
gǔ dǐ
  • valley floor;valley bottom
谷底[gǔ dǐ]
  1. 讨论并提出了技术系统走出谷底的对策;

    The countermeasure for technical system to come out from valley bottom is proposed and discussed .

  2. 国产手机在洋手机凌厉攻势下节节败退,从市场占有率超过半数跌到30%的谷底。

    Domestic mobile telephone is steadily losing ground under offensive of ocean cell phone , exceed the valley bottom falling half to 30 % from market share .

  3. 马群轰隆隆地从谷底奔跑而过。

    The horses thundered across the valley floor

  4. 价格跌到了谷底。

    Prices have hit rock bottom .

  5. 在陡峭的隘谷谷底找到了3名登山者的遗体。

    The bodies of the three climbers were located at the bottom of a steep gully .

  6. 她整个人跌至了谷底。她漫长的爱情要告结束了,她也要崩溃了。

    She was at rock bottom . Her long-term love affair was breaking up and so was she .

  7. 邱兴华的情绪由此跌入谷底。

    Qiu xinghua 's mood then hit the bottom .

  8. “我们看得到蓝色的天空,但谷底却比天色暗得多——就像是阴天一样。”

    " We see the sky is blue , but down in the valley it 's darker — it 's like on a cloudy day . "

  9. 但最后,我感觉雪崩的速度减慢了,我就从谷底的雪中跳了出来。

    But in the end , I felt the avalanche slow down and l just popped right out of the snow at the bottom of the valley .

  10. 鲍勃•诺林的这本回忆录《从谷底到巅峰》(YouCanGetThereFromHere)可谓引人入胜,充满感召力。

    His memoir , you can get there from here , is an engrossing and often inspiring read .

  11. 基于信用违约互换(CDS)的次贷指数当时已跌至谷底。

    Indices of subprime loans based on credit default swaps had already hit the floor .

  12. 然而,经济学家同时也在谈论U字型复苏,也就是在经济谷底时间较长,而复苏的速度则比较缓慢。

    However , economists also talk about a " U " shaped recovery , where there is a longer slump before a gradual upturn .

  13. 从峰值到谷底,总体实际GDP下降27%,而经济中的实际支出下降三分之一。

    From peak to trough , aggregate real gross domestic product fell by 27 per cent , while real spending in the economy fell by a third .

  14. 汇丰董事长葛霖(stephengreen)表示:“我们已经走出或即将走出金融市场此轮周期的谷底。”

    Stephen Green , HSBC chairman , said : " we have passed or are about to pass the bottom of the cycle in the financial markets . "

  15. 在中国这个全球第二大经济体,整整好几代人都是首次开车,由此购车需求大幅飙升,同时美国和欧洲的购买力大幅下降,华盛顿在2008年12月纾困通用汽车(GeneralMotors)标志着这种下降达到了谷底。

    Demand from entire generations of first-time drivers soared in the world 's second-largest economy , just as purchasing power collapsed in the US and Europe - a nadir symbolically marked by Washington 's bailout of General Motors in December 2008 .

  16. 人类的DNA修复蛋白XPA含量变化与老鼠的不同,一般在早晨达到峰顶,而晚上则降低到谷底。

    A mouse 's levels of the DNA-repairing protein XPA are different from ours & they peak in the morning and bottom out in the evening .

  17. 例如美国,在经济衰退期间,美国制造业产值从峰顶到谷底的跌幅是16.7%,而同期国内生产总值(GDP)的跌幅为3.8%。

    In the US , for instance , the peak-to-trough fall in manufacturing output during the downturn has been 16.7 per cent , compared with the fall over the period in gross domestic product of 3.8 per cent .

  18. 表面越光滑,Stribeck曲线的谷底越明显。

    The more a surface is smooth , the more the valley of the Stribeck curve is obvious .

  19. 他们得出结论称,如果没有采取任何政策举措,国内生产总值(GDP)从波峰到谷底的下跌幅度会接近12%,而实际情况仅下降了4%(见图表)。

    They conclude that the peak to trough decline in gross domestic product would have been close to 12 per cent with no policy response , compared to an actual decline of just 4 per cent ( see chart ) .

