
  • 网络Lotus Lantern
  1. 舞蹈取材于流传在陇东、陕北的民间舞“荷花灯”。

    The original material was the " Lotus Lantern " widely spread in eastern Gansu and northern Shaanxi .

  2. 主要生产各种规格和款式的孔明灯、荷花灯、广告促销品、龙凤宫灯等工艺品。

    Specifications and production of various major contributory release a Hung Ming lantern lotus lights , advertising promotions , Longfeng palace lantern , and other crafts .

  3. 彩莲船、荷花灯、蚌壳精、舂糍粑、挂灯笼、贴春联、放鞭炮、鼓乐声声、龙腾狮舞,一个个喜庆的场面,一幅幅美丽的画帘。

    Colorful water lily boat , lotus flower lamp , red lantern , spring festival couplet , firecracker , drum and music , etc , compose a festive and joyful scene !

  4. 夜晚南湖湖面放荷花灯,以纸扎灯,下系木片,中燃红烛,飘浮水上,多至千盏。

    South Lake lake lotus lights at night put to paper-made sacrificial lamps , under the Department of chips , the burning Candle , floating in the water , up to1000 .

  5. 映衬着茫茫夜色,水面上浮动着成千上万盏酷似荷花的水灯,这种场面实在是很让人怦然心动的。

    With the dim light of the vast night at the background , millions of lanterns resembling lotuses are drifting on the river and your heart cannot but be stirred with excitement and amazement .