
  • 网络Yantai;YANTAI PORT;port of yantai
  1. 本文通过运用有效的SWOT分析法,对烟台港集团目前的经济发展做出战略分析,并提出烟台港未来发展战略决策,对烟台港乃至整个烟台市的经济发展具有一定的借鉴作用。

    This thesis applies the effective SWOT analysis to put forward the strategic analysis of economic development of Yantai port group . So that it gives out an academic reference for the development of Yantai port and the city .

  2. 烟台港港口物流发展趋势预测及发展目标研究

    Trend of Development Forecast and Development Targets Research of Yantai Port Logistics

  3. 烟台港集团经济发展战略分析

    Strategic Analysis of Group Economy Development of Yantai Port

  4. 并用此方法对烟台港的重力式码头进行了震害预测。

    The earthquake damage of Yantai Harbour is estimated using the suggested method .

  5. 在PLAN5000微机网络上开发烟台港调度信息管理系统

    Developing Dispatching Information Manage System for Yantai Habour at PLAN 5000 Micro-Computer Net

  6. 烟台港龙口港区防波堤波浪断面试验研究

    Wave cross-sectional model test of breakwater in Longkou port

  7. 烟台港临港工业发展规划研究

    Studies on Lin-gang Industry Development Strategy of YanTai Port

  8. 北临人间仙境蓬莱阁,南近青岛,东北离烟台港、烟台机场仅60公里。

    Qixia faces Penglai Pavilion to the north and Qingdao to the south .

  9. 烟台港西港池一期工程设计

    The Design of the First Stage Project of the West Basin , Yantai Port

  10. 烟台港港口数据库设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of YT Port Database

  11. 烟台港波浪绕射数学模型研究

    Mathematical Model of Wave Diffraction for Yantai Harbour

  12. 烟台港三期工程关于不建防波堤的论证与实施

    Demonstration and Implementation of not Constructing A Breakwater in Yantai Port Phase ⅲ Project

  13. 烟台港设备管理点检制可行性的研究

    Researches on the Feasibility of the Daily Inspection System for the Equipment in Yantai Harbour

  14. 烟台港及船舶污水排放是影响的主要原因。

    The letting of polluted water in Yantai Port is the main factor of influence .

  15. 建立最经济检查周期数学模型,对烟台港现行大型设备的检查周期进行确定。

    It also defines the most economical model of inspection period to determine crane inspection period .

  16. 文章以烟台港数据库研制为背景,详细介绍了一种数据库设计方法学。

    Being against the research on YT port database , the article shows a database methodology .

  17. 烟台港西港池(一期)陆域形成及强夯加固

    Land Formation and Dynamic Consolidation for the West Basin ( 1st Phase ) of Yantai Port

  18. 2008年,烟台港完成货物吞吐量1.11亿吨,集装箱153万标箱。

    In 2008 , Yantai Port cargo throughput achieve 111 million tons , 1.53 million TEUs of containers .

  19. 介绍半潜驳出运沉箱工艺在烟台港、岚山港、厦门港的应用情况。

    The technology of caisson transportation by semi-submerged barge in Yantai Port , Lanshan Port and Xiamen Port are introduced .

  20. 为了提高经济效益,烟台港对轨道衡实施改造,实现了无人值守。

    In order to raise economic efficiency , Yantai Port carries out reform on the track scale and realize unmanned operation .

  21. 本文通过建立维修经济数学模型,对烟台港现行大型设备的维修项目分析,进行维修决策;

    This thesis defines the economical model of maintenance and how to make maintenance decision through the analysis of crane maintenance items ;

  22. 同时,基于长远发展提出了几点设想,以期有效改善烟台港目前的通航状况。

    Meanwhile , several ideas have been proposed based on the long-term development , in order to effectively improve the navigational conditions of Yantai Port .

  23. 接下来本文在第三章提出了发展临港工业对烟台港和烟台腹地经济发展的重要意义;

    In chapter 3 , we post the necessity and significance of Lin-gang industry development not only for YanTai port , but its ' hinterland economy ;

  24. 介绍烟台港西港池一期工程的规模、总平面布置、装卸工艺和码头结构设计。

    This paper introduces the scale , general layout , handling technology and wharf structure of the First Stage Project of the West Basin , Yantai Port .

  25. 烟台港地处渤海湾与黄海交界处,是我国北方水陆交通的重要枢纽和国际贸易运输的主要口岸之一。

    Marched with Huanghai and Bohai , Yantai port is one of the most important hinges of northern transportation in China and main gate in international trade .

  26. 以烟台港西港区高速公路建设为实证研究对象,验证了论文的研究成果具有一定的实用性。

    Fifthly , the paper takes the highway construction of Yantai port for empirical research object , verified the research result of the thesis has practical value .

  27. 本文简要介绍了烟台港三期工程集装箱码头装卸桥后轨道梁基础处理方案的比选、优化,施工要点与实施效果。

    This paper briefly introduces the proposal and construction of foundation treatment for rare-beam of container crane at Container Terminal , Yantai Port ( Phase Three Project ) .

  28. 同时本文采取多元分析中基于降维技术的统计方法&因子分析,对烟台港铁矿石码头竞争力的综合评价指标进行简化降维。

    Article take multivariate analysis based on statistical methods for dimension reduction techniques-factor analysis , Yantai Port iron ore terminal competitiveness comprehensive evaluation index to simplify dimensionality reduction .

  29. 对烟台港实现向现代物流中心转型具有一定的借鉴意义。

    It affords us the main development measures and targets as well . The article will have a certain significance on the transformation of Yantai Port to modern logistics center .

  30. 介绍了烟台港建立的针对性维修体制,并就其理论基础、体制模式、主要内容和实施情况及效果分别作了叙述。

    This paper describes the conditional maintenance system ( CMS ) in Yantai harbour as well as its theoretical fundamentals , mode , main contents , performance conditions and results .