
  • 网络Neumann;John von Neumann;Neuman;noyoke
  1. 诺伊曼称,阳光动力2号需要一定的空间来降落,所以一般会避开商业航班运行的时间。

    Solar Impulse 2 needs room to land , so it generally avoids times when commercial flights are operating , Neuman said .

  2. 在2月接受采访时,WeWork的首席执行官亚当•诺伊曼(AdamNeumann)表示,中国和印度是公司扩张计划的重点目标。

    In an interview in February , Adam Neumann , WeWork 's chief executive , said China and India were priorities for the company 's expansion plans .

  3. 该文系统概述了现代计算机的两种主要体系结构CISC体系和RISC体系,指出了基于冯·诺伊曼体系结构的现代计算机体系存在的问题,展望了未来计算机体系发展方向。

    This paper mainly introduces CISC architecture and RISC architecture of modern computer , and points out existing problems about modern computer based on Ven noman architecture , then respects the developing trend of future computer architecture .

  4. J.V.诺伊曼,怀尔,柯朗,哈代,爱因斯坦,莱夫谢茨,还有其他一些人。

    J.v. Neumann , Weyl , Courant , Hardy , Einstein , Lefschetz , as well as hosts of smaller fry .

  5. 2010年,诺伊曼创立了WeWork,希望在一次严重衰退之后,把自由职业者和失业者吸引到它的办公场所来。

    Mr Neumann founded WeWork in New York in 2010 , aiming to lure freelancers and displaced workers to its offices in the wake of a harsh recession .

  6. 正如诺伊曼所描述的那样,WeWork租入办公空间,对其重新设计之后,再转租给租户,以时髦的办公空间和欢乐时光抓住千禧一代的眼球,从而培育出一个“实体社交网络”。

    The company leases office space , redesigns it , and sublets it to tenants , catching the eye of millennials with trendy work spaces and happy hours that foster a " physical social network , " as Mr Neumann describes it .

  7. 冯•诺伊曼与爱丁顿的观点很不一样。

    Von Neumann 's account was very different from Eddington 's.

  8. 冯•诺伊曼的工作,是基于理论的逻辑自洽性,而不是实验结果。

    It was the logical consistency of the theory , not the experimental results , that von Neumann 's work treated .

  9. 他自己抽时间学习数学,学习诺伊曼的《量子力学的数学基础》。

    And he found time for mathematical study of his own , taking up von Neumann 's Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics again .

  10. 还因为冯•诺伊曼的研究方式是尽可能地通过逻辑。

    It would also have been because of the way in which von Neumann approached his scientific subject as much as possible by logical thought .

  11. 艾伦觉得冯•诺伊曼的书是很有趣的,不仅是因为它试图解决一个对他来说在哲学上很重要的问题,

    Alan would not only have found von Neumann 's book ' very interesting " because it was tackling a subject of such philosophical importance to himself .

  12. 从那时到现在,属于标准的冯•诺伊曼体系结构的每一个部分速度不断提高,我们的软件其性能几乎可以随意提高。

    From then until now , increasing speeds of every single component that goes into the standard Von Neumann architecture have given our software literally free increases in performance .

  13. 应用数学家觉得冯•诺伊曼的量子力学难懂,是因为这需要对现代纯数学的发展有深入认识。

    The ' applied mathematicians " would have found von Neumann 's study of quantum mechanics to be ' rather strong " because it required a considerable knowledge of recent pure-mathematical developments .

  14. 这是一个很有雄心的选择,该书出版于1932年,题为《量子力学的数学基础》,作者是年轻的匈牙利数学家,约翰.冯.诺伊曼。

    It was an ambitious choice of study , a book only published in 1932 . It was the Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik , the Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics , by the young Hungarian mathematician John von Neumann .

  15. 冯•诺伊曼注意到,要想研究一个量子系统的状态,比如氢原子中的电子,正需要希尔伯特的这种观点。

    Von Neumann had noticed that ' Hilbert space " was exactly what was needed to make precise the idea of the ' state " of a quantum-mechanical system , such as that of an electron in a hydrogen atom .

  16. 实际上冯·诺伊曼正是借助公理化的方法才使得一般的博弈问题转化成数学问题成为可能,这也使得博弈问题的处理有了严格的数学基础,并有可能成为一门较严格的科学。

    In fact , it was with the help of acclimatization that it was able to turn common game problems into math problems , which provided game problems with strict math foundation and made it possible to be a strict science .

  17. 冯•诺伊曼表明了他的这种奇怪的观察逻辑是自洽的,而且与已知的实验现象吻合。

    it was not localised in any particular place . Von Neumann was able to show that this strange logic of observations - quite unlike anything encountered with everyday objects - was consistent in itself , and agreed with known experiments .

  18. 他研究了一些冯·诺伊曼的博弈论,并认真地设计了一套扑克游戏策略,在冯·诺伊曼的基础上略有一些提高。

    He tried some von Neumann game theory , and rather laboriously worked out a strategy for a simplified version of poker , slightly improving upon the account given by von Neumann , and also for the Princeton game of Psychology .

  19. 我们有点儿难过,因为一切都运行完美:电池在蓄电,阳光充足,飞行员健康状况良好,状态也好&方方面面都不错,诺伊曼说。

    " We are a little bit sad , because everything 's functioning perfectly : The batteries are charging , there 's enough sun , the pilot is in good health , he 's in good condition & it 's all working well ," Neumann said .