
  • 网络steamed dishes;steamed vegetables
  1. JuanCarlos正在叫Marissa蒸菜,但是Marissa说,可以啊,你的展示一下怎么做&告诉我怎么做吧。

    Juan Carlos is asking Marissa to steam the vegetables , and Marissa says ," Okay , just show me how " - tell me how to do it .

  2. 例如,我们经常蒸菜。

    We often steam vegetables , for example .

  3. 而俏江南蒸菜餐厅将以其时尚、健康、丰富、精致的内涵面向中高端消费人群。

    South Beauty Steam restaurant will aim at high-and-mid-end consumers with its rich fashionability , healthiness , abundance and exquisiteness .

  4. 蒸菜时应尽量不要在中途打开锅盖,以免影响菜的口感和味道。

    Better not to open the lid . It 's better not to open the lid , otherwise the taste and flavor of the dishes would be disturbed .