  20. 在河床谷底浅部80m以上,受河谷卸荷影响地应力有所释放,形成卸荷带;

    The in-situ stress has been released as river valley unloaded and unloaded zone has been formed above 80 m around river valley shallow depth .

  21. 同时,在第Ⅲ类脆性温度区(600℃~900℃)内,残留元素As、Sn、Sb的存在恶化了连铸钢的热塑性,导致热塑性谷底加深,热塑性凹槽增宽。

    At the same time , in the third ductility region , the existence of As , Sn and Sb deteriorates the hot ductility of As-doped , Sb-doped and Sn-doped steels , deepen and widen the ductility trough .

  22. 与这一系列经济活动的周期性变化特征相对应,我国GDP增长正处于短周期波动的扩张期、中周期波动的复苏期和中长周期波动的谷底。

    Adapting to all these periodic waving features of different economic activities , Chinese GDP growth is just on the overspreading stage of its short-term circle , the recovering stage of its medium term circle and the bottom of its long medium term circle .

  23. 美国国会的燃油经济标准已每况愈下,而且车辆的平均里程数也跌至数十年来的谷底,但Prius油电混合车的问世,显示人们还可以另有选择。

    Federal fuel economy standards languished in Congress , and average vehicle mileage dropped to its lowest level in decades , but the Prius showed people that another way is possible .

  24. 在实验钢中,其谷底值低于用同冷却介质淬火组织中的AR,表明在一定条件下等温停留并不引起残余奥氏体量增多。

    Vs isothermal temperature is a saddle-like curve , and the valley value for testing steel is less than that of continuous quenching with a same cooling medium , which proves that isothermal soak does not increase retained austenitic quantity on certain condition .

  25. 当你觉得自己坠到了谷底时,也许可以给自己来点挑战——比如像“横穿美利坚的胖子”埃里克·海兹(EricHites)那样,骑上自行车横穿整个国家。

    When you feel as if you 've hit rock bottom , maybe it 's time to challenge yourself - just as " Fat Guy Across America " Eric Hites did when he decided to bike across the country .

  26. 音乐销售额比2008年谷底时高出逾四分之一,瑞典也成为世界上首批流媒体音乐服务(即用户在互联网上听音乐,但无音乐所有权)收入超过CD或下载服务收入的国家之一。

    Music sales have increased by more than a quarter from their nadir in 2008 and Sweden has become one of the first countries in the world where streaming services - listening to music over the internet without owning it - make more money for the industry than CDs or downloads .

  27. 全球基准布伦特(Brent)原油自1月份跌至每桶近45美元的谷底以来,已累计上涨逾50%,其推动因素包括更强劲的需求、逼近纪录的对冲基金买盘,以及美元汇率走低。

    Brent , the global benchmark , is now up more than 50 per cent since bottoming near $ 45 a barrel in January , boosted by stronger demand , near-record hedge fund buying and a slide in the US dollar .

  28. 戈登表示:我在推理后得出结论,根据NBER的标准,本轮商业周期的最终谷底很可能出现在今年5月或6月。

    My reasoning leads me to conclude that the ultimate NBER trough of the current business cycle is likely to occur in May or June 2009 , Mr Gordon said .

  29. 山口纯史表示,NEC电子目前的产量为其产能的65%在今年头几个月时,这一比例曾跌至40%的谷底但收入仍只相当于峰值水平的70%。

    Mr Yamaguchi said that NEC Electronics was now producing at 65 per cent of capacity , versus a trough of 40 per cent in the first months of the year , but revenues were still only 70 per cent of their peak level .

  30. 进入2009年后,随着全球经济危机的影响,加之中国移动KPI绩效考核调整及整体营销策略的调整,无线音乐搜索服务的发展迅速走入谷底,结信公司也面临日益严重的收入压力。

    After the year of 2009 , there was the global economic crisis . Coupled with the adjustment of China Mobile KPI performance appraisal and the overall marketing strategy , wireless music search service developed rapidly into the bottom . Unison Company also faced growing pressure on revenues .