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  • 网络nostradamus
  1. 诺查丹玛斯警告说,即使这些宗教-他们将摧毁天主教会。

    Even nostradamus warned of these religions-that they will destroy the Catholic Church .

  2. 诺查丹玛斯的密码:第三次世界大战在当前令人混乱的世界上展开〉共有八章。

    With a total of eight chapters , The Nostradamus Code : World War III opens with an overview of the bewildering events currently unfolding on the world stage .

  3. 你们诺查丹玛斯家的人保持联络!从没看到你们俩一起出现,你们俩似乎很喜爱互换角色。

    You nostredames keep in touch ! You 're never seen together , but the two of you seem to enjoy changing roles .