
pí kè
  • pike;pic;pik
皮克[pí kè]
  1. 皮克6000螺旋CT滑环电刷寿命延长改进的应用研究

    Improve of extend pick PQ series helix slip ring CT electric brush

  2. 一名Twitter用户回复了皮克的帖子,询问空间站的区号。

    Responding to Mr. Peake 's tweet , one Twitter user wanted to know what the space station 's area code was .

  3. 据华尔街周刊金融专栏作家皮克报道,华尔街给奥巴马总统第一个月的任职表现评分为‘F’。

    Well , according to the financial columnist Liz Peek , who writes for the'Wall Street Weekly , 'Wall Street is giving President Obama an'F'for his first month in office .

  4. 皮克量级钚同位素丰度比的TIMS分析

    Analysis on the Isotopic Ratio of Picogram Pu by TIMS

  5. 痴呆类疾病可分为阿尔茨海默病(AD)、皮克病、多发性梗死性痴呆(MID)等类型,它们各具不同的临床特点。

    Dementing illnesses comprise Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ), Pick 's disease , Multi infarct dementia ( MID ) and other neurological disorders . These diseases have different clinical characters respectively .

  6. 去年夏天,巴塞罗纳足球俱乐部(FCBarcelona,简称:巴萨)球员杰拉德.皮克(GerardPiqué)和其流行歌手女友夏奇拉(Shakira)在旧金山组织了一次宴会。

    Last summer , FC Barcelona player Gerard Piqu é and his pop star partner Shakira organised a dinner in San Francisco .

  7. 目前,中国运动品牌李宁(Li-Ning)和皮克(Peak)都在充分利用篮球持续升温带来的机遇。耐克宣布,2010财年中国业务营收达到17亿美元。

    Already , Chinese footwear brands Li-Ning and Peak have capitalized on basketball 's growing popularity , and Nike reported a $ 1.7 billion in Chinese revenues for the2010 fiscal year .

  8. 随着低廉的持有QWERTY键盘手机不断涌现市场,然而正如它的收敛与敢于抗衡,Peek皮克必须向前展望。

    As cheap QWERTY feature phones continue to enter the market , though , Peek will have to take a long look ahead as it bucks convention and convergence .

  9. Peek皮克的过人之处&它明白它卖的是什么,这也许它会成为一个打破宿命的例外。

    But Peek , which is one of those products that is as much about where it is sold as what it does , may be able to capitalize on somewhat of an exception to the rule .

  10. 皮克没能与家人接通电话,于是在Twitter上发帖承认错误:“我刚才打错电话了,还说‘你好,是地球吗?’我想向那位女士道歉。这不是恶作剧……只是拨错了号码!”

    After failing to connect , he took his flub to Twitter , posting : " I 'd like to apologise to the lady I just called by mistake saying ' Hello , is this planet Earth ? " - not a prank call ... just a wrong number ! "

  11. 汤森路透将利用World-Check扩张其治理、风险和合规业务,World-Check的首席执行官丹•皮克将留任管理职位。

    Thomson Reuters will use world-check to expand its governance , risk & compliance business , with world-check CEO Dan peak staying on in an executive capacity .

  12. 与会者包括巴萨新任主席何塞普.马里亚.巴托梅乌(JosepMariaBartomeu),以及一个本不太可能是皮克朋友的人——以销售额计日本最大互联网零售商乐天(Rakuten)的创始人三木谷浩史(HiroshiMikitani)。

    Attendees included the football club 's new president Josep Maria Bartomeu and an unlikely friend of Piqu é " s , Hiroshi Mikitani , the founder of Rakuten , Japan 's largest internet retailer by sales .

  13. 经ELISA检测,抗体部分的表达量不高,但干扰素的表达却已经达到了纳克(10-9g)级,最高已达9ng/ml,而一般干扰素的作用浓度只需皮克(10-12g)级。

    In the ELISA test , the expression of antibody part is not high , but the expression of interferon has been reached nanogram ( 10-9g ) level , the maximum reached 9ng / ml , the concentration of the general role of interferon only picogram ( 10-12g ) level .

  14. 我决定略施小技,诱使皮克先生去干这件事。

    I decided to try to ensnare Mr Peake into doing it .

  15. 城市中心的公共开敞空间&英国曼彻斯特皮克迪利花园

    Public open space in city centre : piccadilly gardens , manchester , uk

  16. A型尼曼-皮克病的自然病史:治疗试验的可能终点

    Natural history of Type A Niemann-Pick disease : Possible endpoints for therapeutic trials

  17. 多个蓝牙皮克网共存的系统建模与性能仿真

    Modeling and performance simulation on multi-piconet Bluetooth system

  18. 皮克的筑路方法:中国的陆军工程兵打头,清理出一条小径。

    Pick 's construction system : Chinese Army engineers led , clearing a trace .

  19. 以帕西瓦尔罗威尔和威廉。皮克韵命名的。

    Named by Percival Lowell and William h.pickering .

  20. 皮克我宁愿失去手也不会抛弃你的

    Pick , I would rather chop off my hand than get rid of you .

  21. 如果没有这些便利的现代化设施,他岂能上麦屈?皮克屈来?

    Without the modern conveniences would he be able to visit Machu Picchu at all ?

  22. 哈迪皮克型平巷电钻机组柴油机发电驱动钻机

    Hardypick drifting machine diesel electric driving rig

  23. 皮克区不是白莱顿

    The Peak District is not Brighton .

  24. 皮克:说真的要评价吉瑟皮很难!

    Pique : to be honest it 's difficult to think of one for giuseppe !

  25. 伊莉莎白,跟我们到皮克区呼吸新鲜空气?

    Come to the Peak District with us , Lizzie , and get some fresh air .

  26. 因为他的反城市情绪,肯渥希.皮克在他的时代以引导田园著称。

    Because of his anti-urban feelings Kenworthy Piker is known as the leading ruralist of his time .

  27. 赫斯脱先生和彬格莱先生在打“皮克牌”,赫斯脱太太在一旁看他们打。

    Mr. Hurst and Mr. Bingley were at piquet , and Mrs. Hurst was observing their game .

  28. 白领农民的生态乐园&美国齐萨皮克农场见闻

    White-Collar Farmers ' Ecological Paradise

  29. 皮克区(英格兰德比郡北部行政区,该处多高峰)。

    The Peak District ( area in Derbyshire , England where there are many peaks ( peak )

  30. 本文描述并分析了位于英国曼彻斯特城市中心的皮克迪利花园的设计概念。

    This article describes and analyses the design concepts of Piccadilly Garden which is located in city centre .