
yān dǒu
  • pipe;tobacco pipe
烟斗 [yān dǒu]
  • [tobacco pipe] 一种吸烟用具,通常为一根管子,一端有斗,另一端是嘴子

烟斗[yān dǒu]
  1. 他吸着烟斗。

    He puffed on his pipe .

  2. 房间内有烟斗烟丝的淡淡馨香。

    The room held the faint , sweet odour of pipe tobacco

  3. 他在自己手上磕打烟斗。

    He smacked the bowl of his pipe into his hand .

  4. 他边听边点头,还吸着一支粗短的烟斗。

    He nodded and puffed on a stubby pipe as he listened .

  5. 他用烟斗柄指着我。

    He pointed at me with the stem of his pipe

  6. 菲尔波特往烟斗里塞了一卷碎烟叶。

    Philpott tamped a wad of tobacco into his pipe .

  7. 他抽了口烟斗,摇了摇头。

    He took a puff on his pipe and shook his head .

  8. 抽烟斗的人用牙齿咬住烟斗,有时会把齿尖磨平。

    Pipe smokers sometimes wear down the tips of their teeth where they grip their pipes

  9. 她双手紧握烟斗,想要把它掰成两半。

    She gripped the pipe with both hands , trying to snap it in half .

  10. 两个男人都在抽着难闻的烟斗。

    Both men were smoking evil-smelling pipes .

  11. 我听见他在壁炉架上磕打烟斗。

    I heard him knock his pipe out on the mantelpiece .

  12. 烟斗里渍了很多油子。

    The pipe is caked with tar .

  13. 这位瞎老汉在自己身上摸他的烟斗。

    The blind old man felt about himself for his pipe without looking .

  14. 老人坐在角落里,抽着烟斗。

    The old man sat in the corner , pulling at his pipe .

  15. 想抽一烟斗我的烟吗?

    Would you like a fill of my tobacco ?

  16. 他不停地抽着烟斗。

    He never stopped drawing at his pipe .

  17. 我烟斗的火熄灭了。

    My pipe has gone out .

  18. 他躺在沙发上,口含烟斗,欣赏着自己吐出来的烟圈。

    With a pipe in his mouth , he lounged on the sofa , admiring the smoke rings he was blowing .

  19. 他在大玻璃烟灰缸里磕净烟斗。

    He knocked out his pipe in the big glass ashtray .

  20. 父亲坐着心满意足地抽着烟斗

    My father sat puffing contentedly on his pipe .

  21. 小路那边有一只夜鸱在唱:“威普威噢,威普威噢!”鲁维坐在一棵苹果树下,吸着他的烟斗;

    From across the road a bird sang “ Whippoorwill , whippoorwill ! ” Lurvy sat down under an apple tree and lit his pipe ;

  22. 隶属CIPC之各烟斗俱乐部,同意本规定为颁发竞赛奖项之唯一参考,其根据为本规章第34条及第三十八条。

    Clubs belonging to the CIPC accept these regulations as the only ones applicable for the awarding of the titles according to art.34 and38 .

  23. 一个人说:“这个孩子永远不会闻到和睦烟斗(peace-pipe)的香味,除非我把他的鼻孔张开。”

    One said : " This child will never smell the perfume of a peace-pipe unless I stretch his nostrils . "

  24. 他嘴里衔一个烟斗,正吸着烟。

    He had a pipe in his mouth and was smoking .

  25. 这个烟斗需要的是一个小且硬的苹果。

    The apple you use should be relatively small and hard .

  26. 老头儿打嘴里拿出烟斗。

    The old man took the pipe out of his mouth .

  27. 他的烟斗喷出最后一口有气无力的烟,他的故事也讲完了。

    His story ended with his pipe 's last dying puff .

  28. 柯比慢腾腾地装上烟斗。“罗达好吗?”

    Kirbr deliberately packed his pipe . " how is rhoda ?"

  29. 老太太们会买四轮冰鞋,根本不吸烟的人也会买烟斗清洁器。

    Old ladies will buy roller-skates and non-smokers will buy pipe-cleaners .

  30. 我叫了茶,点燃了烟斗。

    I ordered some tea for myself and lit my pipe .