
  • 网络LEGHORN;livorno
  1. 而就在这种对互相都有利的状况之下,他们到达了里窝那。

    In this state of mutual understanding , they reached Leghorn .

  2. 我愿意付二十五个毕阿士特,算是带我回里窝那的船费。

    I will pay twenty-five piastres for my passage back to Leghorn .

  3. 那位里窝那理发师不加思索,立刻就干了起来。

    The Leghorn barber said nothing and went to work .

  4. 意大利中北部城市,濒临利古里亚海,位于里窝那市的北部。

    A city of north-central Italy near the Ligurian Sea north of Leghorn .

  5. 他以前曾在里窝那停靠过不下二十次。

    As he had twenty times touched at Leghorn , he remembered a barber in St.

  6. 那个男人曾陪你走过意大利里窝那的码头,叫你贝拉

    the man who strolled along the quays of Livorno , Italy , and called you Bella .

  7. 这次到了里窝那,他得到了一大笔财产,是他的一位叔父遗赠给他的,他是他叔父唯一的继承人。

    But that on his arrival at Leghorn he had come into possession of a large fortune , left him by an uncle , whose sole heir he was .

  8. 我们到卢卡去装油,到里窝那却装英国棉花,我们顺利地卸了货,分了红利,然后高高兴兴地回家了。

    We had been to Lucca to take in oil , to Leghorn for English cottons , and we ran our cargo without opposition , and returned home full of joy .

  9. 船长要把这些货都免税弄出里窝那,运到科西嘉沿岸在那儿,再由一些投机商人把货物转运到法国去。

    The master was to get all this out of Leghorn free of duties , and land it on the shores of Corsica , where certain speculators undertook to forward the cargo to France .

  10. 到了里窝那,他走进了一个做珠宝商的犹太人的店里,拿出了四颗最小的钻石,每颗卖了五千法郎。

    Arrived at Leghorn , he repaired to the house of a Jew , a dealer in precious stones , to whom he disposed of four of his smallest diamonds for five thousand francs each .