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yān wù
  • smoke;smog;fume;mist;haze;vapour;smoke fog
烟雾 [yān wù]
  • [smoke;mist;vapour;smog] 烟、雾、云、气的泛称

  • 山谷里烟雾缭绕

  • 残生竟抱烟霞癖。--倪瓒《次韵郯九成见寄》

烟雾[yān wù]
  1. 汽车造成的污染既有烟雾也有酸雨。

    Cars cause pollution , both smog and acid rain .

  2. 汽车污染会造成烟雾和酸雨。

    The pollution caused by cars leads to smog and acid rain .

  3. 博物馆利用气味和烟雾发生器制造气氛。

    The museum uses smells and smoke generators to create atmosphere .

  4. 他们挣扎着从烟雾稀薄的地方逃了出去。

    They fought their way through where the smoke was thinner .

  5. 多数受害者是因烟雾窒息而死的。

    Most of the victims were stifled by the fumes .

  6. 劫案发生时,一枚烟雾弹转移了人们的视线。

    A smoke bomb created a diversion while the robbery took place .

  7. 所有的房间都安装了烟雾报警器。

    The rooms were all fitted with smoke alarms .

  8. 魔术师在一股烟雾中突然不见了。

    The magician vanished in a puff of smoke .

  9. 城市上空烟雾弥漫。

    Smoke hung in the air above the city .

  10. 他们把烟雾报警器安装在天花板上。

    They fitted a smoke alarm to the ceiling .

  11. 昨天在一辆烟雾弥漫的汽车中发现了一具男尸。

    The body of a man was found in a fume-filled car yesterday .

  12. 她从鼻子里喷出烟雾。

    She exhaled the smoke through her nose .

  13. 地平线上升起了烟雾。

    Smoke appeared on the horizon .

  14. 房间里烟雾弥漫。

    Smoke filled the room .

  15. 他宁愿在烟雾缭绕的酒吧里哼唱歌曲。

    He would much rather have been crooning in a smoky bar

  16. 人们吸烟的烟雾似乎会长时间滞留在空气中。

    People 's cigarette smoke seemed to hang in the air .

  17. 一团油腻的黑色烟雾飘到悬崖顶上。

    A pall of oily black smoke drifted over the clifftop .

  18. 一层烟雾低悬在污浊的空气中。

    A layer of smoke hung low in the stale air .

  19. 他面临的主要问题就是:工作场所总是烟雾弥漫。

    His main problem was the extremely smoky atmosphere at work .

  20. 几分钟不到,大厅里就弥漫着呛人的烟雾了。

    Within minutes the hall was full of choking smoke .

  21. 我们在各层楼梯都安装有完全可用的烟雾警报器。

    We have fully functional smoke alarms on all staircases .

  22. 丹透过烟雾和咖啡的热气朝他笑了笑。

    Dan smiled at him through a haze of smoke and steaming coffee

  23. 这条走廊通向一间烟雾弥漫的低矮房间。

    The corridor opened into a low smoky room .

  24. 他隐藏在一层香烟烟雾之后。

    He retreated behind a veil of cigarette smoke .

  25. 那个女孩吸入烟雾,窒息而死。

    The girl choked to death after breathing in smoke

  26. 烟雾报警器既不贵又易于安装。

    Smoke detectors are cheap and easy to put up

  27. 过滤系统使得全体人员能够呼吸到没有烟雾的清新空气。

    The filtration system provides the crew with clean air free from fumes .

  28. 他们在烟雾中迷失了方向,向里面胡乱射击了一通。

    They were disorientated by the smoke and were firing blindly into it .

  29. 消防队员奋力穿过烟雾企图去救孩子们,而这注定是要失败的。

    Fireman battled through the smoke in a doomed attempt to rescue the children

  30. 他吸了一口烟,吐出了烟雾。

    He took a drag on his cigarette , and exhaled the smoke .