
  • 网络aberdeen;aberdeen harbour
  1. 这家暂命名为8thEstate的酿酒厂位于港岛南端的工业区及渔业码头香港仔。它由一位意大利酿酒大师及其加拿大和香港生意合伙人共同创办。

    Located in Aberdeen , an industrial district and fishing port on the south side of Hong Kong island , the tentatively named 8th Estate winery is a joint project between an Italian wine master and his Canadian and Hong Kong business partners .

  2. 香港仔街坊福利会社会服务中心&社区中心

    Aberdeen Kaifong Welfare Association Social Service Centre & Community Centre

  3. 我认为,香港仔旅游项目的利益将超过它的成本。

    I believe the benefits of the Aberdeen Tourism Project will outweigh its costs .

  4. 渔港的主题适合发展香港仔旅游项目。

    The Fishing Port Theme is appropriate for the future development of Aberdeen Harbour .

  5. 第二个行程我会带你去香港仔吃丰富的大餐。

    The second trip I will take you to eat a rich meal in Aberdeen .

  6. 你将会去香港仔吗?

    Will you come to Aberdeen ?

  7. 主要城市:九龙,观塘,香港仔,新界,荃湾。

    Major cities : Kowloon , Kwun Tong , Aberdeen , New Kowloon , Tsuen Wan .

  8. 我喜欢渔人码头作为发展香港仔旅游项目框架。

    I like the proposed Fisherman 's Wharf Development as the development framework in Aberdeen Harbour .

  9. 在香港仔的同事们提供了精确的测量特定化学物质在环境和动物组织中。

    Colleagues in Aberdeen have provided precise measurements of specific chemicals in the environment and in animal tissues .

  10. 香港仔至湾仔交通走廊的巴士专用线,已于一九九七年八月至一九九八年三月分期试行。

    Bus-only lanes between Aberdeen and the Wan Chai corridor were implemented in stages from August 1997 to March 1998 .

  11. 香港仔石排湾,对岸小岛是鸭利洲。

    Ap Lei Chau ( Aberdeen Island , later connected to Aberdeen by a bridge ) can be seen on the right .

  12. 红磡海底隧道往港岛方向的管道及香港仔隧道往湾仔方向的管道都已封闭。

    The Cross-Harbour Tunnel heading to Hong Kong Island and the Wan Chai-bound lane of the Aberdeen Tunnel were also sealed off .

  13. 同学建议于香港仔郊野公园重修古迹游客中心,并加建缆车连接公园内各个景点,方便游人参观。

    A heritage transformed tourist centre and cable cars connecting visitors spots were proposed to be added in the Aberdeen Country Park .

  14. 他们带游客到名胜古迹,例如山顶,香港仔,海洋公园,和中国寺庙。

    They take the tourists to places of interest , such as the Peak , Aberdeen , Ocean Park and the Chinese temples .

  15. 此外,中九龙干线以及连接坚尼地城和香港仔的一段七号干线的初期规划工作也已展开。

    In addition , we have already made a start on preliminary planning for the Central Kowloon Route and Route 7 between Kennedy Town and Aberdeen .

  16. 港岛最早期的一条道路,是由中区绕过港岛西端通往香港仔这个位于南部的渔港。

    On Hong Kong island , the earliest route out of Victoria went around the west end of the island to aberdeen , a fishing port located on the south .

  17. 政府拥有六条隧道,包括狮子山隧道、香港仔隧道、机场隧道、城门隧道、将军澳隧道及长青隧道,均交由私营公司根据管理合约经营及管理。

    The government owns six of the road tunnels-lion rock , aberdeen , airport , Shing mun , Tseung Kwan O and Cheung tsing-which are managed and operated by private companies under management contracts .

  18. 在英国,伦敦是最高级别的城市在39,其次是新手到列表香港仔(53),伯明翰(55),格拉斯哥(57)和贝尔法斯特(63)。

    In the UK , London is the highest-ranking city at39 , followed by newcomer to the list Aberdeen ( 53 ), Birmingham ( 55 ), Glasgow ( 57 ) and Belfast ( 63 ) .

  19. 刘锡康的故事,以及他的工厂过去25年里从香港仔迁到广东、并进军加利福尼亚的故事,同时也是现代香港的故事。没有这些企业家,世界工厂就绝不会在中国南方落地生根。

    Mr Lau 's story , and the migration of his business from Aberdeen to Guangdong to California over the past quarter century , is also the story of modern Hong Kong , without whose entrepreneurs the workshop of the world would never have taken root in South China .

  20. 这样的剧情或多或少会让我们回想起红极一时的香港影片《古惑仔》。剧中,类似街斗、出入倡寮、粗口、歃血为盟等场景都是必不可少的。

    It may , more or less , remind us of the HongKong classic Teddyboy series , where things like street fights , visits tobrothels , and a swearing of brotherhood ceremony are indispensable .

  21. 这样的剧情或多或少会让我们回想起红极一时的香港影片《古惑仔》。剧中,类似街斗、出入妓院、粗口、歃血为盟等场景都是必不可少的。

    It may , more or less , remind us of the Hong Kong classic Teddyboy series , where things like street fights , visits to brothels , and a swearing of brotherhood ceremony are indispensable .