
xiānɡ duì jiā sù dù
  • relative acceleration
  1. 推导了考虑相对加速度的待飞时间估计方法,使待飞时间的估算更接近实际值。

    Considering the relative acceleration , the time-to-go estimate method is derived , which makes estimation result closer to the actual value .

  2. 考虑机床凸轮机构的特点,建立了线性单自由度动力学模型。定义了两种无量纲冲击谱,初始相对加速度响应谱和残留位移响应谱。

    In consideration of particulars of cam mechanisms in machine tools , a single degree of freedom linear model has been established and two dimensionless shock spectra , initial relative acceleration response spectrum and residual displacemen response spectrum , have been defined .

  3. 确定盘形凸轮曲率半径的相对加速度法及其应用

    Determination of radii of curvature of disk cam using relative accelerations of followers

  4. 本文利用相对加速度进行计算,将常规反应谱理论进行修正,所得结论既偏于安全,又弥补常规反应谱的不足。

    The results in the paper emphasis on safety , and can compensate for the limitation of the regulation response spectrum theory .

  5. 相对垂直加速度和中尺度大气运动方程组

    Relative Vertical Acceleration and the Mesoscale Atmospheric Motion Equations

  6. 相对振动加速度、速度和位移的新测量方法和装置的研究

    New Method and Equipments for the Measurement of Relative Vibrational Acceleration , Velocity and Displacement

  7. 此外,在短弧定轨可以不考虑行星摄动、地极潮汐以及相对论加速度的影响,但长弧定轨中需考虑它们的影响。

    Although the effects of planets attraction , pole tide , general relativistic acceleration correction could be overlooked in the short-arcs , but in long-arcs , these effects mentioned above should be taken into account .

  8. 函数机构设计时相对速度及加速度矩阵的导出

    Calculation of Relative Velocity and Acceleration Matrix of Function Mechanism Design Time

  9. 狭义相对论中加速度和力的表现

    Acceleration and Force Property in Special Relativity

  10. 以凸轮机构和曲柄滑块机构为典型例分析和求解机构中的相对运动和加速度。

    The earn mechanism and rank and slide piece mechanism are chosen as typical examples to analyse and solute the relative motion and acceleration of mechanism in this article .

  11. 与之前的试验结果对比可以看出,试验中去除砖墩间沥青的影响后,隔震层相对位移、加速度折减系数比有砖墩间沥青的都要大。

    Comparing with the previous tests shows that , the relative displacement and the acceleration reduction factor of isolation layer without asphalt between brick pier were lager than those with asphalt .

  12. 隔震后,内外罐壁相对位移和加速度曲线比隔震前平缓,周期拉长。相对位移峰值和相对加速度峰值均有所降低,外罐减震率不及内罐。

    After isolation , the relative displacement and acceleration curve of both the inner and outer tank wall is more gentle and the cycle is longer , and the peak values of the relative displacement and acceleration reduce .

  13. 根据软管采矿系统工作时管道的运动规律,采用合适的海流速度的经验计算公式和微幅重力波理论,推导出了输送管道运动时海水质点与管道的相对速度和加速度的计算公式;

    Based on the law of motion for transporting pipes in hose mining system , calculation formulas have been derived , by adopting proper empirical formular for ocean current and gravity wave theory , for relative velocity between seawater and pipes and its acceleration while transporting pipes moving .

  14. 倾角为0时,滑片沿滑片槽的相对运动速度和加速度最小,且加速度的变化率最小而均匀

    The angle equals zero , the speed and acceleration become smallest and uniform

  15. 本文提出质点和质点系(绝对运动和相对运动)质量加速度矩定理。

    This paper proposes the theorem of moment about mass acceleration of the particle and the system of particles ( absolute motion and relative motion ) .

  16. 可以很容易地检测到一次快速摇动,这是因为,尽管移动幅度相对较小,但是加速度比较大,足以捕捉到有用的动作。

    A rapid side-to-side shaking motion is easily detected because , although the movements are relatively small , the accelerations are large enough for useful gesture acquisition .

  17. 提出了相对力、相对加速度、相对参照系和绝对力、绝对加速度、绝对参照系的新概念。

    Some new concepts such as relative force , relative acceleration , relative reference frame , absolute force , absolute acceleration , and absolute reference frame was put forward .

  18. 仿真实验结果表明,改进人工势场法不仅能可靠的得到避障规划路径,由于还考虑到物体之间的相对速度信息和相对加速度信息,得到的规划路径更加有效,减少了不必要的路径浪费。

    Simulation results show that the improved artificial potential filed not only reliably gain the path with obstacle avoided but also achieve an optimum path with less waste of robot path length by considering relative velocity and acceleration information between objects .

  19. 相对坐标系中,采用包含相对加速度信息的避碰算法,通过动态实时地调整机器人加速度的大小和方向,使其避开障碍物。

    To avoid collision with static and dynamic obstacles , the magnitude and ( direction ) of the acceleration of mobile robot was adjusted dynamically in real time based on the relative acceleration information .