
  • 网络relative equality
  1. 他更偏爱北欧的高税收、相对平等、较少发生盛衰循环的制度。

    He favours a Nordic system of high taxes , relative equality , and less boom and bust .

  2. 平等依据不同标准可以分为绝对平等与相对平等、抽象平等与具体平等、形式平等与实质平等,其中最具有意义的分类是形式平等与实质平等。

    According to different standards , equality may be classified as absolute equality and relative equality , abstract equality and concrete equality , formal equality and substantial equality . Among them the classification of formal equality and substantial equality is the most valuable and significant .

  3. 这表明,双方是在一个相对平等的氛围中对话的。

    It shows that both parties communicate in a relatively equal atmosphere .

  4. 土地所有者和耕作者,是相对平等的主体,双方并不是作为一个对立的阶级存在。

    The owners and cultivators of land were equal , and did not exit as two confronting classes .

  5. 汉代屯戍组织中的吏卒间社会地位相对平等,并享有平等的法律地位。

    The soldiers in the garrison army in the border areas during the Han dynasty enjoyed relatively equal social and legal status with the officers .

  6. 三重螺旋意味着大学、产业和政府彼此之间的相对平等,也是相互依赖的,他们相互重叠并承担其他制度的角色。

    Triple-Helix model indicates the government , university and industry are even and mutual dependent . They are superposed and shoulder other roles among the system .

  7. 其实质是要确保人人都有受教育的权利和义务,向受教育者提供相对平等的接受教育的机会和条件。

    The essence is to ensure that everyone has the right to education and the obligation to provide the educated relatively equal educational opportunities and conditions .

  8. 由于契约取决于定约者的自愿服从,它们为由相对平等的成员构成的社会提供了理想的维持秩序的机制。

    Because covenants rely on the voluntary submission of their subscribers , they provided the ideal mechanism for keeping order in society made up of comparative equals .

  9. 首先,从理论与制度层面所建构的我国平等权的现代内容既应包括抽象层面的绝对平等又应包括具体层面的相对平等。前者最好规定为宪法中的社会政治追求或道德性条款。

    First , on the theory and system lay , Chinese modern content of equality rights should includes abstract absolute equality as well as concrete comparative equality .

  10. 因此,我们如何能使该项目在明市北部能营造出一个相对平等的社会环境,使得该地区能够像明市其他片区一样成为市民公共生活的目的地之一?

    How can this project create a more equitable society in which North Minneapolis becomes as much of a destination for the whole city as its other areas ?

  11. 我们亟需制定一个欠发达地区农村初中办学规模的发展标准,以此来为农村初中提供相对平等的发展平台。

    In order to provide relatively equal platform , we desiderate to establish a development standard which about the developmental scale of junior school in the rural areas .

  12. 伏尔泰与孟德斯鸠并不主张政治上的平等,特别是经济上的相对平等,而卢梭则不仅主张政治意义上的平等,而且主张社会成员经济的相对平等;

    Voltaire and Montesquieu did not advocate political equality , especially economic equality , but Rousseau not only advocated political equality , but also the relative economic equality of social members ;

  13. 多核式虚拟企业的成员地位相对平等,他们之间形成即竞争又合作的模式,组织比较灵活,能够适应动态多变的市场需求。2.提出了面向服务的虚拟企业基础架构。

    The member enterprises in multi-core VE have equal status , competing and cooperating with each other , which is flexible and fits to the demand of dynamic and changeable market . 2 .

  14. 礼在人与人之间的实行是一个三方互惠的局面,其中两方相对平等,受制于第三方权威。

    According to the practice of rites in interpersonal relations there is in addition a tripartite structure of reciprocity , of a compact between two relative equals under the authority of a third .

  15. 虽然买方和卖方可以在网络中可以隐藏自己的真实信息,并享有相对平等的地位,但与现实购物活动相比,买卖双方之间的关系是一样的,即都是利益驱动的供需交易关系。

    Although buyers and sellers can hide their true information in the Internet and enjoy relatively equal status , the relationship between them is the same with the ordinary shopping activity that is the relationship of demand and supply .

