
  • 网络life as education
  1. 生活即教育。

    " Life is education " .

  2. 娃得福课程认为生活即教育,生命与生活反应出人类真正的教育需求。

    Waldorf curriculum think " life is educated ", life reflects human 's real education demand .

  3. 二是教育内容观,即生活即教育。

    Second , the concept of the education content , namely the life is the education .

  4. 从陶行知“生活即教育”的内涵看当前幼儿园教育

    View on the current preschool education judging from Tao xingzhi 's idea that " life is education "

  5. 陶行知生活即教育指教育不能脱离社会生活,教育要为改造社会生活服务,教育与生活紧密相关,生活决定教育,只有与生活相结合的教育才是真正的教育,教育脱离了生活就不是教育。

    " Life is education " ( TaoXingzhi ) means education serves the purpose of reconstructing the society , education is closely related to life , life determines education , only when combined with life does education become real , education can never break away from life .

  6. 本文通过对陶行知生活即教育、社会即学校、教学做合一等教育思想的探讨,认为弘扬陶行知教育思想对实施素质教育具有十分重要的现实意义;

    By looking at TAO Xinzhi 's educational views of " life is education ", " the society is a school " and " combination of teaching , learning and doing ", the author believes that TAO 's educational views still has a great significance in implementing quality-oriented education .

  7. 教学内容生活化。即教育内容与社会生活、学生生活经验相结合。

    The teaching content is more life-oriented : Combine the education content , social life and the students ' life experience together . 4 .

  8. 教育即生活和生活即教育这两个中西合璧的永恒命题对数学教育有着深远的意义。生活与教育&杜威教育即生活与陶行知生活即教育之比较

    " education is Life " and " Life is education " two eternal proposition have far-reaching meaning to mathematics education . An Comparison between Du Wei and Tao Xing-zhi 's Points towards Life and Education

  9. 而这与陶行知的生活教育理论不谋而合:生活即教育、社会即学校、教学做合一。

    But this the life education theory which notifies with the ceramic agrees without prior consultation happens to hold the same view : The life is the education , the society is the school , the teaching does gathers one .

  10. 生活与教育&杜威教育即生活与陶行知生活即教育之比较杜威和他的后雅典时代

    An Comparison between Du Wei and Tao Xing-zhi 's Points towards Life and Education