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  1. 鄂西江汉地区的现代引张应力场

    Current tensile stress field in the West Hubei and Jianghan

  2. 对江汉地区楚式鬲美学结构及其内涵的探讨

    Discussion on Aesthetic Structure and Connotation of Chu Tripod in Jianghan Region

  3. 论江汉地区二例相关的史前陶文

    Discussion on Tow Prehistorical Pottery Inscriptions from Jianghan Area

  4. 初论拱坳构造及其与地震的关系&以鄂西江汉地区为例

    The dome & col structure and its relation to earthquakes an example from West Hupei and Wuhan

  5. 阴湘城和石家河古城是江汉地区两个著名的史前时代的古城。

    Two similar prehistorical pottery inscriptions were found recently from Yinxiangcheng and Shijiahe , two famous prehistoric sites in the Jianghan area .

  6. 他进一步认为荆是距今4000-500O年前生活在江汉地区的一个远古部落的名称,而荆州也因此而得名。

    Moreover , it indicates that Jingzhou is named after an archaic clan living in the Jianghan area in 5000-4000 B. P. , which was known as Jing .

  7. 对江汉TX地区120km~2三维资料处理的结果表明,用上述方法建立的三维速度模型是合理的。

    The processing result of 120 km ~ 2 3D seismic data from TX area proves reasonable the 3D velocity model constructed by these me - thods .

  8. 江汉盆地区早燕山期构造特征研究

    A Study of Structural Character during Early Yanshan Period in Jianghan Basin

  9. 江汉平原地区野生西瓜引种表现

    Introduction and Observation of Wild Watermelon in Jianghan Plain

  10. 将新疆野生西瓜引种到江汉平原地区,观察其植株特征、生长发育、开花结果习性、抗病性等特征特性。

    The phenophase , vegetative growth , fruiting characteristics and disease resistance of the wild watermelon in Jianghan plain was observed .

  11. 江汉平原地区引进栽培的野西瓜坐果率低的原因调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Reasons of the Low Fruit Setting Rate of Wild Watermelon Introduced and Cultivated from the Jianghan Plain

  12. 加里东期在东秦岭&大别造山带南侧江汉平原地区存在一个继承性古隆起,前人所称的“鄂中古陆”是其具体的表现。

    There is a inherited paleouplift in the Jianghan Plain area of the southern margin of East Qinling and Dabie Orogenic Belt during Caledonian period .

  13. 研究有利于揭示潜江市土地利用变化规律,为潜江市优化区域土地资源配置提供参考,同时,今后在江汉平原地区开展类似研究具有一定的参考价值和借鉴意义。

    The study can reveal the land use changes regular pattern and provide effective support for land use plan of Qianjiang City , the study also provide reference value and significance in similar studies in Jianghan Plain Region .

  14. 论文结合湖北省荆州长江公路大桥的试验桩工程,深入研究了江汉平原地区卵石地基深钻孔灌注桩的施工工艺、单桩极限承载能力、桩侧摩阻力和端阻力。

    Considering the engineering of trail pile in Hubei Jingzhou Yangtze River Highway bridge , the construction process of deep cast-in-place pile under pebble geological structure , the limit load-bearing capacity of single pile , side friction stress and head drag are researched in this thesis deeply .

  15. 江汉盆地BH地区已发现多个砂岩岩性油藏,需要开展岩性预测工作。

    Many lithologic sandstone reservoirs have been discovered in BH region , Jianghan Basin , and for which the lithology prediction should be used .

  16. 江汉平原江陵地区9kaBP以来的气候演化

    Climatic Environment Change Over 9 kaBP : Evidence from Jiangling Area , Jianghan Plain , China

  17. 江汉平原江陵地区近9kaB.P.以来的气候演化:有机碳同位素记录

    Climatic change over the past 9 ka in the Jiangling area , Jianghan plain : Records of organic carbon isotopes

  18. 江汉平原江陵地区的洪水地质记录表明,近3000年来,该区共发生了18次特大洪水漫滩事件。

    The pluvial geological records of Jiangling area in Jianghan Plain , show that the area revealed 18 flood events during the last 3000 years .

  19. 江汉平原及其周边地区花生根瘤菌的遗传多样性

    Genetic diversity of peanut rhizobia isolated from Jianghan Plain and the adjacent area

  20. 江汉平原四湖地区涝渍地评价、改良及其示范区建设研究

    Study on the Evaluation , Reclamation and Model Zone Establishment for the Lowland in the Four-lake District , Jianghan Plain

  21. 定级结果表明:江汉平原后湖地区农用地质量中等偏上,一到四级地分别占9.67%,43.15%,33.53%,14.19%,该评价结果基本与实际情况相符;

    Grading results indicate that the quality in this area is in medium and high side , the percentages of area in level 1,2,3,4 auount for 9.67 % , 43.15 % , 33.53 % and ( 14.19 % ) respectively . It is in accord with the local situation .

  22. 晚印支期&中燕山期,江汉盆地受到了强烈的挤压改造,模拟结果表明,江汉盆地中部地区此时的缩短率约为23.9%。南部挤压作用更为强烈,缩短率25.9%。

    From late Indo-Chinese epoch to mid-Yanshanian epoch , Jianghan basin was deformed intensively by compressional tectonic activity . The shortening rate was 23.9 % in the central region , and 25.9 % in the south .

  23. 借鉴国内外脆弱性研究成果,构建了江汉平原洪涝灾害脆弱性评价指标体系及评价模型,运用综合评价法对江汉平原地区洪涝灾害脆弱性进行实证研究。

    Secondly , based on the advance of domestic and foreign vulnerability study , build a vulnerability assessment index system and evaluation model , and use comprehensive evaluation method to conduct an empirical study for the flood disaster ' vulnerability in Jianghan Plain .