
xiànɡ wèi jì
  • phase meter;phasometer
  1. 基于FPGA的数字相位计在相位测距系统中的研究

    Research on Digital Phasometer Based on FPGA in Position-tracking System

  2. 本文叙述了应用比相法检测圆光栅的原理和方法,并对相位计的静态特性和动态特性进行了分析。

    The general principle and procedure of testing circular gratings by using the phase-comparison method are discussed , and the static and dynamic characteristics of the phasometer are analyzed .

  3. 基于FFT的激光测距数字相位计的实现

    Realization of Digital Phase Detector Based on FFT Algorithm in Laser Distance Measurement System

  4. 本文结合工程需要详细论述了一种数字相位计的实现方法,该方法是基于FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)芯片运用FFT(快速傅立叶变换)算法完成的。

    According to the special requirements in the practical project , a way of digital phase detector is studied in this thesis , which is based on FPGA and FFT algorithm .

  5. 新的MSK调制器模型引入一个特殊相位计模块,控制已调信号的相位连续性;

    A specific phase meter module is used to control the phase continuation of modulated signals in the new MSK modulator .

  6. 高精度工频相位计的研制

    Design of the High Accuracy Power Signal Phase Meter

  7. 宽频带中频相位计的研制

    Development of the Wide Band Intermediate Frequency Phase Meter

  8. 论述了相位计的工作原理,给出了系统框图。

    The principle of the phase meter and it 's block dia-gram are presented .

  9. 测量精度达2.6°的光外差干涉仪用动态相位计

    Phasemeter of Online Heterodyne Interferometer Instrument for Measuring Surface Roughness with Accuracy of 2.6 °

  10. 对各个部件的设计做了介绍,并给出了相位计所达到的技术指标。

    The designs of every component and the performance figures of the phase meter are illustrated .

  11. 比较全面地介绍了-宽带中频相位计的研制过程。

    Development process of the wide-band intermediate frequency phase meter is introduced completely in this paper .

  12. 该相位计通过测量两路信号过零点的时间差来计算相位差。

    The phasemeter detects the phase difference by calculating the time between the zero-crossing of the two signals .

  13. 为了校准低频相位计,采用数字法设计了一种正弦波差值相位发生器。

    A sinewave differential-phase generator using the digital technique has been developed for the calibration of phasemeter at low-frequencies .

  14. 结合用于磨床加工的光外差表面粗糙度在线干涉测量仪,文中介绍了高精度动态相位计的设计与实现。

    To develop a practical , economical and precision heterodyne interferometer instrument for measuring surface roughness online , phasemeter with high dynamic accuracy is the key technique .

  15. 介绍了该数字相位计的硬件部分和软件部分的设计,并详述了软件部分各个模块的功能,这些模块包括主控模块、数据采集模块、界面表现模块、功能实现模块、辅助功能模块。

    It also introduced the design of hardware and software and the function of all modules . The modules included main control , data acquisition , interface , function-realizing , and assistant function .

  16. 本文提出一种对消微波双通道相移测量中失配误差的方法,可用于精密相位计的比对和高精度相移器的研制。

    A method for the cancellation of mismatch error in the microwave dual-channel phase shift measurement is presented , which may have application to the intercomparison of precise phasemeters and to the development of high-precise phase shifters .

  17. 本文根据相关函数的特性,通过自相关和互相关原理导出适合于虚拟仪器测量的数学表达式,由此设计出虚拟相位计,体现虚拟仪器中软件即仪器的观点。

    This papers bases on properties of related function , devises out the suitable expresses for virtual instruments according to principle of AutoCorrelation and CrossCorrelation , then devises out virtual phase meter and embody that the software is the instrument .

  18. 基于FPGA平均值原理相位差计的设计

    Design of Average Principle Phase Difference Tester Based on FPGA

  19. 用AlterCPLD实现的虚拟相位差计设计

    Design of Virtual Phase Difference Meter with Alter CPLD

  20. 可逆计数器及其在数字式相位差计中的应用

    The applications of up - down counter in digital phase comparator

  21. 高精度相位频率计在电力系统中的应用

    Application of High Accuracy Phase and Frequency Counter in Electric Power System

  22. 基于矢量内积法的高精度数字相位差计

    High precision digital phase detector based on inner product theory

  23. 基于相关原理的虚拟相位差计的设计

    Design of virtual phase meter based on correlation principle

  24. 本文提出一种基于自适应相位差计的方位序列估计技术。

    A bearing sequence estimation technique based on adaptive phase-difference estimator is presented in this paper .

  25. 辅助压力和温度测量让多频相位荧光计是发光探测传感器设计、试和校准的理想选择。

    Auxiliary pressure and temperature measurements make the MultiFrequency Phase Fluorometer an ideal choice for luminescence sensor design , testing and calibration .

  26. 对特低和特高含水率测量性能良好的同轴电磁波相位含水率计;

    Coaxial electromagnetic wave phase water cut meter which has excellent performance for very high or very low water cut measurement ;

  27. 介绍了三维激光多普勒测速计和自适性相位多普勒速度计系统(三维LDV/APV系统)的性能,分析了气水雾化加湿喷嘴的结构和工作原理。

    The performances of 3D Laser Doppler Velocimetry ( LDV ) and Adaptive Phase Doppler ( Velocimetry )( APV ) were introduced , and the structure and work principle of air-water humidifying nozzle were analyzed .

  28. 同轴线相位法含水率计信号处理及传输电路

    Signal processing and transmission circuits of coaxial line phase water cut meter

  29. 研究了同轴线相位法含水率计的测量原理,设计了含水率计测量电路的总体方案;

    Measurement theory of coaxial line phase water cut meter is discussed and total design scheme of its circuits is ascertained in this paper .

  30. 将新器件、新方法和新技术应用于相位测量技术中,相位计的性能和精确度得以显著提高。

    The application of advanced devices , new methods and latest technology to phase measurement results in dramatic improvement of function and precision of phase meter .