
lèi tái sài
  • an arena contest
擂台赛[lèi tái sài]
  1. 《梨园春》改版6年来,一直保持着戏曲+电视VS名人名段+擂台赛的平民大众化路线,并因此获得惊人的高收视率和市场份额。

    " Liyuanchun " has been maintaining the route since the edition correction 6 years before , which is " the drama + television VS the artists performing famous pieces of drama + challenge match " .

  2. 今年的中日围棋擂台赛进行得如何?

    How is this year 's Sino-Japan Chess Challenge Tournament going on ?

  3. 呛出最大声压,下一个可能会是你&EMMA第一场月冠军擂台赛

    Splits out the biggest sound pressure , the next possibility can be you

  4. 他参加了一个钓鱼擂台赛。

    He entered a fishing contest .

  5. 2005年作品《吉祥宝瓶》在《四川烹饪》杂志食雕、彩拼擂台赛荣获年度擂主第一名。

    2005 work " auspicious Aquarius "," Sichuan Cooking " magazine food carving , color ring to fight annual Lei Zhu won the first game .

  6. 本课题以中国机器人大赛为平台,针对大赛中的武术擂台赛仿人组的比赛任务对机器人的控制系统进行了研究和设计。

    Based on China Robot Competition , this thesis designed a kind of robot control system , which is looked forward to be performance well in Robot Martial Arts Challenge Cup .

  7. 注重应用:为配合词汇和写作的教学,我们特别设计了培养学生应用能力的英语剧;为培养学生口语和领导能力,我们又设计了英语演讲辩论擂台赛。

    Focus on reality : To learn effectively , we develop an English drama to assist students in learning the new words , and design a special debate to put what they have learned into practice .
