
diào shéng
  • lifting rope;gantline
吊绳[diào shéng]
  1. 因此,接触面的摩擦系数越大,吊绳的寿命越短;

    Based on the computational results , it is concluded that the higher friction coefficient , the shorter life of lifting rope ;

  2. 在吊绳使用之前,对吊绳进行预拉伸处理,使吊绳产生一定的预应力和预应变。

    Before the lifting rope is installed , pre-pull treatment is useful for it , that can generate preload stress and preload strain in the lifting rope .

  3. 实际上,cosh(z)的结果相当于一根吊绳两端相连后得到的形状,即悬链线。

    In nature , cosh ( z ) is the equation for the shape of a hanging rope connected at two ends , known as a catenary .

  4. 开始作业前,必须检查专用的悬吊绳。

    The dedicated hang-off line must be inspected prior to operation .

  5. 特高钢筋混凝土电杆整立的系吊绳系的设计研究

    Study on Design of Erecting Cable System of Super-high Reinforced Concrete Pole

  6. 必须定期检查大钳吊绳的滑轮和平衡铊。

    Rig tong line pulley and counterbalances must be inspected at regular intervals .

  7. 你们觉得不毁坏,吊绳的合理角度是多少?

    What do you think is reasonable without total torture for the wire ?

  8. 这只不过是一根普通的带有银质吊坠的吊绳项链。

    It 's a simple solid-silver piece at the end of that cord necklace .

  9. 分析表明,摩擦系数越小,吊绳的应力分布越均匀;

    The analysis shows that the lower friction coefficient , the more uniform stress distribution ;

  10. 在高空(如吊绳或吊架)表演的杂技演员。

    An acrobat who performs in the air ( as on a rope or trapeze ) .

  11. 那是我一生中心情最差的时候,我被用吊绳运送到了直升飞机里,

    It was one of the worst feelings of my life , as I was lifted up on that winch line into the helicopter

  12. 当这群高空冒险者从吊床出发前往150英尺高的规定休息点时,他们会把保险装备装在加固的吊绳上,确保安全。

    Highliners attach the materials to a strengthened ' highline ' as they walk out to their designated relaxation spots - 150ft high .

  13. 这款新型多用途吊绳两端的配件可悬挂多种身份证件,出入卡,钥匙等。

    The new Multi-Use Lanyard features two end fittings for attaching a variety of ID credentials , access cards , keys , and more .

  14. 吊绳有黑色,红色,蓝色,黄色和橙色,特别适合交通安全和急救人员。

    Available in black , red , royal blue , yellow , and orange , they are ideal for traffic safety and emergency personnel .

  15. 他进而开始学习瑜伽,并且为他的舞蹈艺术团“发明出”了缎带的吊绳,以帮助他们平时的训练与杂技表演。

    He continued to study yoga and invented apparatus for his dance troupe using flying silk to help them exercise and prepare for acrobatic displays .

  16. 如果你让这个角过大,吊绳也许会永远变形-,不会再回到原来的未知。

    There comes a time that if we make the angle too-large that we permanently deform the wire & it will not come back to its original position .

  17. 司钻慢慢的上提游动滑车或顶驱,由井架工或一个钻工把悬吊绳摘掉,把它绑回原处。

    The driller slowly picks up the traveling block or top drive and the derrikman or a floorman release the dedicated hanging line and tie it back safely away .

  18. 悬吊绳、拉力绳、安全绳、固定绳应该每周或每次使用前检查一次,规格(额定工作负荷)、磨损限度、损坏程度或安装。

    Suspension lines , pull lines , backup lines and snub lines should be inspected weekly and before every job for specifications ( job load ratings ), wear limits , damage , or improper installation .

  19. 鼓手人潮如海,共有2008人,他们用手打出节拍,然后,吊绳上的杂技演员轻轻地飘入场内,而烟花沿场边直冲天际。

    A sea of drummers 2,008 in all pounded out rhythms with their hands , then acrobats on wires gently wafted down into the stadium as rockets shot up into the night sky from its rim .