
  • 网络Living customs;living habits
  1. 巴厘的绘画别具一格,大都是用胶和矿物颜料画在粗麻布或白帆布上,主题取材于田园风光和人民生活习俗,具有浓郁的地方色彩。

    Bali painting unique , mostly plastic and mineral pigments in the paintings of coarse linen or canvas , themes drawn from the pastoral scenery and the people living habits , a strong feature .

  2. 传统民居是各族人民在各种不同的自然环境、社会文化、经济技术、审美观念和生活习俗等客观条件下创造出来的,包含着丰富的经验和宝贵的智慧。

    Traditional houses are created by the people of all ethnic groups with different kinds of natural environment , social culture , economy , technology , aesthetic value and living habits , which include wealth of experience and valuable wisdom .

  3. 高句丽古墓壁画反映高句丽社会生活习俗的研究

    Study on the Kao-Kou-Li Fresco Tombs and Some Related Social Customs

  4. 河北境内的朝鲜族生活习俗

    Life Customs and Conventions of Korean Nationality in Hebei Province

  5. 缅甸民族生活习俗与民族性格

    On the Life Custom of Burmese Ethnics and Their Characters

  6. 江南金三角先民的生活习俗

    Life and Custom of Ancestors in Jiangnan Golden Delta

  7. 从三峡考古看巴人的生活习俗

    On Ba Minoritys Living Customs from Perspective of Archaeology in Three Gorges Region

  8. 方言是地区民俗文化的一种体现,凝聚着方言地区居民的生活习俗和生活观念。

    Dialect is a reflection of folk culture and local customs and ideas .

  9. 赫哲人的宗教信仰与生活习俗

    He Zhe Minority 's Religious Belief And Customs

  10. 特定生活习俗与文化观念;

    Given living customs and cultural concepts ;

  11. 以盘瑶为代表的瑶族的节日文化与生产生活习俗是瑶族民族文化的集聚表达。

    Yao Peoples Festival culture and customs of production and life can represent her culture .

  12. 试析云南瑶族生活习俗中的宗教因素

    An analysis of the religious factors in the daily life of the Yao people in Yunnan

  13. 这些词汇主要来自中华文化、生活习俗和地理概貌三个方面。

    The lexicons mainly involve the aspects of Chinese culture , living customs and geographical features .

  14. 不仅能了解龙门人的生活习俗,这饭也解决了。

    We can not only understand local customs here , but also have a free meal .

  15. 对苗族的历史文化、语言文字、宗教信仰、生活习俗作了简单的介绍;

    It briefly introduces its historical culture , language and its words , religion beliefs , custom .

  16. 第二章为东南亚各国特别是泰国游客生活习俗和旅游心理等方面的阐述。

    Chapter Southeast Asia countries , especially Thailand customs of tourists and tourism psychological aspects of elaboration .

  17. 第二部分,俄国哥萨克的社会结构、经济活动和生活习俗。

    The second part is exposition of the social structure , economic activities and customs of Cossacks .

  18. 此次发掘为研究汉代城市平民的生活习俗提供了新的资料。

    The excavation provides new data for the study on the convention of city populace of ! Han dynasty .

  19. 至今保留着很多古老的生活习俗,被誉为苗族文化的活化石。

    It has retained many old customs until nowadays , known as a living fossil of the Miao culture .

  20. 维吾尔族根据自己的生活习俗、道德观念、审美情趣,创造了自己独具特色的民居聚落建筑文化。

    Uyghurs create its own unique culture of residence based on their own customs , moral values and aesthetic tastes .

  21. 赫哲族伦理道德在赫哲族人的生活习俗、民间文学等诸多方面都有具体的体现。

    The ethics of Hezhe ethnic group manifest themselves in many aspects such as habits and customs , and folk literature .

  22. 比如东方人和西方人有不同的文化体系,不同的生活习俗,不同的宗教信仰。

    For example , Estern and Western have diffrent culture systems , diffrent habits and customs , diffrent religions belief , etc.

  23. 东路二人台在语言、音乐、表演等方面形成了独特的艺术风格特色,很大程度上是受到当地蒙汉俗民所形成的生活习俗、文化的影响。

    East popular Inner Mongolia song-and-dance duet is a kind of local opera which deeply rooted in folk culture has spread centuries-old .

  24. 在内蒙古,游牧经济和生活习俗相关的蒙古族民间剪纸艺术和林格尔剪纸有它独特的风格特点。

    In Inner Mongolia , nomadic economic and customs related to Mongolian folk paper-cut art-and Lingle paper cutting-has its unique style features .

  25. 并从类的角度,分析阶级差异、家族文化、生活习俗、民间信仰崇拜、风水观念等因素在近代的传承与演变。

    From the type , analyses class factor , household culture , folks beliefs and adoration , living custom , geomancy idea etc.

  26. 从狭义上说,文明开化包括学习西方的教育制度、科学技术、及生活习俗等诸方面内容。

    Becoming civilized policy in narrow sense , comprising content on how to learn western educational system , science techniques and customs etc.

  27. 民族服饰作为民族文化的生动载体,它不仅是各民族外在的显著标志及其生活习俗、心理素质、审美观的体现,更是各民族社会历史发展轨迹的画册。

    Like an album , ethnic costume embodies its culture , is a remarkable sign of ethnic customs , understanding and artistic appreciation .

  28. 这种古老迷信的残存,或者说,至少是其痕迹,依旧可在如今人们的生活习俗中可见一斑。

    The survival of old superstitions , or at least the knowledge Of them , is also apparent in some familiar contemporary practices .

  29. 长沙农村社区自然景观的形成,凝聚着当地村民长期积累下来的生活习俗、民族性格和文化意识。

    Changsha rural community of natural landscape formation , together with the local villagers long-term accumulated customs , national character and cultural awareness .

  30. 对传统聚落的保护,应涵盖其人居环境形态、生活习俗、地域文化等诸多方面。

    The preservation to traditional settlement involves many aspects , such as the form of human settlements , the living custom and regional culture .