
  • 网络blackpool;Blackburn
  1. 演出结束后,观众从布莱克浦的大街上消失了踪迹。

    After the show , the audience deserts the Blackpool streets .

  2. 布莱克浦是英国的顶级旅游胜地。

    Blackpool is the top tourist attraction in England .

  3. 像布莱克浦与布赖顿这样的海滨胜地正为游客的大批涌入做准备。

    Seaside resorts such as Blackpool and Brighton are preparing for a tourist invasion .

  4. 这个地区不均等的数字是惊人的,对于男性的分析预测结果相似:一名出生于贫困地区,布莱克浦的男孩可以健康地生活47年,而对出生于伦敦骑士桥区域的男孩来说,这个数字则是79。

    The inequality is startling – and it 's a similar story for males : a baby boy born in a deprived district of Blackpool can expect just 47 years of healthy life , while in Knightsbridge in London it 's 79 .

  5. 他在布莱克浦冬园阁的首次演出

    " His first show at the Winter Gardens pavilion , blackpool "

  6. 我们到布莱克浦作了一日游览。

    We went on a day excursion to blackpool .

  7. 许多人在那儿的生活,就仿佛自己还是在英国的博格诺、布莱克浦或布赖顿等城市那样。

    There many carry on just as if they were still in Bognor , Blackpool or Brighton .

  8. 布莱克浦主帅伊恩·霍洛韦日前再次申明,只有高额转会费才能说服他们放走查理·亚当。

    Blackpool boss Ian Holloway has again stated only big money will convince them to sell Charlie Adam .

  9. 布莱克浦官方宣布,今天与利物浦的联赛由于场地结冰而取消。

    Blackpool have confirmed that today 's game at Bloomfield Road has been called off due to a frozen pitch .

  10. 美国怪人排行榜榜首嘎嘎小姐将要在布莱克浦歌剧院皇家大汇演中为女王演唱。

    Eccentric American chart-topper Lady Gaga is to sing for the Queen at the Royal Variety Performance at the Opera House in Blackpool .

  11. 他们在过去三场比赛中保持不败,分别在客场战平伯明翰,在厄普顿公园战平西布朗和布莱克浦。

    They are unbeaten in the last three games with draws against Birmingham ( away ), West Brom and Blackpool at Upton Park .

  12. 这并不是一个令人十足糟糕的折磨,只是强迫圣婴过早地在对阵布莱克浦的赛场上下来实在是太让他沮丧了,庆幸地是并不十分严重!

    It wasn 't a really bad tear-just enough to frustratingly force him off the field early against Blackpool but it 's not too serious .

  13. “我们很清楚客场战绩亟待提高,希望进步可以从战胜布莱克浦开始”,他补充到。

    " We know we must improve our away form and hopefully we can do this starting with a win at Blackpool ," he added .

  14. 那场对切尔西的失利也是红军自1962年重返顶级联赛以来仅有的两场主场开幕战失利之一,另一场就是1962年输给布莱克浦。

    That Chelsea defeat is one of only two they have suffered at home since returning to the top-flight in1962.The other came that year against Blackpool .

  15. 亚伦曾联系英国布莱克浦地方政务会和教育标准局,希望他们关注提高教学质量的问题。后来,他忍无可忍后就在上周三组织了约100名同学进行游行抗议。

    Aaron originally contacted Blackpool Council and Ofsted to raise concerns over the quality of teaching before losing patience and organising the 100-strong walkout last Wednesday .

  16. 与他的伙伴一样,罗宾没能在与布莱克本的比赛中破网,但是他在3比1战胜布莱克浦的比赛中接应西奥·沃尔科特的助攻、攻入了一记漂亮进球。

    Like his team-mates Robin drew a blank against Blackburn but he wrapped up a3-1 win at Blackpool with a precise finish from Theo Walcott 's pass .

  17. 他在对阵布莱克浦时受伤真是很不走运,但幸运的是这在国际比赛的间歇发生,所以他不会错过我们更多的联赛。

    It was really unfortunate he got that injury against Blackpool but luckily it came in the international break so he won 't miss anymore league games for us .

  18. 德克·库伊特今天就球队输给布莱克浦而向主场球迷致歉,并且放出狠话,利物浦将很快重振旗鼓,摆脱积分榜上靠后的排名。

    Dirk Kuyt today apologised to supporters following the home defeat to Blackpool-and issued a defiant message that Liverpool will soon be battling at the right end of the table .

  19. 身为三个孩子母亲的珍妮来自布莱克浦,当她怀孕7个月并且知道她腹中的孩子是女孩的时候她为这个尚未出世的孩子报名参加了比赛。

    Mother-of-three Jenny , from Blackpool , was seven months pregnant - and knew she was carrying a girl - when she sat down to register her unborn baby into the competition .

  20. 卢卡斯认为,在下周日与埃弗顿的默西塞德郡德比战之前有这么一个国际比赛日说实在是红军之幸,尤其是在主场不敌布莱克浦之后。

    Ahead of next Sunday 's Merseyside derby against Everton , Lucas believes that the current international break arrived with perfect timing for Liverpool in the wake of their defeat to Blackpool .

  21. 西班牙球星在1-2输给布莱克浦的比赛里内收肌受伤,但现在他和保罗孔切斯基在古迪逊大战前的双双回归,给主教练带来了巨大鼓舞。

    The Spain star sustained an adductor strain during the2-1 defeat against Blackpool but has now joined Paul Konchesky in handing the boss a double injury boost ahead of the Goodison Park clash .

  22. 上个月英国心理学学会在英国布莱克浦举行了一次会议,会议上萨瑞大学的研究人员公布了这项研究的结果:所有接受调查的女性都可以通过进食提高情绪。

    Eating was found to lift the spirits of all the women , according to the study , which was presented last month at a meeting of the British Psychological Society in Blackpool , UK .

  23. 我的舅公阿吉却总想把我训练成魔法师.有一次,他把我从布莱克浦码头推了下去,我差点被淹死了——不过,我八岁前的生活没有什么特别的。

    My Great Uncle Algie kept trying to catch me off my guard and force some magic out of me , he pushed me off the end of Blackpool pier once , I nearly drowned - but nothing happened until I was eight .