
  • 网络related ratio;correlation ratio
  1. 基于神经网络的金融相关比率(FIR)数学模型的建立

    A Model of Financial interrelation Ratio Based on Neural Network

  2. 最小二乘回归的结果显示农村金融相关比率对农业GDP的增长具有促进作用,且存在滞后性。

    Least squares regression shows the ratio of agriculture-related rural finance did significantly promote the increasing in GDP .

  3. 并在对资产泡沫界定的基础上,分别采用马歇尔K值系数和金融相关比率作为资产泡沫的衡量指标,对资产泡沫与动态效率之间的关联性进行了实证分析。

    The part on the basis of defining asset bubbles , respectively use K-Coefficient of Marshall and FIR as the measure of asset bubbles .

  4. 之后,在现状和途径分析的基础上选择金融相关比率和证券化率作为解释变量。

    After the status and pathway analysis based on financial ratios and securitization rates as explanatory variables .

  5. 与之相比,农村金融相关比率与农村住户的人均可支配收入之间存在明显的因果关系。

    At the same time , the ratio of agriculture-related rural finance did a significant contributes to the Rural per capita disposable income .

  6. 随着我国区域金融的深化和发展,金融相关比率和市场化竞争程度也在不断提高。

    With the Chinese district financial deepening and development , Financial International Ratio ( FIR ) and Financial Marketization Ratio ( FMR ) are constantly increasing .

  7. 利率的变动与农业固定资产投资和农村金融相关比率存在明显的格兰杰因果关系。

    There were obvious Granger causalities between changes in interest rates and the ratio of agriculture-related rural finance . So did the rural finance investment in fixed assets .

  8. 金融相关比率、资产结构、成长性、公司规模与资本结构正相关。

    We also can see a positive relationship between FIR , the bond market scale , the property structure , growth opportunities , size and the capital structure .

  9. 通过比较金融机构规模、金融相关比率、存贷比等指标发现投往我国县域的贷款额增长率在降低。

    Through selecting the indicators of financial institutions scale , financial ratios etc. , we can find that the growth rate of the loan to county is reducing .

  10. 文章对改革以来我国货币化比重的变化及其原因进行了探讨,认为利用货币化比重指标不能准确衡量中国的金融深化程度,而应采用金融相关比率指标衡量。

    Based on international comparison , the author considers the financial deepening in China can not be measured by the monetization ratio , and should be measured by financial interrelation ratio .

  11. 金融发展指标与产业结构调整指标以及金融相关比率和金融效率比率之间只有单向的因果关系。

    There exists an unidirectional causal relationship between the financial developing index and the index of industrial structure adjustment , which is the same as the relationship between financial interrelation ratio and financial efficiency ratio .

  12. 基于时间序列数据的检验结果表明:以金融深化、金融相关比率、金融市场化比率指标表示的金融发展对越南经济增长有积极作用。

    The test result based on time series shows that : the financial development which indicating financial deepening , financial interrelation ratio ( FIR ), and financial market ratio ( FMR ) has made positive effect on the economic of Vietnam .

  13. 本文的不足:第一,从金融发展的变量选取上,囿于数据限制,采用金融相关比率这一单一指标,仅反映了中国金融发展的量,而不能涵盖其质的方面。

    First , owing to the limit of data , from the selection of variables , financial development index adopts financial interrelation ratios , which only reflect the " scale " of financial development , instead of covering " quality " of it .

  14. 本文通过对矿业城市矿业依存度的分析,探讨了矿业城市的矿业依存度的相关比率分析与趋势分析借助财务报表分析的常用方法,选择地级矿业城市进行相关比率分析。

    On the basis of analysis on mining industry dependence in mining cities , this paper discusses the ratio of mining industry dependence . The financial report form is adopted in analysis and the mining cities are selected to analyze the correlation ratio .

  15. 通过分析6种股权分置改革方案的实施对上市公司相关财务比率和理财目标函数的影响,得出上市公司股权分置改革方案选择的理性思路:尽可能选择缩股型方案。

    Analysis and comparison about the impact of each category of schemes on the companies ' financial ratios , financial objective indexes and were made for identifying rational choices .

  16. 就像经验丰富的基金经理长期以来采用夏普比率(sharpe)投资回报与相关风险的比率来衡量绩效一样,政策制定者必须学会对宏观经济表现进行风险调整。

    Just as sophisticated fund managers have long measured their performance by some version of the Sharpe ratio returns divided by the risks taken to generate them so policy makers must learn to risk-adjust macroeconomic performance .

  17. 讨论了一些相关的财务比率及三种不同的营运资本筹资政策。

    Second , Some financial ratios . Third , three kinds of financial policies for the working capital .

  18. 第四章从理论和实证两个角度研究了固定套期保值比率估计模型、时变套期保值比率估计模型和非线性相关套期保值比率估计模型。

    In Chapter Four , we conducted theoretical and empirical study on constant hedging ratio estimation models , time-varying hedging ratio estimation models and nonlinear correlation hedging ration estimation models .

  19. 流动资产比率同企业绩效负相关,存货比率同企业绩效关系不显著,固定资产、无形资产和总资产周转率同企业绩效正相关。

    Liquidity is negative correlation to corporate performance ; relationship between inventory and corporate performance is not significant ; fixed assets , intangible assets and total asset turnover are correlation to corporate performance .

  20. 结论Epo通过调控凋亡相关基因bcl-2/bax的比率而发挥抗神经元凋亡的脑保护作用。

    Conclusion Epo serves neuroprotective effects and anti-apoptosis by regulating ratio of apoptosis related gene bcl-2 / bax .

  21. IgG与浆母细胞比率呈正相关。CD19+CD27++细胞比率在抗dsDNA抗体阳性组较阴性组明显升高。

    CD19 + CD27 + + subset had positive correlation to the level of IgG . Moreover , this subset in anti-dsDNA Ab positive group was higher than negative group .

  22. 此外,鉴于私人股本投资的风险(例如,与收购相关的高杠杆比率),我们期待的“公允”投资回报率也许要高于一般的公开市场指数。

    Moreover , given the risks of private equity investments - for instance , the high degree of leverage associated with many buy-outs - the " fair " rate of return that we would expect from these investments may actually be higher than the general public market indices .

  23. 管理费用占总费用率指标与人均医药收入、病床周转次数、平均住院日三项指标存在线性负相关,降低该比率,有助于提高医院的效率。

    There is a linear negative correlation between the percentage of management costs in total costs and the following three indicators : per capita medical revenue , hospital bed turnover , and average length of stay . The reduction of this percentage shall help to run a hospital more efficiently .