻进下水管开始爬行,塑料袋拖在后面

    No turning back . He wriggles into the pipe and starts crawling , plastic bag dragging behind .

  9. 在拥堵的路上爬行了好几英里之后,司机才发现原来整个堵塞是发呆堵车导致的。

    After miles of creeping along the congested highway , the motorist discovered the source of the frustration was only a gawker jam .

  10. 蚯蚓又叫露水虫,因为当天气潮湿、小草上挂满露水时,它就喜欢钻出自己的洞穴到处爬行。

    The earth-worm is also called the dew-worm , because it likes to come out of its hole and creep about when the grass is wet with dew .

  11. 他用两手和两个膝盖爬行。尽管腿受伤了,他还是爬得很快,然后从甲板上一盘缆绳下面找出一把长刀。

    He was on his hands and knees and , although his leg hurt him , he moved quickly across the deck and took a long knife from among some ropes .

  12. 现在,蝌蚪能够爬行了,而且可以像人类一样进行呼吸。因此,它们会离开池塘,进入到潮湿的草地中生活。

    The tadpole is now able to walk , and to breathe the air just as we do , so it crawls out of the pond and lives in the damp grass .

  13. “由于它少一只爪子,所以走路是跛着的,它不在那条腿上施加压力。它爬行困难。它跳不起来,当然,走路也比正常考拉慢得多。”

    Because he didn 't have a foot , he limped and he wouldn 't put pressure on it . He had difficulty in climbing . He could not jump , and of course , he walked a lot slower .

  14. 一种deepweb聚焦爬虫爬行策略

    A Deep Web Sources Focused Crawler 's Crawling Strategy

  15. 管内自动爬行X射线焊缝探伤机

    Auto - crawling X - ray Welding Seam Detector Machine of Pipeline

  16. X射线管道爬行器可编程序控制系统的研制

    Development of Programmable Control System of Radiographic Crawler for Pipeline

  17. 这个例子展示了Webspider爬行的阶段。

    This example demonstrates the crawling phase of a Web spider .

  18. 在最后这个例子中,将探索一下在Web站点上爬行的Webspider。

    In this final example , I explore a Web spider that crawls a Web site .

  19. Google的爬行器喜欢直接访问内容。

    Google 's spider prefers to directly access content .

  20. 一个硬汉通过铁丝网爬行的硬汉车手面临的挑战,在南years之前农场,星期日,2009年1月31日。

    The face of a Tough Guy racer crawling through barbed wire during the Tough Guy Challenge , in South Perton Farm , Sunday , Jan.31,2009 .

  21. 同时,在借鉴传统搜索引擎架构设计的基础上,创造性地提出了支持聚焦搜索和隐藏Web搜索的策略可扩展的爬行器框架-Webob-Crawler。

    And based on architecture of traditional search engines , we design an open crawler architecture that support focused crawling and hidden-web crawling .

  22. 一些新的协议,例如SOAP,会让爬行对于普通的Web操作来说更为容易,并且所受的干扰更小。

    Newer protocols , such as SOAP , make spidering much easier and less intrusive to normal Web operations .

  23. 要在Web站点上爬行并访问这个站点上所提供的链接,必须要对HTML页面进行解析。

    To crawl a Web site and follow the links that are provided within it , you must parse HTML pages .

  24. 为了有效定位与主题高度相关的网页,主题搜索引擎利用丰富的上下文(兴趣剖析文件和网页内容)和有效的爬行策略来导航Web上的信息搜索。

    Focused search engines use rich contexts and good crawling strategy to guide the navigation of links with the goal of efficiently locating highly relevant target pages .

  25. 一种基于状态转换图的Ajax爬行算法

    Ajax crawling algorithm based on state transition graph

  26. Google爬行器会由于元刷新重定向而阻塞,而302重定向会导致重复内容处罚。

    The Google spider will choke on a meta refresh redirect and a302 redirect can cause duplicate content penalties .

  27. EPC系统爬行现象的研究与对策

    Creeping Phenomenon 's Research and Solution of EPC System

  28. 移动Spider的非递归爬行方法设计

    Design of Method for Non-Recursive-Climb of Mobile Spider

  29. 目前的移动网络蜘蛛往往采用递归爬行的方法,该方法会造成系统资源开销大、爬行速度慢,而且可能会因为被搜索Web页面本身结构的原因造成死循环。

    Mobile Spider always uses the Recursive-Climb method , which expends more system resource and climbs slowly and may cause endless loop due to the reason of web page itself .

  30. 这种工具有robot、spider和为Internet和Intranet搜索引擎搜集信息的Web爬行榜。

    One such set of tools are the robots , spiders , and Web crawlers that aggregate information for Internet and intranet search engines .