
  1. 论徐渭对杜诗的接受

    On the Acceptance of Du Fu 's Poetry by Xu Wei

  2. 韩国古代的杜诗研究

    The Ancient Studies on Du Fu 's Poems in Korea

  3. 三是集杜诗;有补集;

    Thirdly he collected DU-Fu 's poems ; set complement exists on it ;

  4. 一是内容上杜诗中的叙事有强烈的立传特征;

    On the one hand , the narration was characterized in proving memorial ;

  5. 从地域文化风格看陶、杜诗之不同

    The Stylistic Differences Between Tao Shi and Du Shi on the Area Style

  6. 杜诗中民俗文化因素透析

    Perspective of the Factors of the Conventional Culture in Du Fu 's Poetry

  7. 在中国古典诗歌史上,杜诗具有集大成的诗坛地位。

    Du Fu has the status of a synthesizer of Chinese classical poetry .

  8. 论杜诗体现的儒家仁文化及其现代意义

    Confucian 's Humanity Culture and Its Modern Significance in Du Fu 's Poems

  9. 杜诗诗史精神的第三重内涵

    The third connotation of the Spirit of Poetic History of Du 's Poetry

  10. 以杜诗来评论四川盆地的古今环境变化

    On changes in environment in Sichuan Basin in terms of Du fu 's Poems

  11. 多种语言风格在杜诗中形成有机的对立与统一。

    More than languages style form organic antithesis and unify among Du 's poems .

  12. 两人构成了杜甫及杜诗传播及接受史上的桥梁。

    Both of them consisted of the bridge of Du Fu 's accepting history .

  13. 第二节考察《钱注杜诗》对现代学术研究的影响。

    Section 2 inspects the effect that Qian Zhu Du Shi gave modern academic study .

  14. 从两个方面对杜诗的用典艺术进行分析。

    The analysis of allusions in Du Fu 's poems is conducted in two aspects .

  15. 自从杜诗传入韩国,就享有很高声誉,被尊为学诗的规范。

    Since spreading into Korea , the poems by Du Fu have enjoyed very high reputation .

  16. 方回的杜诗观及其诗学体系之建构

    Fang Hui 's View about Du 's Poems and His View on Construction of Poetic System

  17. 名词缩略语是杜诗中经常出现的一种别具匠心动的言说形式,是对散文句式的一种诗化变异。

    Noun abbreviation is an ingenious language form which usually appears in Du Fu 's poems .

  18. 以忠实写实的杜诗中,十分清楚反映了成都杜甫草堂所在环境特征。

    Tu Fu 's poems clearly suggest the environment of Tu Fu 's former residence in chengdu .

  19. 在两宋时期,出现了杜诗学史上第一个研究高潮,形成了千家注杜的繁盛局面。

    In Song Dynasty , there appeared the first climax in the history of Du Fu poetics research .

  20. 客体落墨,主体生辉&杜诗侧写艺术研究

    Writing Object to Make Subject Brilliant & The Artistry of Indirect writing Expressed in DU Fu 's Poems

  21. 写人的史家风范,使杜诗“诗史”精神的内涵更加丰富。

    Historian style of describing characters makes the connotation of spirit of poetic history of Du 's poetry more rich .

  22. 杜诗“承露金茎”是指“天枢”铜柱

    The " metal post holding dew " in Tu fu 's poems refers to the copper post " tianshu "

  23. 金圣叹对杜甫诗歌解读方法探析&《杜诗解》的再解读

    A Probe into Jin Shengtan 's Methods of Analyzing Du Fu 's Poetry & A Re-Analysis on Du Shi Jie

  24. 这种修辞手段能取得意外的修辞效果,丰富了杜诗的修辞艺术。

    The application of his rhetorical device may achieve unexpected effects and thus enriches the rhetorical art in Du Fu 's Poems .

  25. 傅山对杜诗非常喜爱,其存佚杜诗研究著作即有五种之多。

    Fu Shan liked Du Fu 's poems very much , and he had written five book on Du Fu 's poetic works .

  26. 清代杜诗注疏契合了考镜源流、经世致用的学术背景,反映了当时知识分子的精神寄托。

    The annotation to Dufu s poetry in Tsing dynasty corresponded to the academic background of recovering the source and governing the world .

  27. 熙宁以后,杜诗的经典化进程加快,终于在随后的元佑时代得以完成。

    The glory of elevation of Du Fu 's poetry to classics was facilitated since Xining period and completed in the following Yuanyou period .

  28. 杜诗作为中国诗歌史上的最高典范确立于宋代。

    It was in the Song Dynasty that DU Fu 's poems were recognized as the most successful in China 's history of poetry .

  29. 杜诗思想内容博大精深,但在具体描写上,却以体物察情的细致入微见长。

    His poems are notable for their range and depth , but they do not lack delicateness due to the poet 's careful observations .

  30. 金圣叹《杜诗解》中对杜甫诗歌的解读方法大致可归结为解诗、读诗和品诗三种。

    The methods of analyzing Du Fu 's poetry in Jin Shengtan 's Du Shi Jie may be approximately sum up as dividing , reading and appreciating .