
  • 网络grinding tea;Lei Tea
  1. 中国茶文化的活化石&擂茶

    On Grinding Tea , a Living Fossil in Chinese Tea Culture

  2. 擂茶是中国客家人的传统饮茶习俗,也是中国古代饮茶习俗的延续。

    Grinding tea , Hakka people 's traditional tea custom , has come down to us as Chinese tea custom from ancient times .

  3. 而中国先民早与绿茶为伍,含有丰富维生素与纤维质的擂茶,是随时补充能源的良方。

    But the Chinese have been using green tea since ancient times , and leicha , so rich in vitamins and fiber , is an excellent energy supplement at all times .

  4. 通过对擂茶的起源、制作方法、药理作用及其发展前景的研究,可以增强我们对客家人饮茶习俗及其文化内涵的了解。

    Research on grinding tea in terms of its origin , making processes , medical functions and development prospect can enhance our knowledge of Hakka people 's tea custom and its cultural intension .
