
  • 网络evaporation power
  1. 为了更有效地计算非均匀地表蒸发力,对现行的K-B模式加以改进。

    So as to estimate evaporation power of heterogeneous soil surface more efficiently , the K-B model is improved .

  2. 另一方面,又充分考虑大气条件,引进以Penman公式为基础的K-B模式(加以改进)计算潜在蒸发力。

    On the other hand , using improved K-B model which is based on Penman formula , the potential evaporation power is calculated .

  3. 在估算大气蒸发力方面,以参考作物蒸散量为指标,估计作物参考蒸散量的方法以联合国粮农组织(FAO)最新推荐的Penmanmonteith方法较为精细。

    The crop reference evapotranspiration , estimated from meteorological data with methods such as the Penman-Monteith method recommended by FAO , is useful for precision irrigation decision-making .

  4. 黑河干流山区流域月蒸发力计算模型

    Monthly Evaporation Capacity Model in Mountainous Region of Heihe Mainstream River

  5. 中国西北干旱地区水面蒸发力计算

    Estimation of Water Evaporative Power in the Northwestern Arid Areas of China

  6. 局部覆盖条件下土壤水分移动性能与蒸发力的关系

    Relationship Between Evaporation Potential and Movement Property of Soil Water under Partial-mulch Conditions

  7. 蒸发力估算及其在江西省农业水资源评估中的应用

    Calculation of Evaporation and its Application on Evaluating Water Resources of Agriculture in Jiangxi Province

  8. 大连沿海区蒸发力的研究

    Evaporation energies in Dalian sea area

  9. 河西地区黑河流域绿洲蒸发力特征及其计算方法

    The characteristics and calculational method of the evaporation power for oasis in Heihe River Basin in Hexi Region

  10. 黄土高原蒸发力的计算和应用&兼谈改善生态环境的途径

    The calculation and use of the potential evapotranspiration from loess plateau , & about the ways of ecological environment remedy

  11. 供暖空调能耗在建筑能耗中所占比重较大。夜间蒸发力所占比重较大是一普遍现象。

    The proportion of the energy consumption of heating and air conditioning in the building energy consumption as a whole is almost 30-50 % . It is a general phenomenon .

  12. 最终证实:当土壤质地或大气蒸发力发生变化时,植物个体可以通过导水系统的形态性适应来调节根-叶比例,以达到协调其自身水分供需平衡。

    It was finally proved that where soil texture and air evaporation varied , the plants will regulate their root-leaf ratios through the morphological adaptations of their water conducting system to keep their water balanced .

  13. 随着全球变暖,蒸发力增大,干旱的风险性变大,因此降低农业旱灾脆弱性是防旱抗旱的重要措施。

    Since the risk of drought is likely to intensify with projected global warming and increases in evaporation potential , it is critical to identify methods for minimizing the manifestation of drought conditions and reducing agriculture 's vulnerability to drought .

  14. 用彭曼原式和修正式计算干旱地区的蒸发力,个别月份误差较大。利用空气饱和差拟合得到的经验计算公式效果最佳

    The calculation error of evaporation power in arid area for few months in relatively high when the evaporation was computed with Penman ′ s original-formula and modified formula It is optimum that the experience formula is obtained by air saturation difference fitting

  15. 结果表明,山区平均月降水量、月平均气温和月蒸发力之间存在着复杂的非线性关系,降水和气温都是影响蒸发力的一个综合因子。

    The results show that the monthly average air temperature , the monthly evaporation capacity and monthly precipitation has a highly nonlinear relationship between each other . Precipitation and air temperature both are the comprehensive factors that effect the variation of the evaporation .

  16. 液滴蒸发应力腐蚀试验条件的断口分析评价

    Evaluation on the condition of DROP-EVAPORATION test for stress corrosion cracking by fractography analysis

  17. 以毛细和蒸发作用为驱动力的微泵的研制

    Studies on a Micropump Based on Evaporation and Capillary Effects

  18. 黄土高原几种土壤在非饱和条件下水分的蒸发性能和抗旱力评价

    Water evaporation from soils under unsaturated condition and evaluation for drought resistance of soils on loessal Plateau

  19. 考虑粒子受力的分布及蒸发对粒子周围力的影响,从阻力的基本机理上分析了蒸发状态下颗粒的运动阻力,给出了蒸发曳力的理论分析模型。

    From analysis of the force distribution around a high-temperature sphere locating on the water surface , it is found that the effect of evaporation surround is dominated .