  16. 在家庭生活中的地位则体现在夫妻关系相对平等、参与社交和文化娱乐活动、参与宗教活动、离婚改嫁自由等方面。

    Their status of life in family embodied the aspects as follows : the relatively equal relationship between husband and wife , taking part in social intercourse and amusement of the culture , the freedom of divorce and remarrying .

  17. 芬兰的教育制度是一种相对平等主义的北欧体系,没有学费的概念,16岁以前可以享受义务教育,并且初级和中级学校为学生提供免费的午餐。

    The Finnish education system is a comparatively egalitarian Nordic system , where the concept of tuition is unknown , attendance is compulsory until the age of 16 , and free meals are served to pupils at primary and secondary levels .

  18. 该研究有助于人们认识并把握城市音乐文化的特征以及现代世界音乐的多元性、流动性,从而建立起多元音乐文化相对平等的文化价值观。

    This research will help people to know and understand the cultural features of urban music and the poly-element feature and moving characteristic of the modern music world . Hence , it helps establish a relatively equal cultural value based on a poly-element music .

  19. 本文对教育筛选在就业市场上的作用――教育筛选有助于促进竞争、减少交易费用、实现人力资本所有权以及使就业趋于相对平等――进行了阐述,并提出了相关建议。

    This paper expounds the functions of educational screening which are that educational screening is helpful to advance competition , reduce exchange fees , realize ownership of human capital and make the employment relatively equal in the labor market and put forward to some related suggestions .

  20. 同时受船舶优先权担保的不同种类的海事请求之间在优先性上,又具有排斥性,但在同种类的海事请求之间体现的是相对的平等性。

    Meantime they are embodied relative equality under the same kind maritime claims .

  21. 论海关与管理相对人平等契约式关系的建立

    By Customs and Management Relative Person Equality " Contract Type " Relational Establishment

  22. 然后利用计量统计的知识定义了收入的绝对和相对不平等程度的度量标准。

    Then according to the knowledge of statistics , we define the criterion of absolutely and relatively of income disparity .

  23. 就各教育层次来看,教育性别隔离下降主要来自义务教育的贡献,高等教育阶段女性受教育机会相对更平等。

    Thirdly , the declines of segregation is mainly contributed from the compulsory education while there is much more equality in the higher education .

  24. 亚洲发展银行分析中国的相对不平等性比亚洲其他国家(除了尼泊尔)更严重。

    The Asian Development Bank ( ADB ) found that relative inequality had widened more substantially in China than any other Asian country except for Nepal .

  25. 从你小时候开始-,当然,我们生来就是不平等的,因为我们的父母和其他的优势,但是年幼时相对比较平等。

    When you start out young & We 're unequal at birth , of course , because of our parents and the advantages we have , but relatively equal at a young age .

  26. 本文拟从秦汉时期特定的时代背景下,着重阐述秦汉女性在社会家庭中所具有的自主和相对的平等。

    The thesis is meant to give a particular account of the independence and relative equality enjoyed by the female of the Qin - Han dynasties in social and family life aganist the special background .

  27. 许多国家法律中规定了非婚生子女的推定与否认制度、非婚生子女的认领与准正制度,在形式上给予了非婚生子女相对较为平等的法律地位。

    The system of the presumption and negation of natural children and the system of claim and legitimation of natural children are provisions in most countries ' legislations , which formally legitimize the relative equal status of natural children .

  28. 很难确定是不是相对的不平等造成了幸福感和生活满意的平均水平降低。

    It 's difficult to really be sure that rising inequalities are actually causing lower average levels of happiness and life satisfaction .

  29. 文化全球化主张任何一种文化都有其自身的独特价值,是相对的、平等的,从而是不可比的,却否定了文化的进步性,具有文化保守主义的性质。

    The cultural globalization advocated that each culture has its own unique value . They are relative , equal , thus they could not be compared to , but it denied the cultural progress , so it has cultural conservatism nature .

  30. 文化相对论对我国当代音乐教育的启示作者根据文化相对论的有关理论,指出尽管现实中仍有文化不平等现象存在,但所有文化应该是相对平等的、互补的。

    The Positive Role of Cultural Relativism in Contemporary Musical Education in China Based on the theory of cultural relativism , the author points out that cultures are relatively equal and mutually compensative , though they are not equal in reality .