
  • 网络Higher specialized schools;colleges of technology
  1. 日本高等专门学校研究

    The Research on the Colleges of Technology in Japan

  2. 日本高等专门学校的优势特征分析

    An Analysis on the Superior Characteristics of Japanese Advanced Vocational School

  3. 日本高等专门学校的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of the Higher Specialized School in Japan

  4. 其实现的依次顺序为小学的初级阶段、小学的高级阶段、大学及高等专门学校、中学。

    Its realization goes through stages of lower elementary school , higher elementary school , university , higher special school and secondary school .

  5. 在日本政府的大力支持下,高等专门学校迅猛发展,并逐步形成了注重培养学生职业所必需的职业能力等办学特色,为日本工业经济建设输送了大批高质量实用专业技术人才。

    So , it gradually forms it features of training students to have vocational ability required by occupation , and provided Japanese industrial economical reconstruction with large numbers of practical specialized technical personnel .

  6. 中日两国分别于1840年和1853年被迫开国,为了向西方学习先进的现代科学知识,中日两国分别建立了大批具有高等教育性质的专门学校;

    China and Japan were forced to open to the world respectively in 1840 and 1853.In order to learn advanced modern science and technology from the West , China and Japan founded a lot of special schools .

  7. 日本高等职业教育的课程结构及启示&日本长冈工业高等专门学校的个案分析

    The Curriculum Provision of Japanese Higher Vocational Education and Its Implications In the school School