
  • 网络northanger abbey
  1. 她去世之后,哥哥亨利为她的小说《劝导》和《诺桑觉寺》(NorthangerAbbey)写了一本注释笔记(1817年12月出版),这本书我早已读过并时常查阅。那是她第一次以作家身份被众人知晓。

    I had read for years ( and still do in most sources ) that the Biographical Note composed by her brother Henry for the posthumous edition of " Persuasion " and " Northanger Abbey " ( published in December 1817 ) was the first public identification of her as an author .

  2. 走出困境&谈《诺桑觉寺》的主题意义

    Out of the dilemma : theme of Northanger Abbey

  3. 《诺桑觉寺》是奥斯丁第一部成熟的小说。

    Northanger Abbey is the first mature novel written by Jane Austen .

  4. 这么说,你要去诺桑觉寺啦!

    And so you are going to Northanger !

  5. 他们父子俩在诺桑觉寺的谈话不客气极了。

    The conversation between them at Northanger had been of the most unfriendly kind .

  6. 你知道吧,就是《诺桑觉寺》中让凯瑟琳着迷的那本书?

    You know , the book in Northanger Abbey that Catherine 's obsessed with reading ?

  7. 简奥斯丁在诺桑觉寺和理智与情感两本书中调侃了浪漫主义者。

    Jane Austen makes fun of the romantics in Northanger Abbey and Sense and Sensibility ( 1797-8 ) .

  8. 住惯了诺桑觉寺这样的家,再来到一座普普通通的牧师住宅,一定觉得很别扭。

    After being used to such a home as the abbey , an ordinary parsonage-house must be very disagreeable .

  9. 奥斯汀的古装剧《诺桑觉寺》在秋季被改编成六集连续剧。

    A Jane Austen costume drama , Northanger abbey , is being serialized in six episodes in the autumn .

  10. 吃早饭的时候,你大讲特讲诺桑觉寺的法式面包,我就不大愿意听。

    I did not quite like , at breakfast , to hear you talk so much about the French bread at Northanger .

  11. 奥斯丁的《诺桑觉寺》和她的其他五部小说相比较,在叙事策略上有着显著的不同。

    It is obvious to see the difference of narrative style by comparing Northanger Abbey with the other five novels by Jane Austen .

  12. 诺桑觉寺一书中,女主人公因受莱德克里夫夫人出版于1794年的充满浪漫色彩的《尤德夫的秘密》一书影响而误入歧途。

    Northanger Abbey has a heroine who is led astray by Mrs Radcliffe 's ultra-romantic Mysteries of Udolpho , which was published in1794 .

  13. 除了自己以外,他几乎对每个人都感到恼怒,第二天便动身回到诺桑觉寺,而他在那里的所作所为,诸位已经见识过了。

    Enraged with almost everybody in the world but himself , he set out the next day for the abbey , where his performances have been seen .

  14. 就在莫兰太太用公正的陈述成功地印证自己的见解时,凯瑟琳却在默默地思索着:亨利现在一定回到了诺桑觉寺;

    Morland was successfully confirming her own opinions by the justness of her own representations , Catherine was silently reflecting that now Henry must have arrived at Northanger ;

  15. 其中两张一等邮票上的是《傲慢与偏见》和《理智与情感》的插图,全套邮票中还包括《曼斯菲尔德庄园》《爱玛》《诺桑觉寺》和《劝导》。

    Two first-class stamps will have illustrations from Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility , with images from Mansfield Park , Emma , Northanger Abbey and Persuasion making up the six-stamp set .