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So as to estimate evaporation power of heterogeneous soil surface more efficiently , the K-B model is improved .
On the other hand , using improved K-B model which is based on Penman formula , the potential evaporation power is calculated .
The crop reference evapotranspiration , estimated from meteorological data with methods such as the Penman-Monteith method recommended by FAO , is useful for precision irrigation decision-making .
Monthly Evaporation Capacity Model in Mountainous Region of Heihe Mainstream River
Estimation of Water Evaporative Power in the Northwestern Arid Areas of China
Relationship Between Evaporation Potential and Movement Property of Soil Water under Partial-mulch Conditions
Calculation of Evaporation and its Application on Evaluating Water Resources of Agriculture in Jiangxi Province
Evaporation energies in Dalian sea area
The characteristics and calculational method of the evaporation power for oasis in Heihe River Basin in Hexi Region
The calculation and use of the potential evapotranspiration from loess plateau , & about the ways of ecological environment remedy
The proportion of the energy consumption of heating and air conditioning in the building energy consumption as a whole is almost 30-50 % . It is a general phenomenon .
It was finally proved that where soil texture and air evaporation varied , the plants will regulate their root-leaf ratios through the morphological adaptations of their water conducting system to keep their water balanced .
Since the risk of drought is likely to intensify with projected global warming and increases in evaporation potential , it is critical to identify methods for minimizing the manifestation of drought conditions and reducing agriculture 's vulnerability to drought .
The calculation error of evaporation power in arid area for few months in relatively high when the evaporation was computed with Penman ′ s original-formula and modified formula It is optimum that the experience formula is obtained by air saturation difference fitting
The results show that the monthly average air temperature , the monthly evaporation capacity and monthly precipitation has a highly nonlinear relationship between each other . Precipitation and air temperature both are the comprehensive factors that effect the variation of the evaporation .
Evaluation on the condition of DROP-EVAPORATION test for stress corrosion cracking by fractography analysis
Studies on a Micropump Based on Evaporation and Capillary Effects
Water evaporation from soils under unsaturated condition and evaluation for drought resistance of soils on loessal Plateau
From analysis of the force distribution around a high-temperature sphere locating on the water surface , it is found that the effect of evaporation surround is dominated .