
wén xué yì shù zuò pǐn
  • literary and artistic works
  1. 国际保护文学艺术作品联盟

    International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works

  2. 保护文学艺术作品伯尔尼公约

    Berne Convention for the Protection Literary and Artistic Works

  3. 浅析文学艺术作品内容与形式的关系

    The Literature art Work Contents and the Relation of the Form

  4. 认为应当以法学的视角重新审视民间文学艺术作品的基本概念、特征。

    We should review the concepts and characteristics from the view of jurisprudence .

  5. 在文化的发展政策中,鼓励对民间文学艺术作品的利用;(4)在民间文学艺术领域培养尊崇创新的知识产权意识。

    And fostering the consciousness of IP in the domain of traditional culture .

  6. 质疑民间文学艺术作品的著作权保护

    Question on Protecting Works of Folklore under Copyright Law

  7. 民间文学艺术作品的权利主体是多层次的。

    The intellectual proprietorship of folklore works is multiple .

  8. 回归诗意,重塑神圣,应是文学艺术作品的追求。

    The return of sacredness and poetic sentiment should be the pursuit of arts works .

  9. 资产阶级对于无产阶级的文学艺术作品,不管其艺术成就怎样高,总是排斥的。

    The bourgeoisie always shuts out proletarian literature and art , however great their artistic merit .

  10. 同时,通过对中西文学艺术作品的分析为论文中心论点作有力支撑,增强论文的可读性。

    Means of analyzing Chinese and western literature and art works make the thesis more readable .

  11. 因此,在繁荣和发展民族文化的过程中研究和探讨民间文学艺术作品的法律保护尤为重要。

    So it is important to explore how to legally protect folk literature works and fine arts .

  12. 民间文学艺术作品潜在的文化价值和日益显现的商业价值,使其权属纠纷日益增多。

    The emerging conflicts about their copyright appear due to their potential culture value and prominent value .

  13. 本文通过对这两则案例的法律分析来探究民间文学艺术作品领域的相关问题。

    Law analysis of this text though the two cases to investigate the related question of folklore realm .

  14. 当代青年对经典文学艺术作品的认知度不高,但依然喜爱经典文艺作品。

    Contemporary youth 's cognitive level to classics in literature isn 't enough , but young men still enjoy them .

  15. 利用版权法保护少数民族民间文学艺术作品已经成为许多国家、尤其是发展中国家的共识。

    On The Copyright Protection of China 's Minority Folklore Many countries have taken the law of copyright to protect minority folklore .

  16. 武术具有民间文学艺术作品的基本属性,是我国传统民族文化的重要组成部分。

    Wushu has the qualities of folk culture and arts , and is an important part of traditional cultures of Chinese nation .

  17. 民间文学艺术作品的著作权保护办法由国务院另行规定。

    Measures for the protection of copyright in works of folk literature and art shall be established separately by the state council .

  18. 历代文学艺术作品对风筝的生动描写向我们展示了一幅中国风筝文化发展的历史画卷。

    Past dynasties ' literature artistic work vivid description in kite shows a cultural historical picture of China kite 's culture development .

  19. 以物质形态固定并已出版的民间文学艺术作品,不应排斥于保护范围之外;

    The published folk literary and artistic works , as a fixed material form , should not be excluded from being protected ;

  20. 他认为创作主体要想创作出优秀的文学艺术作品来,就必须提升自身的素质。

    He believes that one who wants to create outstanding creative literary works of art must improve the quality of his own .

  21. 复仇题材广泛地存在于文学艺术作品中,与西方戏剧、中国戏曲也有着深广的文化因缘。

    It is popular theme in literature , which has a deep relationship with Western drama and Chinese traditional Opera as well .

  22. 合理使用对于加速文学艺术作品创作,促进作者经济利益的实现具有重要意义;

    Fair use plays an important part in promoting the creation of literary works and facilitating the realization of authors ' economic interests ;

  23. 中外传世经典文学艺术作品都是情意互证两不偏废的。

    The literary and art works that can last forever all give equal emphasis to emotion and meaning with each supporting the other .

  24. 在导言里,笔者强调我国从法律上保护民间文学艺术作品有着重要的现实意义。

    In the introduction , the author considers that it is very important for our country to protect works of folk literature and art .

  25. 对于作为著作权的表演者权利,其权利主体是表演者,包括一切表演之人,而不应该限定为表演文学艺术作品之人。

    The owners of Performance Rights belonged to copyright is performers including everyone but not defined to the people perform literary and artistic works .

  26. 汉语中,尤其是在日常口语对话和文学艺术作品中,象声词的使用非常普遍。

    The use of onomatopoetic word is very common in Chinese , especially in the dialog of daily life and the works of literature and art .

  27. 怀旧既是日常生活中常见的心理现象,也是文学艺术作品中经久不衰的叙事话语和美学传统。

    " Nostalgia " is common in daily life psychological phenomenon , but also the enduring works of literature and art and aesthetics of traditional narration .

  28. 1995年,作品《纯洁开放》参加由中国文学艺术作品博览会主办画展,荣获特别等级奖。

    In1995 , the work of open pure to participate in the exhibition sponsored by Chinese Literature and Art Works Exposition , won the Special Grade Prize ;

  29. 逐个分析了传统理论所总结的民间文学艺术作品的特征:集体性、传承性和扩布性、表达具有未固定性和传统性。

    Then the dissertation analyses the characteristics of the expression of folklore respectively : collective , passing from generation to generation and dissemination , unfixable and traditional .

  30. 应引进集体管理制度、许可使用制度、合理使用制度对民间文学艺术作品进行保护。

    Measures should be taken to protect folk literature and arts , such as introducing collective control system , permission system , proper use system and so on .