
  • 网络Dubna;Stephen Dubner;Stephen J. Dubner
  1. 在与加利福尼亚州的劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(锫命名的由来之处)和俄罗斯杜布纳的联合核研究所(105号元素钍命名的由来之处)竞争的过程中,合成119号元素将会是GSI值得自豪的卓越成就。

    That will be a feather in GSI 's cap in its friendly competition with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , in California ( after which berkelium is named ) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna , Russia ( after which dubnium , number 105 , is named ) .

  2. 杜布纳的实验室是全世界少数几个能处理锎等放射性重元素的实验室之一。

    The Dubna laboratory is one of the few in the world able to handle radioactive heavy elements such as californium .

  3. 拜尔·沙伊博诺夫�杜布纳联合核子研究所高级研究员

    Bair Shaiybonov , Senior Researcher , Joint4 Institute for Nuclear Research

  4. 在2009年出版的《超级魔鬼经济学》(SuperFreakonomics)一书中,莱维特和合著者斯蒂芬•杜布纳(StephenDubner)利用这个故事辩称,通过技术解决问题往往比末日论者想象的简单得多,成本也低得多;

    In 2009 " s SuperFreakonomics he and co-author Stephen Dubner used the tale to argue that technological fixes are often far simpler and cheaper than doomsayers imagine ;

  5. 弗拉基米尔•维索茨基,俄罗斯一代诗人、歌手,著名的离经叛道者,他最早的演出就是在核科学城杜布纳进行的。

    Vladimir Vysotsky , an iconic Russian poet , singer and rebel , gave one of his first public concerts in Dubna , a nuclear-research town .

  6. 一个是在杜布纳,位于前苏联的俄国,一个在德国的达姆施塔特,第三个是在美国的伯克利。

    One is Dubna in the former Soviet Union in Russia , one is in Darmstadt in Germany and the third one is in the United States in Berkeley .

  7. 国际纯粹与应用化学联合会宣称,一支由俄罗斯杜布纳联合原子核研究所与美国加利福尼亚劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室的美俄科学家组成的队伍,已掌握了充分的证据来证实115号、117号和118号元素的存在。

    IUPAC announced that a Russian-American team of scientists at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California had produced sufficient evidence to claim the discovery of elements 115 , 117 and 118 .