
  • 网络LYNN;Lean;David Lean;riehen
  1. 里恩,事实上,如果我能去的话。

    Lynn , the truth is if I could get there .

  2. 里恩没能力指挥我们应对危机了。

    Lynn is incapable of leading us through this crisis .

  3. 2007年,里恩在《细胞》(Cell)杂志上发表了自己的研究结果,震惊了遗传学界。

    When Rinn announced this result in 2007 , other geneticists were stunned .

  4. 里恩的研究对象是RNA,但不是我们的细胞用以作为制造蛋白质的模板的那种RNA。

    Rinn studies RNA , but not the RNA that our cells use as a template for making proteins .

  5. 里恩负责着十几个项目,目的是研究一些曾经被视为“垃圾”,其实却为生命所必需的非编码DNA片段。

    Rinn is overseeing more than a dozen research projects looking for pieces of noncoding DNA that might once have been classified as junk but actually are essential for life .

  6. 里恩在斯坦福大学(Stanforduniversity)做博士后时就决定要尝试证明这些新的RNA分子具有重要的作用。

    As a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University , Rinn decided he would try to show that one of these new RNA molecules had some important role .

  7. 21世纪初,里恩和其他科学家发现,人类细胞可以阅读数千个自身DNA片段(不仅包含编码区),并在此过程中制造RNA分子。

    In the early 2000s , Rinn and other scientists discovered that human cells were reading thousands of segments of their DNA , not just the coding parts , and producing RNA molecules in the process .

  8. 2013年12月,里恩和同事们发表了第一批搜索结果:有三个新的潜在的RNA基因可能对小鼠的生存至关重要。

    In December 2013 , Rinn and his colleagues published the first results of their search : three potential new genes for RNA that appear to be essential for a mouse 's survival .

  9. 奥斯特里恩•克里斯蒂安•龙贝格(AustrianChristianRhomberg),现年51岁,97集团(97Group)联合创始人兼董事,他于1982年建立了这家集团。

    Austrian Christian Rhomberg , 51 , is the co-founder and director of the97 Group , which he established in1982 .

  10. 里恩在2005年曾为一家网络广告公司工作过一段时间,之后就有了创办Marin的想法。

    Lien came up with the concept for Marin software following a brief stint working for an online ad firm in 2005 .

  11. 里恩怀疑我们的基因组编码了成千上万个可以进行类似壮举的RNA分子,它们可以弯曲DNA、解开DNA螺旋,使其与某些特定的蛋白质接触或者赋予其本身没有的广泛功用。

    Rinn suspects that there are thousands of RNA molecules encoded in our genomes that perform similar feats : bending DNA , unspooling it , bringing it in contact with certain proteins and otherwise endowing it with a versatility it would lack on its own .

  12. 里恩对皮肤细胞进行了一系列的实验,想看看hotair有什么功能(就是说,如果有的话)。

    Rinn ran a series of experiments on skin cells to figure out what , if anything , hotair was doing .

  13. 2008年,里恩应邀来到哈佛大学,并在此建立了自己的新实验室,一心一意希望能找到更多类似hotair的分子。

    In 2008 , having been lured to Harvard , Rinn set up his new lab entirely in hopes of finding more hotair-like molecules .

  14. 里恩的研究显示,hotair的作用就像是Polycomb蛋白的向导,当它结合在Polycomb上后,就可以护送该蛋白穿过乱七八糟的细胞内环境,准确地结合到需要被沉默的基因位点上。

    Rinn 's research revealed that hotair acts as a kind of guide for Polycomb , attaching to it and escorting it through the jungle of the cell to the precise spots on our DNA where it needs to silence genes .

  15. 里恩,我没有别的人可以去求了。

    Lynn , I got nobody else to turn to .

  16. 里恩,警方正试着理出头绪。

    Lynn , the police are trying to make sense of something .

  17. 里恩想审阅下修订好的营救计划。

    Lynn Wants to look at the revised assault plan .

  18. 里恩不是正站在你身边吗?

    Isn 't Lynn standing right next to you ?

  19. 回到巴拿马,我到达里恩丛林里向当地的印第安人请教。

    Back in Panama , I took the problem to the Indians in the Darien Jungle .

  20. 一些生物学家认为,里恩这类新发现提示我们的基因组中隐藏着一座大宝库。

    To some biologists , discoveries like Rinn 's hint at a hidden treasure house in our genome .

  21. 里恩意识到,搜索广告商没有可用的软件来管理网络广告宣传,尤其是那些大的广告商。

    Lien realized that search advertisers had no viable software for managing their online campaigns , especially larger advertisers .

  22. 里恩和张都清楚地知道,这种模式可能毫无意义,但他们仍然开始了研究。

    Rinn and Chang were well aware that this pattern might be meaningless , but they set out to investigate it nevertheless .

  23. 一个福尔赛家人天生就不感觉到自己是个福尔赛;可是小乔里恩却非常有自知之明。

    It is in the nature of a Forsyte to be ignorant that he is a Forsyte ; but young Jolyon was well aware of being one .

  24. 《细胞》杂志称其为巨大的突破,并表示里恩的这项研究是他们曾经发表过的最重要的论文之一。

    Cell , the journal that released it , hailed it as a breakthrough , calling Rinn 's paper one of the most important they had ever published .

  25. 他是骑车穿过巴拿马达里恩沼泽的第一人,也是骑车横跨美洲大陆的第一人。

    He became the first man to cycle the Darien Gap in Panama , and the first to cycle from the top to the bottom of the American continent .

  26. 对奥博里恩而言,幸运的是,警察布鲁斯·佩里用警帽遮住了他的下体并将他带到围墙边,在逮捕他之前允许他完成了这个赌约。

    Luckily for him , PC Bruce Perry actually walked him to the fence whilst covering his nether regions with his police helmet and allowed him to complete the dare before arresting him .