
  • 网络LILLE;Riel;Lil;Riehl;Lille OSC
  1. 同年,他在代表中国参加世界U-19锦标赛中的优秀表现,为他赢得了去法国里尔俱乐部试训的机会。

    In the same year he represented China at the U-19 World Championship and earned himself a trial at French club Lille .

  2. 打里尔时他又击中了门框。

    He hit the crossbar again against Lille .

  3. 所有人都知道缪里尔命中注定要成就一番伟业。

    Everyone knew that Muriel was destined for great things .

  4. 这些音乐家激情演绎了《帕迪·凯西的里尔舞曲》。

    The musicians burst into a rousing rendition of ' Paddy Casey 's Reel ' .

  5. 里尔舞曲是四四拍,吉格舞曲是六八拍。

    A reel is in four-four time , and a jig is in six-eight time .

  6. 心理学家特伦斯?里尔博士(TerrenceReal)在其畅销书《婚姻新规则》(TheNewRulesofMarriage)中对虐待行为做出了如下定义:

    That 's why it 's so useful that in his book The New Rules of Marriage , best-selling author and psychologist Dr. Terrence Real defines abuse :

  7. ProjectSyndicate网站今年6月曾经发布了一篇文章,纽约大学经济学家努里尔•鲁比尼在文中预测,金价到2015年可能会下跌到每盎司1000美元。

    In a June article in project syndicate , New York University economist Nouriel Roubini forecast that gold could fall to $ 1,000 by 2015 .

  8. ProjectSyndicate网站今年6月曾经发布了一篇文章,纽约大学经济学家努里尔?鲁比尼在文中预测,金价到2015年可能会下跌到每盎司1000美元。

    In a June article in Project Syndicate , New York University economist Nouriel Roubini forecast that gold could fall to $ 1000 by 2015 .

  9. 然而克里斯蒂安•卡里尔(ChristianCaryl)在看待1970年代时,看到的不仅仅是萎靡不振;

    But Christian Caryl sees more than malaise when he looks at the 1970s ;

  10. 埃里尔已经连续多次创业,他曾是食品快递网站Delivery.com和美食网站Eats.com的首席执行官。他在范德堡大学(VanderbiltUniversity)获得了经济学学士学位。

    Ariel is a serial entrepreneur -- he was once the CEO of Delivery.com and Eats.com -- and holds a bachelor 's degree in economics from Vanderbilt University .

  11. 也门里尔或也门第纳尔(货币代码YER)是也门的货币。

    The Yemeni rial or Yemeni riyal is the currency of Yemen .

  12. 然而克里斯蒂安•卡里尔(ChristianCaryl)在看待1970年代时,看到的不仅仅是萎靡不振;他看到了历史上最伟大的转折点之一。

    But Christian Caryl sees more than malaise when he looks at the 1970s ; he sees one of history 's great turning points .

  13. NPR新闻的彼得·坎宁身处塔里尔广场附近医院外使用高音喇叭与人群沟通。

    NPR Peter Kenn was near Tahrir square outside Musk serving as maid shop in hospitalism using loud speakers to communicate with crowd .

  14. 周六早些时候,一幅价值5000万美元的梵高油画在开罗马穆德卡里尔博物馆(MahmoudKhalilMuseum)失窃,现在已经找回。

    A Van Gogh painting valued at $ 50 million that was stolen from the Mahmoud Khalil Museum in Cairo earlier on Saturday has now been recovered .

  15. 她的获胜,卡里尔说,反映了英国思维的根本性转变。正如工党的彼得•曼德尔森(PeterMandelson)多年后所说:我们现在都是撒切尔了。

    Her win , Mr. Caryl argues , ' reflected a fundamental shift in British thinking . ' As Labour 's Peter Mandelson would say years later , ' We are all Thatcherites now . '

  16. 布里尔利高中(Brearley)和圣安妮高中(SaintAnn)的学生们也都被该剧迷住了——尽管《老友记》只是社交媒体时代之前一部配有背景笑声的喜剧。

    students at Brearley and Saint Ann 's are enthralled . All of this despite the fact that " Friends " is a laugh-tracked network enterprise predating the era of social media .

  17. 据信库珀是在华盛顿州艾瑞尔镇(Ariel)落地的,而这里的艾里尔杂货店—酒馆(ArielGeneralStoreandTavern)是库珀迷的集散中心,每年都举办集会向库珀致上英雄般的敬意,让这个故事一直保持热度。

    The Ariel General Store and Tavern , an archive of Coopermania in the Washington State town of Ariel , where he is believed to have landed , has kept the story alive with an annual get-together that toasts Mr. Cooper as a hero .

  18. Ganzouri向全国和聚集在开罗塔里尔广场的民众发表讲话,呼吁终止军事统治。

    As Mr Ganzouri addressed the nation , huge crowds again occupied Cairo 's Tahrir Square , calling for an end to military rule .

  19. 甘布里尔的电子商务网站deringhall正出售由理查德谢姆托夫(richardshemtov)设计的、带储物空间的咖啡桌,如果有需要,移开它的桌面还可获得更多空间,其零售价接近3000美元。

    His e-commerce site , dering hall , sells a piece by Richard shemtov that is a coffee table with storage and a top that can be removed for extra seating , if needed . It retails for nearly $ 3000 .

  20. 在谈到这个级别的竞争时,是需要财政支持的,美国奥委会(USOC)发言人戴里尔•希伯尔(DarrylSeibel)表示。他将今年的奥运会称为历史上竞争最激烈的奥运会。

    When you 're talking about competition at this level , it requires financial support , said Darryl Seibel , US Olympic Committee spokesman , who described this year 's Games as the most competitive in history .

  21. 比伯的朋友19岁的饶舌歌手里尔推斯特当时正驾驶着比伯价值20万美元的法拉利,被警察叫下进行检查。当Guerra赶到现场时警察告诫他退后。

    The singer 's friend , 19-year-old rapper Lil Twist , was reportedly driving Bieber 's $ 200,000 Ferrari and was stopped by police when Guerra rushed to the scene and was told by authorities to step back .

  22. 我用长途电话和奥里尔的商人直接谈过。

    I talked directly over long-distance to this merchant at auriol .

  23. 泰里尔让我为他选秀作准备。

    Tyrell asked me to get him ready for the draft .

  24. 当里尔登读批评时,丽塔重复里尔登背诵的东西。

    Rita repeated what Reardon recited when Reardon read the remarks .

  25. 足球流氓们有了新的的活动:在塔里尔广场附近保护抗议者。

    Soccer thugs found new purpose as bouncers around Tahrir Square .

  26. 欧洲里尔&映射库哈斯都市理论的新城中心区规划

    Eurolille : the urban centre planning reflecting the urban theory of Koolhaas

  27. 报道说,里尔市市民遭受这样的“虚惊”已经不是第一次了。

    " We 've been lucky ," the city hall official said .

  28. 哎哟!可别再应邀去缪里尔大婶那里参加茶会了!

    Oh horrors ! Not another invitation to tea with aunt muriel !

  29. 报道说泰里尔从事故现场逃逸。

    It says Tyrell walked away from the scene of the accident .

  30. 欧洲里尔&一种新型城市中心的规划与实施

    Euralille & A New Type of Planning and Implementation of Urban Centers