
  • 网络Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken;Ministry of Foreign Affairs;Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  1. 荷兰外交部部长伯特·科恩达斯(BertKoenders)的媒体秘书阿梅德·达杜(AhmedDadou)周一在接受电话采访时说:“在处理这一事件中,我们已经同乌克兰人密切合作,乌克兰方面向我们保证会调查此案。”

    Ahmed Dadou , press secretary to the Dutch minister of foreign affairs , Bert Koenders , said on Monday in a telephone interview : " We are in close contact with the Ukrainians on the proceedings in this case , and the Ukrainians have assured us that they would investigate the case . "

  2. 一天前,茨万吉拉伊宣布退出同津巴布韦总统穆加贝的决选。荷兰外交部证实,茨万吉拉伊目前在哈拉雷的荷兰大使馆里受到保护。

    The Dutch Foreign Ministry confirmed that Morgan Tsvangirai is being sheltered at the country 's embassy in Harare .

  3. 荷兰外交部证实,这名九岁男孩名叫鲁本,是南部城市提堡人。

    The Dutch foreign ministry has identified the boy as a nine-year-old from the southern city of Tilburg named Ruben .

  4. 荷兰外交部说,外交部是稍早时候作出这一决定的。在这之前,争取民主变革运动曾要求在必要的时候给予帮助。

    The ministry said the decision had been made earlier by the Foreign Minister following a request for assistance , should it be needed , from the MDC .