
  • 网络weifang kite
  1. 这个时期,在原有娱乐功能的基础上,潍坊风筝又增添了审美功能。

    At this period , Weifang kite was endowed with aesthetic function .

  2. 调查潍坊风筝运动的发展现状,分析其影响因素。

    Investigates the development present situation of the Weifang kite sports , and analys its influencing factors .

  3. 最有名的三种是北京风筝、天津风筝和潍坊风筝。

    The   three most   famous   kites   are   the   Beijing   kite ,   Tianjin   kite   and Weifang   kite .

  4. 潍坊风筝的功能从军事转变成了娱乐。

    Then the function of Weifang kites changed from military to entertainment .

  5. 民间艺术的瑰宝&潍坊风筝

    The Treasure of Folk Arts & The Weifang Kites

  6. 本文通过对潍坊风筝的实地考察和文献资料调研,分别从五个方面来研究与论述。

    The research article focuses on five different aspects , based on the field trip and document literature .

  7. 因此,潍坊风筝的静态与动态的形式美为本文研究的核心内容。

    Therefore , the core of this article is to study the static and dynamic beauty of Weifang kites .

  8. 传统潍坊风筝的功能延续至今(除军事功能),但渐渐的被现代功能淡化。

    The traditional functions of Weifang kites are fading away and replaced by the modern function except the military function .

  9. 这是些世间最美丽的花朵,在山东潍坊风筝作坊里制成。

    These flowers made in a kite workshop in Weifang Shandong province are the most beautiful ones in the world .

  10. 潍坊风筝是历史悠久的一种民间工艺,以造型精致、形象逼真、色彩艳丽、具有浓郁的乡土气息而著称于世。

    The kite in Weifang is a folk craftwork with a long history , which is well-known for its exquisite design , vivid image , voluptuous color and enriched native breath .

  11. 通过专家访谈,总结、归纳,勾勒出潍坊风筝运动的发展模式理论图;指出潍坊风筝运动发展所依循的四个原则;列出潍坊风筝运动发展模式的四种类型。

    Through the expert interview , this article points out four principles of the WeiFang kite sports development relies on , and lists the four types of Weifang kite sports development model .

  12. 潍坊风筝作为一种非物质文化遗产,是中国民间艺术的重要组成部分,其风筝所具备的各种元素无论从静态还是动态的角度观察,都具有较高的美学研究价值。

    As one of the non-material cultural heritages , Weifang kites is an important component of the folk fine art . Its elements possess highly aesthetic research value in both static and dynamic perspective .

  13. 但作为农耕文明产物的风筝,在市场经济日益发展的现代社会里,不可避免会遇到一些新问题,如何随俗而进,发展创新,是潍坊风筝必须面对的难题。

    But as a product of farming civilization , the development of the kite craftwork has to meet with some inevitable problems in the modern society where the market economy has been developed increasingly .

  14. 潍坊地区风筝活动现状及可持续发展研究

    The Kite Activity and Sustainable Development Research in Weifang Areas

  15. 潍坊国际风筝会在每年四月举行。

    The Weifang International Kite Festival is held in April every year .

  16. 潍坊是风筝的故乡。

    Weifang is the hometown of kites .

  17. 潍坊是风筝的故乡,是世界风筝联合会总部所在地。

    Weifang is the hometown of kites as well as the headquarter of World Kite Federation .

  18. 民间体育文化资源开发与地方社会经济发展&潍坊国际风筝会经济效益分析

    Exploitation of folk sports cultural resources and the development of local social economy & Economic benefit analysis of Weifang International Kite Festival

  19. 随着潍坊国际风筝节的举办,潍坊风筝成为潍坊市的一张文化名片。

    With the international kite festival successfully being held year by year , kite becomes a piece of name card of Weifang .

  20. 闻名中外的潍坊国际风筝节,使潍坊经济与风筝结为一体,并成为促进经济发展的杠杆。

    World-famous weifang international kite festival , make the massing of weifang economic and kite , and connected with the world economy resonance pulse .

  21. 潍坊国际风筝节不仅振兴了风筝文化,同时也带动了潍坊旅游、经济、文化、城市建设等方面的飞速发展,潍坊风筝的品牌效应在各地开花结果。

    Weifang international kite festival not only developed kite culture , but also contributed to the weifang tourism , economy , culture , urban construction , the effect of weifang kite brand has blooms .

  22. 潍坊是世界风筝都。

    Weifang is the World Kite Capital .

  23. 从1984年起,潍坊市连续成功地举办了国际风筝节;1988年,潍坊市被国内外风筝界选为世界风筝都。潍坊风筝走向了世界,真正达到了它的鼎盛期。

    Since 1984 , Weifang City , successfully organized for the International Kite Flying Festival ; in 1988 , Weifang kites sector both at home and abroad as the " Kite Capital of the World . " Weifang kites to the world , the real reached its peak .

  24. 因此,促进民族凝聚力和加强海内外沟通的政治功能、.带动潍坊经济飞速发展的经济功能成为了当代潍坊风筝的主要功能。

    As a result , promoting the national cohesion and communicating the outside world-the political function , and developing Weifang economy rapidly-economic function are the two main function of Weifang kite today .